VBScript Scripting Techniques > Network > WhoIs
InternetExplorer.Application (WSC) | |
VBScript Code: | |
Option Explicit Dim objFSO, objWhois, strWSC On Error Resume Next ' First let's see if the component is registered Set objWhois = CreateObject( "robvanderwoude.Whois.2" ) If Err Then ' If not, check if it exists in the current directory ' and use an alternative method to reference the component Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) With objFSO strWSC = .BuildPath( .GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName ), "Whois.wsc" ) If .FileExists( strWSC ) Then strWSC = "script:" & strWSC Set objWhois = GetObject( strWSC ) Else WScript.Echo "Whois.wsc not registered, " _ & "nor found in current directory" End If End With Set objFSO = Nothing End If On Error Goto 0 ' Abort if we couldn't instantiate the object If Not IsObject( objWhois ) Then WScript.Quit ' Set the required properties and query the Whois database objWhois.DomainName = "youtube.com" objWhois.ConnectTimeOut = 20 objWhois.Debug = False objWhois.Query ' Display the results WScript.Echo "Debug Status : " & objWhois.Debug WScript.Echo "Domain Name : " & objWhois.DomainName If objWhois.ErrorNumber Then WScript.Echo "Error Number : " & objWhois.ErrorNumber WScript.Echo "Error Source : " & objWhois.ErrorSource WScript.Echo "Error Description : " & objWhois.ErrorDescription Else WScript.Echo "Registrar : " & objWhois.Registrar WScript.Echo "Whois Server : " & objWhois.WhoisServer WScript.Echo "Referral URL : " & objWhois.ReferralURL WScript.Echo "Name Servers : " & objWhois.NameServers WScript.Echo "Status : " & objWhois.Status WScript.Echo "Creation Date : " & objWhois.CreationDate WScript.Echo "Last Updated : " & objWhois.DateUpdated WScript.Echo "Expiration Date : " & objWhois.ExpirationDate End If ' Release the object Set objWhois = Nothing |
Windows Script Component Source Code: | |
<?xml version="1.0"?> <component> <?component error="false" debug="false"?> <registration description="Whois" progid="robvanderwoude.Whois" version="2" classid="{5d7c21e6-3597-4ed4-8f54-96792f30a603}" > </registration> <public> <property name="ConnectTimeOut"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="CreationDate"> <get/> </property> <property name="DateUpdated"> <get/> </property> <property name="Debug"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="DomainName"> <get/> <put/> </property> <property name="ErrorDescription"> <get/> </property> <property name="ErrorNumber"> <get/> </property> <property name="ErrorSource"> <get/> </property> <property name="ExpirationDate"> <get/> </property> <property name="NameServers"> <get/> </property> <property name="ReferralURL"> <get/> </property> <property name="Registrar"> <get/> </property> <property name="Status"> <get/> </property> <property name="Version"> <get/> </property> <property name="WhoisServer"> <get/> </property> <method name="Query"> </method> </public> <implements type="Behavior" id="Behavior"/> <script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[ ' This component uses Network Solutions, Inc.'s WhoIs page to retrieve ' information for .com, .org, and .net domains. ' Note that this component will break as soon as Network Solution ' alters the layout of the WhoIs results page. ' ' DomainName R/W [string] domain name to be queried, e.g. "google.com" ' ConnectTimeOut R/W [integer] time-out in seconds, default 15 ' CreationDate R [date] creation date of the whois record ' DateUpdated R [date] date of the whois record's last update ' Debug R/W [boolean] if TRUE, Internet Explorer window will become ' and remain visible, and will not be terminated ' ErrorDescription R [string] a short description of the error that occurred ' ErrorNumber R [integer] 0: ok, 462: connection error or time-out, ' 10001: query error, 10002: can't handle return ' format (as in .edu domains) ' ErrorSource R [string] a short description of the source of the error ' ExpirationDate R [date] expiration date of the whois record ' NameServers R [string] comma separated list of DNS servers ' ReferralURL ** R [string] URL of registrar's website ' Registrar R [string] company name of registrar ' Status R [string] comma separated list of domain registry flags ' Version R [string] version number of this class ' WhoisServer ** R [string] hostname of the registrar's whois server ' ** property empty for .org domains ' ' Method: ' Query( ) start the query for the domain specified by DomainName ' ' Change Log: ' May 5, 2007 Added Debug, ErrorNumber, ErrorDescription, ErrorSource ' and Version properties, fixed errors in .org domain handling ' April 29, 2007 First public release ' ' Written by Rob van der Woude ' http://www.robvanderwoude.com Option Explicit Dim blnTimedOut, ConnectTimeOut, CreationDate, DateUpdated, Debug, DomainName Dim ErrorDescription, ErrorNumber, ErrorSource, ExpirationDate Dim NameServers, ReferralURL, Registrar, Status, Version, WhoisServer blnTimedOut = False ConnectTimeOut = 15 Debug = False Version = "2.00" Function get_ConnectTimeOut( ) get_ConnectTimeOut = ConnectTimeOut End Function Function put_ConnectTimeOut( newValue ) If IsNumeric( newValue ) Then ConnectTimeOut = Abs( CInt( newValue ) ) Else ConnectTimeOut = 0 Err.Raise 5 End If End Function Function get_CreationDate( ) get_CreationDate = CreationDate End Function Function get_DateUpdated( ) get_DateUpdated = DateUpdated End Function Function get_Debug( ) get_Debug = Debug End Function Function put_Debug( newValue ) Debug = CBool( newValue ) End Function Function get_DomainName( ) get_DomainName = DomainName End Function Function put_DomainName( newValue ) Dim colMatches, objRE newValue = Trim( LCase( newValue ) ) ' Check the format of the domain name Set objRE = New RegExp objRE.Global = False objRE.IgnoreCase = True objRE.Pattern = "ˆ[a-z][a-z_0-9-]+\.[a-z]{2,8}$" Set colMatches = objRE.Execute( newValue ) If colMatches.Count = 1 Then DomainName = newValue Else DomainName = "" Err.Raise 5 End If Set colMatches = Nothing Set objRE = Nothing End Function Function get_ErrorDescription( ) get_ErrorDescription = ErrorDescription End Function Function get_ErrorNumber( ) get_ErrorNumber = ErrorNumber End Function Function get_ErrorSource( ) get_ErrorSource = ErrorSource End Function Function get_ExpirationDate( ) get_ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate End Function Function get_NameServers( ) get_NameServers = NameServers End Function Function get_ReferralURL( ) get_ReferralURL = ReferralURL End Function Function get_Registrar( ) get_Registrar = Registrar End Function Function get_Status( ) get_Status = Status End Function Function get_Version( ) get_Version = Version End Function Function get_WhoisServer( ) get_WhoisServer = WhoisServer End Function Sub Delay( seconds ) Dim wshShell Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) wshShell.Run "ping -n " & ( seconds + 1 ) & "", 0, True Set wshShell = Nothing End Sub Sub Delay( seconds ) Dim wshShell Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) wshShell.Run "ping -n " & ( seconds + 1 ) & "", 0, True Set wshShell = Nothing End Sub Function Query( ) Dim arrLine, arrStatus, arrString, arrText, colMatches, i, objIE, objRE, strStatus, strString, x ' Open the appropriate NetSol WhoIs URL in ' an "invisible" Internet Explorer window Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" ) objIE.Visible = Debug objIE.Navigate2 "https://www.networksolutions.com/whois/" _ & "registry-data.jsp?domain=" & DomainName ' Wait till IE is ready Do While objIE.Busy ' Wait 1 second Delay 1 i = i + 1 ' Time out after the number of seconds ' specified by the ConnectTimeOut property If i > ConnectTimeOut * 5 Then blnTimedOut = True Exit Do End If Loop ' Retrieve the URL's text and save it in an array If Not blnTimedOut Then arrText = Split( objIE.Document.Body.InnerText, vbCrLf ) End If ' Close the Internet Explorer session, unless Debug is true If Not Debug Then objIE.Quit Set objIE = Nothing End If ' Check if a time-out occurred, and return the result If blnTimedOut = False Then For i = 0 To UBound( arrText ) ' Filter out the lines starting with 3 spaces Set objRE = New RegExp objRE.Global = False objRE.IgnoreCase = True If LCase( Right( DomainName, 4 ) ) = ".org" Then objRE.Pattern = "ˆ[a-z ]+:.{5,}" Else objRE.Pattern = "ˆ +[a-z ]+: .{5,}" End If Set colMatches = objRE.Execute( arrText(i) ) If colMatches.Count = 1 Then arrLine = Split( arrText(i), ":" ) Select Case Trim( LCase( arrLine(0) ) ) Case "registrar" arrString = Split( LCase( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) ) For x = 0 To UBound( arrString ) strString = strString & " " _ & UCase( Left( arrString(x), 1 ) ) _ & Mid( arrString(x), 2 ) Next Registrar = Trim( strString ) Case "sponsoring registrar" Registrar = Trim( Split( arrLine(1), "(" )(0) ) Case "whois server" WhoisServer = Trim( arrLine(1) ) Case "referral url" ReferralURL = Trim( arrLine(1) ) & ":" _ & Trim( arrLine(2) ) Case "name server" If NameServers = "" Then NameServers = LCase( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) Else NameServers = NameServers & "," _ & LCase( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) End If Case "status" strStatus = Trim( arrLine(1) ) If InStr( strStatus, " " ) Then arrStatus = Split( LCase( strStatus ), " " ) strStatus = arrStatus(0) _ & UCase( Left( arrStatus(1), 1 ) ) _ & Mid( arrStatus(1), 2 ) _ & UCase( Left( arrStatus(2), 1 ) ) _ & Mid( arrStatus(2), 2 ) End If If Status = "" Then Status = Trim( strStatus ) Else Status = Status & "," _ & Trim( strStatus ) End If Case "updated date" DateUpdated = CDate( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) Case "last updated on" DateUpdated = CDate( Trim( Split( arrLine(1), " " )(0) ) ) Case "creation date" CreationDate = CDate( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) Case "created on" CreationDate = CDate( Trim( Split( arrLine(1), " " )(0) ) ) Case "expiration date" If LCase( Right( DomainName, 4 ) ) = ".org" Then ExpirationDate = CDate( Trim( Split( arrLine(1), " " )(0) ) ) Else ExpirationDate = CDate( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) End If End Select End If Set colMatches = Nothing Set objRE = Nothing Next If Registrar = "" Then ErrorNumber = 10001 ErrorDescription = "Unable to retrieve domain registry info." ErrorSource = "Whois WSC " & Version End If Else ErrorNumber = 462 ErrorDescription = "The connection timed out. " _ & "The remote server machine does " _ & "not exist or is unavailable." If ConnectTimeOut < 45 Then ErrorDescription = ErrorDescription _ & " Try a longer time-out interval." End If ErrorSource = "Internet Explorer connection time-out" End If End Function ]]> </script> </component> |
Sample output: | |
Debug Status : False Domain Name : youtube.com Registrar : Network Solutions, Llc. Whois Server : whois.networksolutions.com Referral URL : http://www.networksolutions.com Name Servers : dns1.sjl.youtube.com,dns2.sjl.youtube.com Status : clientDeleteProhibited,clientTransferProhibited,clientUpdateProhibited Creation Date : 15-02-2005 Last Updated : 01-11-2006 Expiration Date : 15-02-2009 |
Requirements: | |
Windows version: | any |
Network: | any (Internet connection) |
Client software: | Internet Explorer 4 or later |
Script Engine: | any |
Summarized: | Works in all Windows versions with Internet Explorer 4 or later, and an Internet connection. To run the script requires that Whois.wsc is either registered or located in the same directory as the script itself. ![]() |
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