Note: | I am in no way associated with PostFossil, the Youless' manufacturer, just an enthusiastic user of the device. |
The Youless LS120 Enegy Monitor is a tiny piece of hardware to collect logging information from a "slimme meter" (smart meter) through its P1 port.
It connects to your local ethernet network, and allows you to access the collected data from a cell phone (using Wifi) or computer.
Once connected, you can easily get a summary by browsing to http://youless/
The device comes with some standard apps, and spreadsheets with macros to collect the data over a longer period than the device's 1 year limt; however, what I really like about it, is the ability to get at the raw data and present it any way I want.
The Youless "API" is well documented by TD-er.
wget http://youless/a -q -O -
5162,059 kWh
203 Watt
0,000 kWh
0 Watt
Youless model : LS120 Youless firmware : 1.5.3-EL Youless MAC adres : 72-B8-A0-74-23-AF Youless IP adres : Tijdstip : 2023-03-25 11:40 Vermogen : -971 W P1 afname hoog tarief : 2588.015 kWh P1 afname laag tarief : 2745.512 kWh P1 teruglevering hoog tarief : 41.476 kWh P1 teruglevering laag tarief : 130.877 kWh Netto totaal verbruik : 5161.174 kWh Gas verbruik : 1084.677 m3
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