Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

VBScript Scripting Techniques > Network > WhoIs

Query WhoIs Database

  1. InternetExplorer.Application (Function)
  2. InternetExplorer.Application (Class)
  3. InternetExplorer.Application (WSC)


InternetExplorer.Application (Function)
VBScript Code:
Option Explicit

WScript.Echo NetSolWhoIs( "", 10 )

Function NetSolWhoIs( myDomain, myTimeOut )
' This function uses Network Solutions, Inc.'s WhoIs page to
' retrieve information for .com, .org, and .net (and other)
' domains.
' Note that this function will break as soon as Network
' Solution alters the layout of the WhoIs results page.
' Arguments:
' myDomain   [string]   domain name to be queried,
'                       e.g. ""
' myTimeOut  [integer]  time-out in seconds
' Returns:
' Formatted WhoIs information (multi-line string)
' Written by Rob van der Woude

    Dim arrLine, arrText, blnTimedOut, i, objIE

    ' Open the appropriate NetSol WhoIs URL in Internet Explorer
    Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
    objIE.Visible = False
    objIE.Navigate2 "" _
                  & "registry-data.jsp?domain=" & Trim( myDomain )

    ' Wait till IE is ready
    i = 0
    blnTimedOut = False
    Do While objIE.Busy
        WScript.Sleep 100
        i = i + 1
        ' Time out after the specified number of seconds
        If i > CInt( myTimeOut * 10 ) Then
            blnTimedOut = True
            Exit Do
        End If

    ' Retrieve the URL's text and save it in an array
    If Not blnTimedOut Then
        arrText = Split( objIE.Document.Body.InnerText, vbLf )
    End If

    ' Close the Internet Explorer session
    Set objIE = Nothing

    ' Check if a time-out occurred, and return the result
    If blnTimedOut Then
        NetSolWhoIs = "-- timed out --"
        ' Filter out the lines starting with 3 spaces
        For i = 0 To UBound( arrText )
            If Left( arrText(i), 3 ) = "   " Then
                arrLine = Split( arrText(i), ":" )
                ' Add the line to the function's return value
                NetSolWhoIs = NetSolWhoIs _
                            & Left( Trim( arrLine(0) ) _
                            & String( 20, " " ), 20 ) _
                            & arrLine(1)
                If UBound( arrLine ) = 2 Then
                    NetSolWhoIs = NetSolWhoIs _
                                & ":" & arrLine(2)
                End If
                NetSolWhoIs = NetSolWhoIs & vbCrLf
            End If
    End If
End Function
Sample Output:
Domain Name          GOOGLE.COM
Registrar            MARKMONITOR, INC.
Whois Server
Referral URL
Name Server          NS1.GOOGLE.COM
Name Server          NS2.GOOGLE.COM
Name Server          NS3.GOOGLE.COM
Name Server          NS4.GOOGLE.COM
Status               clientDeleteProhibited
Status               clientTransferProhibited
Status               clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date         10-apr-2006
Creation Date        15-sep-1997
Expiration Date      14-sep-2011
Windows version: any
Network: any (Internet connection)
Client software: Internet Explorer 4 or later
Script Engine: WSH
Summarized: Works in all Windows versions with Internet Explorer 4 or later, and an Internet connection.
Needs to be modified (replace WScript.Sleep) to work in HTAs.
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