(view source code of drives.bat as plain text)
:: Check Windows version
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
:: Check if WMIC is available
WMIC.EXE /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO Syntax
:: keep variables local
:: Command line parsing
IF NOT "%~2"=="" GOTO Syntax
SET AcceptDriveTypes=0
SET Numeric=0
IF /I "%~1"=="" SET AcceptDriveTypes=23456
IF /I "%~1"=="/C" SET AcceptDriveTypes=5
IF /I "%~1"=="/F" SET AcceptDriveTypes=3
IF /I "%~1"=="/L" SET AcceptDriveTypes=2356
IF /I "%~1"=="/N" SET AcceptDriveTypes=4
IF /I "%~1"=="/R" SET AcceptDriveTypes=25
IF /I "%~1"=="/T" SET AcceptDriveTypes=23456
IF /I "%~1"=="/T" SET Numeric=1
IF %AcceptDriveTypes% EQU 0 (
SET Arg=%~1
IF /I "!Arg:~0,3!"=="/T:" (
REM *** Add 1 as prefix, and remove it again, to
REM *** prevent interpretation of leading zero as octal
SET /A AcceptDriveTypes = 1!Arg:~3!
SET AcceptDriveTypes=!AcceptDriveTypes:~1!
SET Numeric=1
:: If AcceptDriveTypes is zero, an invalid command line argument was passed
IF %AcceptDriveTypes% EQU 0 (
GOTO Syntax
:: WMIC query to list all drive letters and drive types
FOR /F "tokens=2,3* delims=," %%A IN ('WMIC.EXE /Node:"%Node%" /Output:STDOUT Path Win32_LogicalDisk Get DeviceID^,Description^,DriveType /Format:CSV ^| FINDSTR /R /C:",[A-Z]:"') DO (
REM Add an extra FOR loop to remove the linefeed from %%C
FOR %%D IN (%%C) DO (
ECHO.%AcceptDriveTypes% | FIND "%%~D" >NUL
IF %Numeric% EQU 1 (
ECHO. %%B %%C
) ELSE (
ECHO. %%B %%A
:: Done
SET AcceptDriveTypes=
ECHO Drives.bat, Version 2.01 for Windows XP Professional and later
ECHO List disk drives and their drive types
ECHO Usage: DRIVES [ /C ^| /F ^| /N ^| /R ]
ECHO Where: /C displays only CD-ROM drives
ECHO /F displays only Fixed disk drives
ECHO /L displays only Local disk drives ^(including removables^)
ECHO /N displays only Network drives
ECHO /R displays only Removable drives ^(including CD-ROMs^)
ECHO /T[:n] displays only numeric drive Types [of type n,m,..];
ECHO n can be: 0 (Unknown), 1 (No Root Directory)
ECHO 2 (Removable Disk) 3 (Local Disk)
ECHO 4 (Network Drive) 5 (Compact Disk)
ECHO 6 (RAM Disk) or any combination,
ECHO e.g. 35 for local disks and CD-ROMs
ECHO Notes: If no argument is used, all drives will be listed.
ECHO Removable drives that are currently unavailable may still be displayed.
ECHO This batch file uses WMIC, so it won't work in Windows 2000 or XP Home.
ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com
IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" EXIT /B 1
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0055 seconds