Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

WMI Query Generators & Other WMI Tools

WMI Query Generators & Other WMI Tools
Product Description Programmer / Manufacturer Download Purchase
Sapien WMI Explorer WMI browser Sapien Technologies 💾 🛒
Scriptomatic Generate & run WMI queries in the scripting language of your choice (JScript, Perl, Python or VBScript) Scripting Guys 💾 Free
(validation required)
WBEMTest Test & run WMI queries Microsoft Native in Windows 2000 and later, or part of WMI CORE 1.5 for Windows 95/98/NT 4
WMI Administrative Tools (CIM Studio & WMI Object Browser) Browse and edit WMI object properties & methods Microsoft 💾 Free
WMI Code Creator Generate WMI queries in VBScript, C#, & VB .NET Microsoft 💾 Free
WMI Delphi Code Creator Generate and run WMI queries in Object Pascal (Delphi ™) The Road to Delphi 💾 Free
WMI Diagnosis Utility Diagnose and fix problems with the WMI service Microsoft 💾 Free
WMI Explorer Browse through WMI object properties & methods (included in HostMonitor package) Alexander Kozlov 💾 🛒
(Free for non-commercial use)
WMI Explorer Browse through WMI object properties & methods Sapien Technologies 💾 Free
WMIGen.exe Generate and run WMI queries in the scripting or programming language of your choice Rob van der Woude 💾 Free for personal use

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