Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Shell Extensions

Things that should have been included in Windows

Shell extension are hardly related to scripting, but even hardened scripters sometimes need to use Explorer...

I realize I'm skating on thin ice, because everyone has his or her own ideas about what should or should not be part of the Windows Explorer shell.
This list doesn't even attempt to be complete, as there are probably millions of shell extensions available on the web. I'll just start with a list of extensions I use on my own system.

Arguably, one might consider editors a category of shell extensions too. You won't find them on this page, however, because I already created a list of editors before.

The limited space for the descriptions of these tools doesn't always do them justice, so check out the authors' web sites for more details.


Shell Extensions
Product Function Programmer / Manufacturer Download Purchase
7-Zip Zip/UnZip archives Igor Pavlov 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
Agent Ransack File search Mythicsoft Ltd 💾 Free
DefOpen Add "Open with Notepad", "Print with Notepad" and "Command Prompt Here" to Explorer's context menus Rob van der Woude 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
DLL_Menu Add "Register" and "Unregister" to Explorer's context menus for DLLs & OCXs Rob van der Woude 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
FileLocator Lite File search Mythicsoft Ltd 💾 Free
FileLocator Pro File search Mythicsoft Ltd 💾 🛒
Free Launch Bar Group icons in the Quick Launch bar Tordex Software 💾 Free
ISO Recorder Burn CDs/DVDs from ISO images or folders Alex Feinman 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
IZArc Compress/decompress archives Ivan Zahariev 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
PureText Paste unformatted text from the clipboard with a single hotkey Steve Miller 💾 Free
ShExView Shell Extension Viewer NirSoft 💾 Free
Sizer Resize a window to the selected size with a mouse click Brian Apps 💾 Free
True Launch Bar Group icons in the Quick Launch bar Tordex Software 💾 🛒
WinThumbsPreloader Preload thumbnails in explorer without the need to scroll through the list Dmitry Bruhov 💾 Free

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