Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

WSH: Examples (W)

HTA, JScript, VBScript and WSC examples

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WSH examples
💾 Name Version Description Last modified
💾 Wallpaper.vbs 1.01 Change the Desktop's wallpaper 2008-08-13 Lots of command line switches, use /? to list all options.
💾 WANIP.vbs 2.01 Get your WAN IP address 2018-12-13 Requires XMLHTTP
💾 Week.vbs 2.00 Calculate the ISO week number for any date 2011-02-10  
💾 WGet.vbs 1.01 Display or save a web page 2011-01-06  
💾 WGetTxt.vbs 2.00 Display or save a web page without the HTML formating 2010-12-31  
💾 Which.vbs 1.20 Find out which file is executed when you type a command 2014-07-24 The VBScript version also checks for internal commands, thus emulating the behaviour of the command interpreter
💾 WhiteBackground.hta 1.00 Create a temporary white desktop background, e.g. to allow cleaner screen captures 2015-08-10 Right-click or press the ESC key to abort the HTA.
💾 WhoIs.vbs 3.00 Display the WHOIS database entry for the specified domain in the default browser 2003-01-12  
💾 WhoIs.wsc 1.01 WSC to query WHOIS for domain registration information 2007-06-14 See the Whois WSC section for more details.
💾 WhoIsCls.vbs 1.01 Class to query WHOIS for domain registration information 2007-05-05 This script demonstrates and includes my WhoIs class, which is much more flexible than my previous WhoIs scripts.
See the Whois Class section for more details.
💾 WhoIsCom.vbs 1.00 Query WHOIS for domain registration information (demo for WhoIs.wsc) 2007-06-14 This script demonstrates my WhoIs.wsc component, which is much more flexible than my previous WhoIs scripts.
See the Whois WSC section for more details.
💾 WinInVer.vbs 1.01 Display the currently installed Windows Installer version, and optionally check if it meets a required minimum version 2008-05-08  
💾 Wildcards.vbs 1.00 Handle DOS wildcards in VBScript 2017-01-31  
💾 WildcardsLE.vbs 1.00 Handle DOS wildcards in VBScript 2017-02-02 Light Edition of Wildcards.vbs handles file names only, no paths.
💾 WinVer.vbs 1.11 Display the Windows version 2005-07-26  
💾   WMIGen.hta 9.03 Generate Batch, C#, Delphi, F#, Java, JScript, KiXtart, Lua, Object Pascal, Object Rexx, Perl, PowerShell, Python, Ruby, VB .NET and VBScript code for WMI queries 2016-01-28 Discontinued; succeeded by WMIGen.exe (witten in C#).
💾 Word2Any.vbs 1.01 Convert Word documents to "any" known file format 2016-01-15 Requires Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office
💾 Word2PDF.vbs 1.11 Convert Word documents to PDF 2016-01-06 Requires Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office
💾 Word2RTF.vbs 1.00 Convert Word documents to RTF 2007-04-07 Requires Microsoft Word. 
💾 Word2XPS.vbs 1.00 Convert Word documents to XPS 2007-04-07 Requires Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007 Microsoft Office
💾 WPD2Doc.vbs 1.00 Convert WP documents to Word 2009-06-09 Requires Corel WordPerfect Office
💾 WP2PDF.vbs 1.00 Convert WP documents to PDF 2007-03-10 Requires Corel WordPerfect Office
💾 WPSaveAs.vbs 1.00 Convert WP documents to HTML or any other supported format 2007-02-12 Requires Corel WordPerfect Office
💾 WSaveAs.vbs 2.00 Convert Word documents to HTML 2011-12-12 Requires Microsoft Word. 
💾 WUpdHist.vbs 1.00 List or query the Windows Update history 2008-01-01  
💾 WSHVer.vbs 1.10 Display the WSH version number, or part of it, and optionally compare it against a required minimum version 2011-08-15  


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