Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Regular Expressions Examples

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Sample Scripts Using Regular Expressions
💾 Name Description Remarks
💾 Display BIOS manufacturer & date Uses DEBUG to read info from BIOS
💾 BIOSInfo.rex Display BIOS manufacturer & date Uses DEBUG to read info from BIOS
💾 BirdName.hta Translate bird names Uses Wikipedia to find translations
💾 Backup all Windows 2000 drivers This scripts requires Microsoft's DEVCON utility
💾 BookFind.vbs Look up author and title for a specified ISBN number This scripts uses to look up author & title
💾 CameraModel.exe Return the camera model for the specified image file, optionally looking for a specific brand only Reads only the first 1024 bytes of the image file, making it faster than alternative solutions
💾 CanonModel.exe Return the Canon camera model for the specified image file Reads only the first 1024 bytes of the image file, making it faster than alternative solutions
💾 CanonReport.vbs Display a report for a Canon IR3320 printer's total print output This script may or may not work on other Canon printer models too
💾 A limited port of MS-DOS' CHOICE command More info on the CHOICE command
💾 Replace orphaned CR or LF with CR/LF pairs CR = Carriage Return, LF = Line Feed
💾 Replace CR/LF pairs with LF's only
💾 Replace double CR/LF pairs with single pairs
💾 "Cut" substrings from standard input Explained (a little) on my Unix ports page
💾 Display default printer for Windows 2000 Tested only in Windows 2000
💾 Find And Replace substrings in a string A good example of string manipulation using regular expressions
💾 ListIntCmd.exe List all available internal commands Written in C#
💾 Display title(s) of specified MIDI file(s)  
💾 Obscure an URL by converting its host name part to a decimal IP address and by optionally adding a fake logon name Your browser's security settings may block the use of decimal IP addresses
💾 PDFPageCount.bat Return the page count for the specified PDF file(s)  
💾 PDFPageCount.exe Return the page count for the specified PDF file(s) Written in C#
💾 Print a list of specified PDF files This script will only work if Acrobat Reader is the default association for PDF files
💾 Read a value from an INI file  
💾 ReadReg.bat Read a value from the registry May fail on "special" characters like & | < > and brackets.
Uses FINDSTR if available, or EGREP otherwise
💾 Read a value from the registry  
📦 Rename files using regular expressions Written by seth
💾 RFaR.vbs Regex Find and Replace Can be used to replace text in ASCII files or strings
💾 RXDir.bat Use Regular eXpressions in the DIR command Uses EGREP
💾 RxGrep.exe Multi-line GREP/FINDSTR like tool Written in C#
💾 RxReplace.exe Multi-line regex based find and replace tool Written in C#
💾 SCSI.bat (V1) Enumerate disk drives (IDE and SCSI) Version 1 uses EGREP, as of version 2 Windows 2000's internal FOR command is used instead
💾 Display video adapter manufacturer info read from video ROM Uses DEBUG (original idea by ComputerHope)
💾 UpdateCheck.hta Check if a newer version of the specified program is available, and if so offer to download it requires UpdateCheck.ini
💾 Locate the specified program file Explained (a little) on my Unix ports page

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