VBScript Scripting Techniques
This section is dedicated to VBScript scripting techniques, how-tos,
and "code snippets" for your "snippets library".
Not many complete ready-to-run script samples here, but demo scripts,
and code snippets that can be used to "glue" together your own full-blown
I intend to gradually expand this library of VBScript snippets.
- Debugging Your Scripts
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Data & Variables
- Arrays, ArrayLists, SortedLists & Dictionary Objects
- Array
- Sort
- Display
- Reverse
- ArrayList
- SortedList
- Dictionary (also known as "associative array")
- Integers
- Integer Divide methods
- Random Numbers
- Standard VBScript
- .NET Framework
- True Random Numbers (Functions)
- True Random Numbers (Class)
- True Random Numbers (WSC)
- Roman Numerals
- Convert decimal numbers to Roman numerals
- Convert Roman numerals to decimal numbers
- Strings
- Denis St-Pierre's
Val( )
- Pad Strings
- Related subject: file encryption
- Environment Variables
- WSH Shell Object
- WMI's Win32_Environment Class
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Databases & Spreadsheets
- Read MS-Access databases (without using MS-Access)
- Read Excel files (without using Excel)
- XML Files
- Related Stuff: OLE Automation, The Connection Strings Reference
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Scripting Engines
- Force a script to run in CSCRIPT
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Working with Files
- Handle DOS Wildcards
- GetFiles
use a regular expression to handle complex DOS wildcards
- GetFilesLE
The simpler GetFilesLE (GetFiles Light Edition) handles file names only, whereas GetFiles handles file names with or without directories.
- CAB Files
- MakeCab
- Extract CAB files with System.Shell Folders' CopyHere method
- INI Files
- ReadINI
- WriteINI
- DeleteINI
- Sample Script
- KixINI.vbs
demonstrates using KiXtart COM object in VBScript to read and write INI files
- MD5 Checksums
- X-MD5
- File Encoding
- Determine a file's text encoding by examining its Byte Order Mark (BOM)
- ADODB.Stream
- Convert ASCII to UTF-8
- ADODB.Stream
- Files Encryption
- X-Base64
- Simple
encryption/decryption script
this sample script by Adriaan Westra encrypts/decrypts and scrambles/descrambles strings
- Self-Destruct
- Self-Destruct by Denis St-Pierre
- XML Files
- ZIP Files
- ZIP files and/or folders with X-ZIP
- ZIP folders with System.Shell Folders' CopyHere method
- UNZIP with X-ZIP
- UNZIP with System.Shell Folders' CopyHere method
- File Versions
- Shell.Application: ProductVersion
- WindowsInstaller.Installer: ProductVersion (*.msi)
- Scripting.FileSystemObject: GetFileVersion
- Scripting.FileSystemObject: DateLastModified
- Compare two version strings digit by digit
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Working with Folders
- Create multi-level folders like CMD.EXE's MD does
- Delete folders, empty or not, like DOS' DELTREE does
- Cruto Creations' list of special folders and the VBScript code to get their paths and list their contents
- List of Special Folder Constants
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Working with HTAs
- HTAs
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- Download Files using HTTP
- Upload & Download Files using FTP
- ChilkatFTP
- Send e-Mail Messages
- Retrieve your WAN IP address
- Internet Explorer
- Retrieve geographical information for host names or IP addresses
- GeoIP
- Use Google Calculator for unit conversion
- InternetExplorer.Application
- Read the Latest Software Version Number from a Web Page
- WinHTTP (hardcoded for Foxit Reader)
- WinHTTP (hardcoded for VBSEdit)
- WinHTTP (hardcoded for Revo Uninstaller)
- Query freedb.org CD Database
- Query WhoIs Database
- InternetExplorer.Application (Function)
- InternetExplorer.Application (Class)
- InternetExplorer.Application (WSC)
- Query Yahoo Financial Pages for Currency Exchange Rates
- WinHTTP (Function)
- WinHTTP (Class)
- True Random Numbers
(use WinHTTP to retrieve true random integers from
- RndInt (function to retrieve a single random integer)
- RndIntArr (function to retrieve multiple random integers)
- Random (class to retrieve multiple random integers)
- Random.wsc (component to retrieve multiple random integers)
- Check if Websites are Up-And-Running
- User-Agent strings
(Browser IDs)
- Related Stuff: Network Scripting
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- Check if a computer is a laptop
- Win32_Battery
- Generate an MSInfo report
- Msinfo32.MSInfo.1
- Related Stuff:
- Basic Hardware Inventory (HTA)
- Basic Software Inventory (HTA)
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- Query freedb.org CD Database
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- Resolve Host Names
- JavaWebstart
- System Scripting Runtime
- Retrieve IP Address(es)
- Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
- Ping Computers
- Win32_PingStatus
- System Scripting Runtime
- Retrieve Names
- User Name
- Computer Name
- Host Names
- Computer Domain or Workgroup Name
- User Domain Name
- Login scripts
- Connect & disconnect network drives
- Connect & disconnect network printers
and set the default printer
- Log computer access
- Log computer status & properties
- Retrieve your WAN IP address
- Internet Explorer
- Retrieve MAC Address(es)
- Win32_NetworkAdapter
- Wake Up Computers
- UltraWOL
- Related Stuff: Internet Scripting
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Object Browsers
- Editors, IDEs & Object Browsers
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OLE Automation
- Automate Outlook
- Cleanup the Sent Items folder:
delete all Sent Items that are over 2 weeks old
- Automate MS Word
- SaveAs: convert MS Word documents to HTML
- SaveAs: convert MS Word documents to PDF
- SaveAs: convert MS Word documents to RTF
- SaveAs: convert MS Word documents to XPS
- CapsLock: use MS Word (or WordPerfect) to check the CapsLock status
- More MS Office automation scripts at the Microsoft Technet ScriptCenter Office Space Archive
- Automate WordPerfect
- PublishPDF: convert WP documents to PDF
- SaveAs: convert WP documents to HTML
- Type: type and format text
- CapsLock: use WordPerfect (or MS Word) to check the CapsLock status
- Automate Excel
- XL2CSV: convert an Excel sheet to CSV.
- Create an Excel pie chart with directories of over 10MB (sample script by Adriaan Westra)
- Automate Quattro Pro
- QPro2Xls: convert a Quattro Pro spreadsheet to Excel
- An introduction to
- Automate PhotoShop, sample scripts by
Adriaan Westra
- Convert Nikon RAW images to JPG
- Create thumbnails with PhotoShop
- Create borders with PhotoShop
- Automate burning CDROMs and DVDs with IMAPI (lots of working sample scripts)
- Automate SnagIt screen captures
- Related Stuff: Databases, The Connection Strings Reference
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- Print Files
- Shell.Application
- Manage Printers
- Network Printing Tools and Settings
- Create a Printer and Printer Port by Using PrinterAdmin (Prnadmin.dll)
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Processes & Services
- Processes
- Kill Processes by Denis St-Pierre
- Get the Running Script's Process ID
- Services
- Restart Services
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- WSH Shell (local only)
- WMI StdRegProv (local or remote)
- More information on the StdRegProv and WMI Registry functionality is available on MSDN
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Regular Expressions
- Regular Expressions in VBScript
- The RegExp object
- Patterns
- Examples
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- Shortcuts
- GetShortcut by Denis St-Pierre
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Time & Date
- Delays
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User Interaction
- Browse Folder Dialog
- Shell.Application
- Change Default Printer Dialog
- MSComDlg.CommonDialog.1
- Change Password Dialog
- InternetExplorer.Application
- Select Folder Dialog
- Shell.Application
- File Open Dialog
- UserAccounts.CommonDialog
- SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen
- InternetExplorer.Application
- Exec MSHTA by Rudi Degrande and Denis St-Pierre
- File Save Dialog
- SAFRCFileDlg.FileSave
- Login Dialog
- InternetExplorer.Application
- Prompt for Passwords
- ScriptPW.Password
- InternetExplorer.Application
- Progress Bars & Progress Messages
- Progress Messages by Denis St-Pierre
- Copy Folders with Progress Bar using System.Shell Folders' CopyHere method
- Prompt for User Input
- WSH (StdIn or InputBox)
- InternetExplorer.Application
- Buttons Dialogs
- InternetExplorer.Application by Denis St-Pierre
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Windows Installer
- Get info from MSI files
by Adriaan Westra
- Extract CAB files from MSI files
by Adriaan Westra
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