VBScript Scripting Techniques > Folders > Create Folders
This script by Todd Reeves allows us to create folders several levels deep all in one go, like CMD.EXE's internal MD command does.
CreateDirs (Scripting.FileSystemObject) | |
VBScript Code: | |
Option Explicit ' UNC path CreateDirs "\\MYSERVER\D$\Test01\Test02\Test03\Test04" ' Absolute path CreateDirs "D:\Test11\Test12\Test13\Test14" ' Relative path CreateDirs "Test21\Test22\Test23\Test24" Sub CreateDirs( MyDirName ) ' This subroutine creates multiple folders like CMD.EXE's internal MD command. ' By default VBScript can only create one level of folders at a time (blows ' up otherwise!). ' ' Argument: ' MyDirName [string] folder(s) to be created, single or ' multi level, absolute or relative, ' "d:\folder\subfolder" format or UNC ' ' Written by Todd Reeves ' Modified by Rob van der Woude ' http://www.robvanderwoude.com Dim arrDirs, i, idxFirst, objFSO, strDir, strDirBuild ' Create a file system object Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ' Convert relative to absolute path strDir = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName( MyDirName ) ' Split a multi level path in its "components" arrDirs = Split( strDir, "\" ) ' Check if the absolute path is UNC or not If Left( strDir, 2 ) = "\\" Then strDirBuild = "\\" & arrDirs(2) & "\" & arrDirs(3) & "\" idxFirst = 4 Else strDirBuild = arrDirs(0) & "\" idxFirst = 1 End If ' Check each (sub)folder and create it if it doesn't exist For i = idxFirst to Ubound( arrDirs ) strDirBuild = objFSO.BuildPath( strDirBuild, arrDirs(i) ) If Not objFSO.FolderExists( strDirBuild ) Then objFSO.CreateFolder strDirBuild End if Next ' Release the file system object Set objFSO= Nothing End Sub |
Requirements: | |
Windows version: | any |
Network: | N/A |
Client software: | N/A |
Script Engine: | any |
Summarized: | Works in any Windows version, with any scripting engine. |
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