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Batch Files: Examples (D)

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Batch file examples
💾 Name Version Description OS (1) Last modified Remarks
💾 DateAdd.bat 2.02 Add/subtract a specified number of days to/from a specified date XP 2018-08-22 Requires WMIC.
For Windows XP and later.
Based on Fliegel-Van Flandern Julian date conversion algorithms from the Astronomical Almanac, provided by Doctor Fenton on the Math Forum and converted to batch code by Ron Bakowski.
💾 DateAddNT4.bat 1.10 Add/subtract a specified number of days to/from a specified date NT 2007-02-12 Requires REGEDIT.
For Windows NT4 and 2000.
Based on Fliegel-Van Flandern Julian date conversion algorithms from the Astronomical Almanac, provided by Doctor Fenton on the Math Forum and converted to batch code by Ron Bakowski.
💾 DateDiff.bat 1.11 Calculate the difference in days between two dates XP 2018-12-10 Based on Fliegel-Van Flandern Julian date conversion algorithms from the Astronomical Almanac, provided by Doctor Fenton on the Math Forum and converted to batch code by Ron Bakowski.
💾 DateFmt.bat   Show the current date in the specified format NT 2008-08-07 Inspired by Simon Sheppard's GetDate.bat.
💾 DatePart.bat 1.00 Return the specified numerical part of the current date or time NT 2008-11-15 Batch "wrapper" for VBScript's DatePart( ) function.
💾 DatePart.cmd 3.20 Return the specified numerical part of the current date or time XP 2013-02-26 Requires WMIC
💾 DateTime   Store week day, current date and current time in environment variables All Take a look at SortDate and SortTime for an NT version with language independent sorting, or at DateErrT for a version that uses ErrTime by Phil Money to remain virtually OS independent.
📦 DateTime.cmd   Return the current date as errorlevel in YYYYMMDD format XP 2009-04-27 Written by Justin.
Works only in Windows XP.
Requires modifications to work on non-US systems.
💾 DDLU.bat 1.00 Don't Display Last Username: clears the last user name from the login dialog box permanently. NT 2001-12-20 Use CLLUN.bat instead to remove the last logon user name just this once.
See the Related Stuff section for a note on "Don't Display Last Username" in Vista and Windows 7.
💾 DeadProf.bat 1.00 Delete inactive corrupted profiles for current user NT 2000-09-15  
💾 Dec2Bin.bat   Convert decimal numbers to binary NT 2010-07-15 Requires PHP
💾 Dec2Hex.bat 3.00 Convert a decimal number to "7.5" digit hexadecimal NT 2022-02-22 This batch file uses a "poorly documented" feature of the PING command to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal.
Also available in KiXtart, Perl, Rexx and VBScript.
💾 Dec2Hex.bat   Convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal NT 2010-07-15 Requires PHP
💾 DecToBin.bat 1.00 Convert a decimal number to 31-bit binary NT 2022-03-13 This batch file uses CMD.EXE's internal commands only.
💾 DecToHex.bat 2.01 Convert a decimal number to "7.5" digit hexadecimal NT 2022-02-23 This batch file uses CMD.EXE's internal commands only.
Also available in KiXtart, Perl, Rexx and VBScript.
📦 DecToHex3P.bat 1.00 Convert a decimal number to hexadecimal NT 2006-08-24 Written by Richard K. Bussey.
💾 DecToOct.bat 1.01 Convert a decimal number to "10.5" digit octal NT 2022-02-23 This batch file uses CMD.EXE's internal commands only.
💾 DefaultQuickEditMode.bat 1.00 Get or set the default Quick-Edit mode for console windows NT 2022-03-19  
💾 DefOpen.bat 3.00 Create a default file association to Notepad and add "Open with Notepad", "Print with Notepad" and "Command Prompt Here" options to popup menus 95 98 NT 2000 XP 2007-11-21 Based on a tip by
More details on my REGEDIT page.
💾 DefPRN.bat   Display default printer name NT 1999-11-07 Also available as OS/2 Rexx, Windows Rexx, JScript, KiXtart, Perl and VBScript scripts.
💾 DefPRN2K.bat 1.00 Display default printer name W2K 2002-02-13 Also available as OS/2 Rexx, Windows Rexx, JScript, KiXtart, Perl and VBScript scripts.
💾 DelFlash.bat 2.01 Delete "Local Shared Objects", a.k.a. "Flash Cookies", from the current user's profile NT 2015-10-20 Use entirely at your own risk!.
💾 DelOutlX.bat   Uninstall Outlook Express (BETA!) W2K 2003-12-20 Tested on 1 Windows 2000 computer only.
Use entirely at your own risk!.
💾 DelProf.bat   Delete specified profile (BETA!) NT 2003-12-17 Still in beta! That is why the most destructive command of the batch file is echoed only.
💾 Desktop.bat 2.00 Save all desktop shortcuts as a batch file that can recreate those shortcuts again (Desktop backup) NT 2001-08-05 Requires SHORTCUT
📦 DHCPScopes.bat 6.8.18 List all authorized DHCP servers on the domain and log all active scopes XP 2006-08-17 Requires NETSH.
Written by Josh Murray.
💾 DirComp.bat 3.30 Compare the total number of files, total file size, timestamps and contents of 2 directories NT 2014-10-01 Requires FCIV.
Uses FC to compare FCIV listings of the 2 directories, so the lines preceeding and following the detected differences will also be displayed on screen.
💾 Disabled.bat 1.00 Lists all disabled user accounts NT 2000-09-21  
💾 DisableCompatTelRunner.bat 1.00 Disable scheduled Application Experience tasks to speed up Windows startup W7 2017-05-09  
💾   DiskFree   Check amount of free disk space, the hard way All Use FreeSpace.vbs if you need a more reliable tool.
💾 DiskSpc.bat 3.10 Display harddisk summary for any WMI enabled computer or for a list of computers XP 2006-10-02 Requires WMIC
💾 DiskUse4.bat 4.20 List the disk usage for every subdirectory NT4 2014-10-01 Returns negative numbers if total file sizes exceed 2GB.
Also available as Rexx script.
💾 DiskUse.bat 5.10 List the disk usage for every subdirectory W2K 2014-10-01 Fixed negative numbers bug for Windows 2000/XP.
Also available as Rexx script.
💾 DispEDID.bat 1.01 Display your monitor's EDID asset information XP 2007-02-20 Also available in VBScript.
💾 Dll_Menu.bat 1.01 Add "Register" and "Unregister" to Explorer's context menu for DLLs and OCXs W2K 2014-10-01  
💾 dNFxVer.bat 1.01 List the installed .NET Framework versions W2K 2010-08-26 Requires GetUnins.vbs.
Windows 2000 and XP only.
💾 DNSServers.bat 1.00 List the configured DNS servers for each network adapter XP 2011-11-17 Requires WMIC
💾 DotNetFxVer.bat 1.01 List installed .NET Framework versions for any computer W2K 2017-06-16 Unlike similar batch files that query the registry, this one checks mscorlib.dll's file version.
💾 DriveRdy.bat   Check if (removable) drive is ready DOS6+ OS2 1999-07-18 Also available as OS/2 Rexx script.
💾 Drives.bat 2.01 List drive letters and types XP 2012-04-20 Requires WMIC
💾 DrivesXPHome.bat 1.01 List local drive letters and types W2K 2003-12-17 This version is for Windows 2000 and XP Home only.
💾 DrivUsed.bat 1.00 List used and available drive letters XP 2007-12-30  
💾 DxSound.bat 1.00 List selected DirectX properties for all sound devices XP 2011-09-23 Requires DxDiag.exe (native) and XML Starlet
💾 DxVideo.bat 1.01 List selected DirectX properties for all video cards/monitors XP 2011-09-23 Requires DxDiag.exe (native) and XML Starlet


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Notes: (1) Operating System version these batch files were written for
All No version specific commands are used, though it is (obviously) not tested with every DOS version available
95 Windows 95 (and probably Windows 98 as well)
98 Windows 98
DOS3 MS-DOS 3 and 4
DOS6+ MS-DOS 6 and later
NT Windows NT 4 and later
NT4 Windows NT 4 (Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition too)
W2K Windows 2000 and later
XP Windows XP
W2K3 Windows Server 2003
W2K8 Windows Server 2008
W10 Windows 10
WV Windows Vista
W2K8R2 Windows Server 2008 Release 2
W7 Windows 7
OS2 OS/2 Warp
TS Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 200* with Terminal Services

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