VBScript Scripting Techniques > User Interaction > Progress Messages
WSH (MsgBox) | |
VBScript Code: | |
Function ProgressMsg( strMessage, strWindowTitle ) ' Written by Denis St-Pierre ' Displays a progress message box that the originating script can kill in both 2k and XP ' If StrMessage is blank, take down previous progress message box ' Using 4096 in Msgbox below makes the progress message float on top of things ' CAVEAT: You must have Dim ObjProgressMsg at the top of your script for this to work as described Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) strTEMP = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%TEMP%" ) If strMessage = "" Then ' Disable Error Checking in case objProgressMsg doesn't exists yet On Error Resume Next ' Kill ProgressMsg objProgressMsg.Terminate( ) ' Re-enable Error Checking On Error Goto 0 Exit Function End If Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strTempVBS = strTEMP + "\" & "Message.vbs" 'Control File for reboot ' Create Message.vbs, True=overwrite Set objTempMessage = objFSO.CreateTextFile( strTempVBS, True ) objTempMessage.WriteLine( "MsgBox""" & strMessage & """, 4096, """ & strWindowTitle & """" ) objTempMessage.Close ' Disable Error Checking in case objProgressMsg doesn't exists yet On Error Resume Next ' Kills the Previous ProgressMsg objProgressMsg.Terminate( ) ' Re-enable Error Checking On Error Goto 0 ' Trigger objProgressMsg and keep an object on it Set objProgressMsg = WshShell.Exec( "%windir%\system32\wscript.exe " & strTempVBS ) Set wshShell = Nothing Set objFSO = Nothing End Function |
Requirements: | |
Windows version: | any |
Network: | N/A |
Client software: | N/A |
Script Engine: | any |
Summarized: | Works in any Windows version. |
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Usage Sample: | |
' Makes the object a Public object (Critical!) Dim objProgressMsg ' *** Usage example strWindowTitle = "AppName_1_0" ProgressMsg "Installing, Please wait.", strWindowTitle ' Do work here that will take a long time WScript.Sleep 3000 ProgressMsg "I'm installing app #2, Please wait.", strWindowTitle WScript.Sleep 3000 ' Removes previous ProgressMsg ProgressMsg "", strWindowTitle WScript.Sleep 3000 ' Doing it this way leaves the msgbox ProgressMsg "Done", strWindowTitle WScript.Quit ' *** End Usage example |
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