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Batch file examples | |||||||
💾 | ❔ | Name | Version | Description | OS (1) | Last modified | Remarks |
📦 | ❔ | A2U.bat | 1.10 | Convert ASCII text files to valid Unicode | W2K | 2011-05-10 | Written by Carlos M. |
💾 | ❔ | ActUsr.bat | 1.00 | Display computers on the network and their logged on users | NT | 2002-09-30 | |
📦 | ❔ | Add.cmd | 1.02 | Add really big numbers (beyond Windows' 32-bit integer limits) | NT | 2012-07-20 | Written by Brian Williams. |
💾 | ❔ | AddIPPrn.bat | 1.01 | Add a local TCP/IP printer on any W2K/XP computer in the network | W2K | 2006-01-31 | Requires PRNADMIN.DLL. |
📦 | ❔ | AddMySQLPort.bat | 1.00 | Open port 3306 for MySQL in XP's Firewall | XP | 2006-07-29 | Requires NETSH. Written by Willi Huber. |
💾 | ❔ | AddPrint.bat | 1.01 | Add a network printer on any W2K/XP computer in the network | W2K | 2005-06-11 | |
📦 | ❔ | AdminGrp.bat | 3.00 | Remotely update Local Administrator groups on all PCs in a domain (except PCs listed in an exclusion file) | NT | 2000-11-29 | Requires USR2GRP. Written by Kenneth C. Mazie, Kaiser Permanente National Server Operations - Walnut Creek, CA. |
💾 | ❔ | AdOnGone.bat | 1.00 | Restore disappeared Firefox add-ons after a Firefox update | W2K | 2008-03-28 | |
💾 | ❔ | ADSHelp.bat | 2.11 | Create a (HTML) help file for "all" Directory Service Command Line Tools in Windows Server 2003 | W2K3 | 2015-08-14 | Requires Windows Server 2003's DS Tools. Will only display help for the OS in which the HTML file was created -- in the language of that OS version, as is demonstrated here. |
💾 | ❔ | AirRegNCmd.cmd | 1.00 | Search downloaded FAA registry database files for an aircraft registration number ("N-number") | XP | 2020-02-13 | |
💾 | ❔ | AllHelp.bat | 1.40 | Create a (HTML) help file for "all" NT4/2000/XP commands | NT | 2006-10-26 | More details and samples of generated HTML pages on my AllHelp page. |
💾 | ❔ | APIPA.bat | 1.00 | Display or modify Windows 2000 IP Autoconfiguration (APIPA) settings | W2K | 2002-03-03 | Also available in VBScript. |
💾 | ❔ | AppCompat.bat | 1.01 | Add an Application Compatibility Layer for the specified program | W7 | 2011-10-18 | |
💾 | ❔ | AppendSilence.bat | 1.02 | Use FFMPEG to append silence to an existing mp3 file | NT | 2023-10-18 | Requires FFMPEG. |
💾 | ❔ | Asc.bat | 1.00 | Return the ASCII value for the specified character, more or less like many scripting languages' Asc( ) function |
NT | 2007-12-15 | Requires DEBUG. Creates a temporary utility that performs the conversion. |
💾 | ❔ | ASCII2Uc.bat | 2.01 | Convert ASCII text files to valid Unicode | W2K | 2011-02-28 | Requires DEBUG. This batch file was based on research by Jacques Bensimon. Creates a temporary utility to write the Unicode file header. Embedded ASM code by JustBurn. 64-bit Windows uses either an "external" header file (ASCII2Uc.header) or ECHO instead of DEBUG; ECHO will insert an extra line break. Also available in VBScript. This batch file has become obsolete by Carlos M.'s A2U.bat, which overcomes this batch file's Unicode header problems. |
💾 | ❔ | AtFuture.bat | 1.20 | Schedule a command a few minutes from now in the near future | NT | 2008-04-22 | This batch file was a coproduction with Rob Fuller. |
Notes: | (1) | Operating System version these batch files were written for | |
All | No version specific commands are used, though it is (obviously) not tested with every DOS version available | ||
95 | Windows 95 (and probably Windows 98 as well) | ||
98 | Windows 98 | ||
DOS3 | MS-DOS 3 and 4 | ||
DOS6+ | MS-DOS 6 and later | ||
NT | Windows NT 4 and later | ||
NT4 | Windows NT 4 (Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition too) | ||
W2K | Windows 2000 and later | ||
XP | Windows XP | ||
W2K3 | Windows Server 2003 | ||
W2K8 | Windows Server 2008 | ||
W10 | Windows 10 | ||
WV | Windows Vista | ||
W2K8R2 | Windows Server 2008 Release 2 | ||
W7 | Windows 7 | ||
OS2 | OS/2 Warp | ||
TS | Windows NT 4 Terminal Server Edition, or Windows Server 200* with Terminal Services |
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