Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

Batch Files: Examples (G)

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Batch file examples
💾 Name Version Description OS (1) Last modified Remarks
📦 GetAllUserDetails.bat 1.00 List details of all user account W2K 2006-09-13 Requires GetUserDetails.bat.
Written by Florian Dörr.
💾 GetCDROMDrives.bat 1.00 List all CDROM drives for the local computer W7 2010-09-06 Requires REG 6.1. 
💾 GetCDROMDrivesXP.bat 1.10 List all CDROM drives for the local computer XP 2010-09-06 Requires REG 3.0. 
💾 GetDefaultBrowser.bat 1.03 Demo script to try and detect the default browser W10 2023-03-13 Registy value locations provided by Joe Caverly and Steve Robertson.
💾 GetDevDJ.bat 1.00 Check if a HP DeskJet printer driver is installed NT 2002-03-30 Requires DEVCON.
Tip by Eric Krause.
💾 GetDeviceClassGUID.bat 2.00 List Device Interface GUID(s) for the specified Device Class W10 2024-02-27 Requires DEVCON
💾 GetDevLT.bat 1.00 Check if a Logitech mouse driver is installed NT 2002-03-30 Requires DEVCON.
Tip by Eric Krause.
💾 GetDevSB.bat 1.00 Check if a Creative Sound Blaster driver is installed NT 2002-03-30 Requires DEVCON.
Tip by Eric Krause.
💾 GetFlashDrives.bat 1.00 List all removable "flash" drives for the local computer W7 2010-09-06 Requires REG 6.1. 
💾 GetFlashDrivesXP.bat 1.00 List all removable "flash" drives for the local computer XP 2010-09-15 Requires REG 3.0. 
💾 GetID.bat 1.02 Search and display login and full names based on part of a user's full name (fails on migrated NT4 user accounts) W2K3 2004-08-06 Requires Windows Server 2003's DS Tools
💾 GetIP.cmd 3.00 Show PC's IP address (both Windows NT/2000/XP and OS/2 Warp/eCS) NT OS2 2002-02-09  
💾 GetIP98.bat 1.00 Show PC's IP address (Windows 98) 98 2001-02-16  
💾 GetLastDrive.bat 1.00 Return the last ("highest") drive letter used on the local computer W7 2010-09-06 Requires REG 6.1. 
💾 GetLastDriveXP.bat 1.00 Return the last ("highest") drive letter used on the local computer XP 2010-09-16 Requires REG 3.0. 
💾 GetLocation.bat 1.00 Open OpenStreetMap on the GPS coordinates of the specified photograph W10 2024-08-24 Requires Phil Harvey's ExifTool
💾 GetMacXP.bat 1.00 Show MAC address of any computer in the workgroup or domain NT 2006-09-06  
💾 GetPorts.bat 2.12 Show I/O addresses for serial and parallel ports All 1999-10-16 Also available as Perl script.
💾 GetPrn.bat 1.01 Display default printer for current user and list all printers for local system. NT 2001-03-08 Requires REG 1.0 or 2.0.
Works on NetBIOS/LAN Manager networks.
💾 GetPrn2.bat 1.00 Display default printer for current user and list all printers for local system. NT 2001-03-08 Requires REG 1.0 or 2.0.
Works on "real" NT networks.
💾 GetRAM.bat 1.10 Show the amount of RAM in MB NT 2001-07-17 Use Memory.bat if more speed is required.
💾 GetRAM.bat 2.00 Show the amount of RAM in MB W2K 2002-05-05 Use Memory.bat if more speed is required.
💾 GetRes.bat 1.00 Show display resolution and refresh rate NT 2001-09-09 Requires REG 1.0 or 2.0.
Also available as OS/2 Rexx script.
💾 GetRes.bat 2.00 Show display resolution and refresh rate NT4 2001-09-09 Also available as OS/2 Rexx script.
💾 GetRes.bat 3.00 Show display resolution and refresh rate NT 2002-11-04 Also available as OS/2 Rexx script.
💾 GetRes.bat 4.00 Show display resolution and refresh rate XP 2007-05-22 Also available as OS/2 Rexx script.
💾 GetUninstall.bat 2.10 Find the uninstall command(s) for the specified program WV 2015-11-21 Also available as VBScript script.
📦 GetUserDetails.bat 1.00 List details of the specified user account W2K 2006-09-13 Written by Florian Dörr.
💾 GetVideo.bat 1.01 Display the video card(s) model(s) and memory size(s) W7 2018-03-11 Works in "regular" Windows as well as WinPE environments.
Thanks to James Hudgins for correcting a bug in the first version.
💾 GifList.bat   Display all GIF files in your web browser All 1999-03-21 Consists of 3 interdependent batch files.
💾 GrMember.bat   Displays the members of the specified group(s). W2K 2005-04-03 Requires Windows Server 2003's DS Tools
📦 Groundhog.bat 1.00 Temporarily changes the date and then runs the specified command NT 2004-09-29 Written by Bruno Mota.
💾 GUIEnvironment.bat   Edit NT's environment values in GUI mode NT4 2001-05-12 Incorrect changes to NT's environment may cause serious system software malfunctions. Use entirely at your own risk!.


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Notes: (1) Operating System version these batch files were written for
All No version specific commands are used, though it is (obviously) not tested with every DOS version available
95 Windows 95 (and probably Windows 98 as well)
98 Windows 98
DOS3 MS-DOS 3 and 4
DOS6+ MS-DOS 6 and later
NT Windows NT 4 and later
NT4 Windows NT 4 (Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition too)
W2K Windows 2000 and later
XP Windows XP
W2K3 Windows Server 2003
W2K8 Windows Server 2008
W10 Windows 10
WV Windows Vista
W2K8R2 Windows Server 2008 Release 2
W7 Windows 7
OS2 OS/2 Warp
TS Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 200* with Terminal Services

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