Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

VBScript Scripting Techniques > User Interaction > Change Password

Change Password Dialog


VBScript Code:
Function IEChangePwd( myUserName )
' This function uses Internet Explorer to create a login dialog.
' It won't close until all fields have valid values and the OK
' button is clicked.
' Version:             2.11
' Last modified:       2013-11-07
' Arguments:  [string] user name
' Returns:    [array]  the old (0) and new (1) passwords
' Written by Rob van der Woude
' Error handling code written by Denis St-Pierre
    Dim arrPwd, blnValid, objIE
    blnValid = False
    ' Create an IE object
    Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
    ' specify some of the IE window's settings
    objIE.Navigate "about:blank"
    objIE.Document.title = "Change password" & String( 80, "." )
    objIE.ToolBar        = False
    objIE.Resizable      = False
    objIE.StatusBar      = False
    objIE.Width          = 400
    objIE.Height         = 240
    ' Center the dialog window on the screen
    With objIE.Document.parentWindow.screen
        objIE.Left = (.availWidth  - objIE.Width ) \ 2
        objIE.Top  = (.availHeight - objIE.Height) \ 2
    End With
    ' Wait till IE is ready
    Do While objIE.Busy
        WScript.Sleep 200
    ' Insert the HTML code to prompt for user input
    objIE.Document.body.innerHTML = "<div align=""center""><table cellspacing=""5"">" _
                                  & "<tr nowrap><th colspan=""2"">Change password for " _
                                  & myUserName & ":</th></tr><tr nowrap><td>Old password:" _
                                  & "</td><td><input type=""password"" size=""20"" id=" _
                                  & """OldPassword""></td></tr><tr nowrap><td>New password:" _
                                  & "</td><td><input type=""password"" size=""20"" id=" _
                                  & """NewPassword""></td></tr><tr nowrap><td>Confirm " _
                                  & "password:</td><td><input type=""password"" size=""20"" " _
                                  & "id=""ConfirmPassword""></td></tr></table>" _
                                  & "<p><input type=""hidden"" id=""OK"" name=""OK"" " _
                                  & "value=""0""><input type=""submit"" value="" OK "" " _
                                  & "onclick=""VBScript:OK.value=1""></p></div>"
    ' Hide the scrollbars = "auto"
    ' Make the window visible
    objIE.Visible = True
    ' Set focus on password input field

    ' Wait for valid input (2 non-empty equal passwords)
    Do Until blnValid = True
        ' Wait till the OK button has been clicked
        On Error Resume Next
        Do While objIE.Document.all.OK.value = 0
            WScript.Sleep 200
            ' Error handling code by Denis St-Pierre
            If Err Then
                IEChangePwd = Array( "", "" )
                Set objIE = Nothing
                Exit Function
            End If
        On Error Goto 0
        ' Read the user input from the dialog window
        arrPwd = Array( objIE.Document.all.OldPassword.value, _
                        objIE.Document.all.NewPassword.value, _
                        objIE.Document.all.ConfirmPassword.value )
        ' Check if the new password and confirmed password match
        If arrPwd(1) = arrPwd(2) Then
            ' Check if the new password isn't empty
            If Trim( arrPwd(1) ) = "" Then
                MsgBox "The new password cannot be empty", _
                       vbOKOnly + vbInformation + vbApplicationModal, _
                       "Type new password"
                objIE.Document.all.NewPassword.value     = ""
                objIE.Document.all.ConfirmPassword.value = ""
                objIE.Document.all.OK.value              = 0
                blnValid = True
            End If
            MsgBox "The new and confirmed passwords do not match.", _
                   vbOKOnly + vbInformation + vbApplicationModal, _
                   "Retype new password"
            objIE.Document.all.NewPassword.value     = ""
            objIE.Document.all.ConfirmPassword.value = ""
            objIE.Document.all.OK.value              = 0
        End If
    ' Close and release the object
    Set objIE = Nothing
    ' Return the passwords in an array
    IEChangePwd = Array( arrPwd(0), arrPwd(1) )
End Function
Sample VBScript Code:
strUserName  = "JohnDoe"
arrPasswords = IEChangePwd( strUserName )
WScript.Echo "Change password for  : " & strUserName     & vbCrLf _
           & "The old password was : " & arrPasswords(0) & vbCrLf _
           & "The new password is  : " & arrPasswords(1)
Sample output:
Change password for  : JohnDoe
The old password was : oldpassword
The new password is  : NewPassword2
Internet Explorer change password dialog
Windows version: any
Network: any
Client software: Internet Explorer 4 or later
Script Engine: WSH (CSCRIPT and WSCRIPT)
(to use in HTAs, remove both WScript.Sleep lines)
Summarized: Works in all Windows versions with Internet Explorer 4 or later, remove both WScript.Sleep lines to use in HTAs.
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page last modified: 2016-09-19; loaded in 0.0037 seconds