VBScript Scripting Techniques > Data > Arrays
Bubble sort algorithm borrowed from the Scripting Guys.
Case insensitive sorting subroutine.
Sort array_name
Sub Sort( ByRef myArray ) Dim i, j, strHolder For i = ( UBound( myArray ) - 1 ) to 0 Step -1 For j= 0 to i If UCase( myArray( j ) ) > UCase( myArray( j + 1 ) ) Then strHolder = myArray( j + 1 ) myArray( j + 1 ) = myArray( j ) myArray( j ) = strHolder End If Next Next End Sub
List the contents of an array on screen.
WScript.Echo Join( myArray, vbCrLf )
Subroutine to reverse the order of array elements.
Reverse array_name
Sub Reverse( ByRef myArray ) Dim i, j, idxLast, idxHalf, strHolder idxLast = UBound( myArray ) idxHalf = Int( idxLast / 2 ) For i = 0 To idxHalf strHolder = myArray( i ) myArray( i ) = myArray( idxLast - i ) myArray( idxLast - i ) = strHolder Next End Sub
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