Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

VBScript Scripting Techniques > Network > Resolve Host Names

Resolve Host Names


VBScript Code:
Set objJava = CreateObject( "JavaWebStart.isInstalled" )
strIP = objJava.dnsResolve( "" )
WScript.Echo "IP address of " & strIP
Set objJava = Nothing
Windows version: any
Network: TCP/IP
Client software: Java runtime
Script Engine: any
Summarized: Works in any Windows version with Java runtime installed.
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System Scripting Runtime
VBScript Code:
Set objIP = CreateObject( "SScripting.IPNetwork" )
strIP = objIP.DNSLookup( "" )
WScript.Echo "IP address of " & strIP
Set objIP = Nothing
Windows version: any
Network: TCP/IP
Client software: System Scripting Runtime
Script Engine: any
Summarized: Works in any Windows version with System Scripting Runtime is installed, with any script engine.
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page last modified: 2016-09-19; loaded in 0.0019 seconds