Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages


Unless stated otherwise, these pages, the scripts presented and their sources are copyrighted freeware.
You may modify them, as long as a reference to the original code is included in the modified code.

However, it is not allowed to publish (copies of) my scripts on your own site, or distribute them on paper, CD or by whatever medium, without my prior written consent (hence copyrighted freeware).

Use these scripts entirely at your own risk.
Many of the techniques used in these scripts, including but not limited to modifying the registry or system files and settings, impose a risk of rendering the OS inoperable and losing data.
Unless you don't mind reinstalling the OS and losing data, make sure you have a verified full backup and the associated restore software available before running any of these scripts.
The author cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct nor consequential, caused by the use of, or inability to use the techniques or programs presented here, nor the programs' sources or part of the sources.

Use of any of the techniques, programs or sources presented here implies agreement with these terms.

All trademarks including but not limited to Microsoft, Windows, NT and Vista are used for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners.

page last modified: 2015-08-24; loaded in 0.0029 seconds