Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Inventory Tools

Inventory Tools
Product Description Programmer / Manufacturer Download Purchase
10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer View and track network computers' hardware & software 10-Strike Software 💾 🛒
Active Directory Report Builder Multi-domain auditing tool for compliance requirements Sysmalogic 💾 🛒
Basic Hardware Inventory Basic and detailed hardware summaries for any WMI enabled computer Rob van der Woude 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
Basic Software Inventory List installed software for any WMI enabled computer Rob van der Woude 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
beITsmart Online enterprise version of Belarc Advisor Belarc 💾 🛒
Belarc Advisor List installed hardware, software & license numbers, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status & CIS benchmarks Belarc 💾 Free for personal use
CPU-Z Gather CPU, mainboard and memory information Laurent Kutil & Franck Delattre 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
DriverMax List and/or backup installed drivers and check for updates Innovative Solutions 💾 Free
DriverQuery List installed drivers for any WMI enabled computer on the network Microsoft Native in Windows XP Professional and later
DXDiag DirectX Diagnostic Tool Microsoft Native in most "current" Windows versions with DirectX 6 or later installed
EZAudit Audit any PC, anywhere, anytime, without installing any software ATConsulting LLC 💾 🛒
EZAudit Remote Audit any PC remotely ATConsulting LLC Online inventory demo Free Demo
GetSystemMetrics Command line wrapper for the WINAPI (user32.dll) GetSystemMetrics function Rob van der Woude 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
LANSweeper Automatic inventory of all your Windows clients Geert Moernaut 💾 Free
MSInfo32 System inventory tool Microsoft Native in Windows 98 and later
Nmap Network exploration or security auditing tool Gordon Lyon et al. 💾 Free
PC Wizard Advanced system information Laurent Kutil & Franck Delattre 💾 Free
(donations welcome)
PSInfo Basic hardware and software inventory Mark Russinovich 💾 Free
Flexera Corporate Software Inspector Check your network installed software for updates & vulnerabilities Flexera 💾 🛒
Flexera Personal Software Inspector Check your locally installed software for updates & vulnerabilities Flexera 💾 Free for personal use
SIW Hardware and software inventory Topola Software 💾 Free for personal use
(donations welcome)
Spiceworks Network inventory & helpdesk tool Spiceworks 💾 Free
(but do read the Privacy Statement before downloading it)
WinSAT Windows System Assessment Tool Microsoft Native in Windows 7 and later
WMIC WMI Console: query WMI on the command line Microsoft Native in Windows XP Professional and later

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