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Source code for whois.wsc

(view source code of whois.wsc as plain text)

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <component>
  4. <?component error="false" debug="false"?>
  6. <registration
  7. 	description="Whois"
  8. 	progid="robvanderwoude.Whois"
  9. 	version="2"
  10. 	classid="{5d7c21e6-3597-4ed4-8f54-96792f30a603}"
  11. >
  12. </registration>
  14. <public>
  15. 	<property name="ConnectTimeOut">
  16. 		<get/>
  17. 		<put/>
  18. 	</property>
  19. 	<property name="CreationDate">
  20. 		<get/>
  21. 	</property>
  22. 	<property name="DateUpdated">
  23. 		<get/>
  24. 	</property>
  25. 	<property name="Debug">
  26. 		<get/>
  27. 		<put/>
  28. 	</property>
  29. 	<property name="DomainName">
  30. 		<get/>
  31. 		<put/>
  32. 	</property>
  33. 	<property name="ErrorDescription">
  34. 		<get/>
  35. 	</property>
  36. 	<property name="ErrorNumber">
  37. 		<get/>
  38. 	</property>
  39. 	<property name="ErrorSource">
  40. 		<get/>
  41. 	</property>
  42. 	<property name="ExpirationDate">
  43. 		<get/>
  44. 	</property>
  45. 	<property name="NameServers">
  46. 		<get/>
  47. 	</property>
  48. 	<property name="ReferralURL">
  49. 		<get/>
  50. 	</property>
  51. 	<property name="Registrar">
  52. 		<get/>
  53. 	</property>
  54. 	<property name="Status">
  55. 		<get/>
  56. 	</property>
  57. 	<property name="Version">
  58. 		<get/>
  59. 	</property>
  60. 	<property name="WhoisServer">
  61. 		<get/>
  62. 	</property>
  63. 	<method name="Query">
  64. 	</method>
  65. </public>
  67. <implements type="Behavior" id="Behavior"/>
  69. <script language="VBScript">
  1. <![CDATA[
  2. ' This component uses Network Solutions, Inc.'s WhoIs page to retrieve
  3. ' information for .com, .org, and .net domains.
  4. ' Note that this component will break as soon as Network Solution
  5. ' alters the layout of the WhoIs results page.
  6. '
  7. ' DomainName       R/W [string]  domain name to be queried, e.g. ""
  8. ' ConnectTimeOut   R/W [integer] time-out in seconds, default 15
  9. ' CreationDate     R   [date]    creation date of the whois record
  10. ' DateUpdated      R   [date]    date of the whois record's last update
  11. ' Debug            R/W [boolean] if TRUE, Internet Explorer window will become
  12. '                                and remain visible, and will not be terminated
  13. ' ErrorDescription R   [string]  a short description of the error that occurred
  14. ' ErrorNumber      R   [integer] 0: ok, 462: connection error or time-out,
  15. '                                10001: query error, 10002: can't handle return
  16. '                                format (as in .edu domains)
  17. ' ErrorSource      R   [string]  a short description of the source of the error
  18. ' ExpirationDate   R   [date]    expiration date of the whois record
  19. ' NameServers      R   [string]  comma separated list of DNS servers
  20. ' ReferralURL  **  R   [string]  URL of registrar's website
  21. ' Registrar        R   [string]  company name of registrar
  22. ' Status           R   [string]  comma separated list of domain registry flags
  23. ' Version          R   [string]  version number of this class
  24. ' WhoisServer  **  R   [string]  hostname of the registrar's whois server
  25. ' **                             property empty for .org domains
  26. '
  27. ' Method:
  28. ' Query( )         start the query for the domain specified by DomainName
  29. '
  30. ' Change Log:
  31. ' May 5, 2007      Added Debug, ErrorNumber, ErrorDescription, ErrorSource
  32. '                  and Version properties, fixed errors in .org domain handling
  33. ' April 29, 2007   First public release
  34. '
  35. ' Written by Rob van der Woude
  36. '
  38. Option Explicit
  40. Dim blnTimedOut, ConnectTimeOut, CreationDate, DateUpdated, Debug, DomainName
  41. Dim ErrorDescription, ErrorNumber, ErrorSource, ExpirationDate
  42. Dim NameServers, ReferralURL, Registrar, Status, Version, WhoisServer
  44. blnTimedOut    = False
  45. ConnectTimeOut = 15
  46. Debug          = False
  47. Version        = "2.00"
  50. Function get_ConnectTimeOut( )
  51. 	get_ConnectTimeOut = ConnectTimeOut
  52. End Function
  54. Function put_ConnectTimeOut( newValue )
  55. 	If IsNumeric( newValue ) Then
  56. 		ConnectTimeOut = Abs( CInt( newValue ) )
  57. 	Else
  58. 		ConnectTimeOut = 0
  59. 		Err.Raise 5
  60. 	End If
  61. End Function
  63. Function get_CreationDate( )
  64. 	get_CreationDate = CreationDate
  65. End Function
  67. Function get_DateUpdated( )
  68. 	get_DateUpdated = DateUpdated
  69. End Function
  71. Function get_Debug( )
  72. 	get_Debug = Debug
  73. End Function
  75. Function put_Debug( newValue )
  76. 	Debug = CBool( newValue )
  77. End Function
  79. Function get_DomainName( )
  80. 	get_DomainName = DomainName
  81. End Function
  83. Function put_DomainName( newValue )
  84. 	Dim colMatches, objRE
  85. 	newValue = Trim( LCase( newValue ) )
  86. 	' Check the format of the domain name
  87. 	Set objRE = New RegExp
  88. 	objRE.Global     = False
  89. 	objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  90. 	objRE.Pattern    = "^[a-z][a-z_0-9-]+\.[a-z]{2,8}$"
  91. 	Set colMatches = objRE.Execute( newValue )
  92. 	If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  93. 		DomainName = newValue
  94. 	Else
  95. 		DomainName = ""
  96. 		Err.Raise 5
  97. 	End If
  98. 	Set colMatches = Nothing
  99. 	Set objRE      = Nothing
  100. End Function
  102. Function get_ErrorDescription( )
  103. 	get_ErrorDescription = ErrorDescription
  104. End Function
  106. Function get_ErrorNumber( )
  107. 	get_ErrorNumber = ErrorNumber
  108. End Function
  110. Function get_ErrorSource( )
  111. 	get_ErrorSource = ErrorSource
  112. End Function
  114. Function get_ExpirationDate( )
  115. 	get_ExpirationDate = ExpirationDate
  116. End Function
  118. Function get_NameServers( )
  119. 	get_NameServers = NameServers
  120. End Function
  122. Function get_ReferralURL( )
  123. 	get_ReferralURL = ReferralURL
  124. End Function
  126. Function get_Registrar( )
  127. 	get_Registrar = Registrar
  128. End Function
  130. Function get_Status( )
  131. 	get_Status = Status
  132. End Function
  134. Function get_Version( )
  135. 	get_Version = Version
  136. End Function
  138. Function get_WhoisServer( )
  139. 	get_WhoisServer = WhoisServer
  140. End Function
  142. Sub Delay( seconds )
  143. 	Dim wshShell
  144. 	Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
  145. 	wshShell.Run "ping -n " & ( seconds + 1 ) & "", 0, True
  146. 	Set wshShell = Nothing
  147. End Sub
  149. Sub Delay( seconds )
  150.     Dim wshShell
  151.     Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
  152.     wshShell.Run "ping -n " & ( seconds + 1 ) & "", 0, True
  153.     Set wshShell = Nothing
  154. End Sub
  156. Function Query( )
  157. 	Dim arrLine, arrStatus, arrString, arrText, colMatches, i, objIE, objRE, strStatus, strString, x
  158. 	' Open the appropriate NetSol WhoIs URL in
  159. 	' an "invisible" Internet Explorer window
  160. 	Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
  161. 	objIE.Visible = Debug
  162. 	objIE.Navigate2 "" _
  163. 	              & "registry-data.jsp?domain=" & DomainName
  164. 	' Wait till IE is ready
  165. 	Do While objIE.Busy
  166. 		' Wait 1 second
  167. 		Delay 1
  168. 		i = i + 1
  169. 		' Time out after the number of seconds
  170. 		' specified by the ConnectTimeOut property
  171. 		If i > ConnectTimeOut * 5 Then
  172. 			blnTimedOut = True
  173. 			Exit Do
  174. 		End If
  175. 	Loop
  176. 	' Retrieve the URL's text and save it in an array
  177. 	If Not blnTimedOut Then
  178. 		arrText = Split( objIE.Document.Body.InnerText, vbCrLf )
  179. 	End If
  180. 	' Close the Internet Explorer session, unless Debug is true
  181. 	If Not Debug Then
  182. 		objIE.Quit
  183. 		Set objIE = Nothing
  184. 	End If
  185. 	' Check if a time-out occurred, and return the result
  186. 	If blnTimedOut = False Then
  187. 		For i = 0 To UBound( arrText )
  188. 			' Filter out the lines starting with 3 spaces
  189. 			Set objRE = New RegExp
  190. 			objRE.Global     = False
  191. 			objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  192. 			If LCase( Right( DomainName, 4 ) ) = ".org" Then
  193. 				objRE.Pattern = "^[a-z ]+:.{5,}"
  194. 			Else
  195. 				objRE.Pattern = "^ +[a-z ]+: .{5,}"
  196. 			End If
  197. 			Set colMatches = objRE.Execute( arrText(i) )
  198. 			If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  199. 				arrLine = Split( arrText(i), ":" )
  200. 				Select Case Trim( LCase( arrLine(0) ) )
  201. 					Case "registrar"
  202. 						arrString = Split( LCase( Trim( arrLine(1) ) ) )
  203. 						For x = 0 To UBound( arrString )
  204. 							strString = strString & " " _
  205. 							          & UCase( Left( arrString(x), 1 ) ) _
  206. 							          & Mid( arrString(x), 2 )
  207. 						Next
  208. 						Registrar = Trim( strString )
  209. 					Case "sponsoring registrar"
  210. 						Registrar = Trim( Split( arrLine(1), "(" )(0) )
  211. 					Case "whois server"
  212. 						WhoisServer = Trim( arrLine(1) )
  213. 					Case "referral url"
  214. 						ReferralURL = Trim( arrLine(1) ) & ":" _
  215. 						              & Trim( arrLine(2) )
  216. 					Case "name server"
  217. 						If NameServers = "" Then
  218. 							NameServers = LCase( Trim( arrLine(1) ) )
  219. 						Else
  220. 							NameServers = NameServers & "," _
  221. 							              & LCase( Trim( arrLine(1) ) )
  222. 						End If
  223. 					Case "status"
  224. 						strStatus = Trim( arrLine(1) )
  225. 						If InStr( strStatus, " " ) Then
  226. 							arrStatus = Split( LCase( strStatus ), " " )
  227. 							strStatus = arrStatus(0) _
  228. 							          & UCase( Left( arrStatus(1), 1 ) ) _
  229. 							          & Mid( arrStatus(1), 2 ) _
  230. 							          & UCase( Left( arrStatus(2), 1 ) ) _
  231. 							          & Mid( arrStatus(2), 2 )
  232. 						End If
  233. 						If Status = "" Then
  234. 							Status = Trim( strStatus )
  235. 						Else
  236. 							Status = Status & "," _
  237. 							         & Trim( strStatus )
  238. 						End If
  239. 					Case "updated date"
  240. 						DateUpdated = CDate( Trim( arrLine(1) ) )
  241. 					Case "last updated on"
  242. 						DateUpdated = CDate( Trim( Split( arrLine(1), " " )(0) ) )
  243. 					Case "creation date"
  244. 						CreationDate = CDate( Trim( arrLine(1) ) )
  245. 					Case "created on"
  246. 						CreationDate = CDate( Trim( Split( arrLine(1), " " )(0) ) )
  247. 					Case "expiration date"
  248. 						If LCase( Right( DomainName, 4 ) ) = ".org" Then
  249. 							ExpirationDate = CDate( Trim( Split( arrLine(1), " " )(0) ) )
  250. 						Else
  251. 							ExpirationDate = CDate( Trim( arrLine(1) ) )
  252. 						End If
  253. 				End Select
  254. 			End If
  255. 			Set colMatches = Nothing
  256. 			Set objRE      = Nothing
  257. 		Next
  258. 		If Registrar = "" Then
  259. 			ErrorNumber      = 10001
  260. 			ErrorDescription = "Unable to retrieve domain registry info."
  261. 			ErrorSource      = "Whois WSC " & Version
  262. 		End If
  263. 	Else
  264. 		ErrorNumber      = 462
  265. 		ErrorDescription = "The connection timed out. " _
  266. 		                   & "The remote server machine does " _
  267. 		                   & "not exist or is unavailable."
  268. 		If ConnectTimeOut < 45 Then
  269. 			ErrorDescription = ErrorDescription _
  270. 			                   & " Try a longer time-out interval."
  271. 		End If
  272. 		ErrorSource      = "Internet Explorer connection time-out"
  273. 	End If
  274. End Function
  276. ]]>
  1. </script>
  3. </component>

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0066 seconds