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WSH examples | ||||||
💾 | ❔ | Name | Version | Description | Last modified (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Remarks |
💾 | ❔ | PausePrinting.vbs | 1.00 | Pause printing on the specified printer | 2010-07-11 | Use ResumePrinting.vbs to resume printing again. |
💾 | ❔ | PhysMem.vbs | 1.01 | Display a physical memory summary | 2002-11-10 | |
💾 | ❔ | PingSite.vbs | 1.01 | Check if a web site is up and running | 2007-06-21 | See the Check Websites page in the VBScript Scripting Techniques section. |
💾 | ❔ | PingU.vbs | 1.00 | Notifies when a computer gets on-line | 2006-01-03 | CheckEngine subroutine by James Lim. |
💾 | ❔ | Print.vbs | 1.00 | Print any file | 2008-01-20 | Uses the file's associated print command from the registry. |
💾 | ❔ | Print2.vbs | 1.00 | Temporarily swap the default printer to allow programs without "PrintTo" support to print to a non-default printer | 2008-12-05 | |
💾 | ❔ | PrintDoc.vbs | 1.00 | Print the specified MS Word document to the default printer | 2008-06-09 | Requires Microsoft Word. Based on a script by Arnout van der Vorst. |
💾 | ❔ | Printing.vbs | 2.20 | List printer status and number of printjobs, pause or resume printing, or flush all printjobs on the selected printer(s) | 2010-09-15 | |
💾 | ❔ | PrintPDF.vbs | 1.00 | Print the specified PDF files | 2003-03-30 | Requires Adobe Reader. Based on a script written by Charles Hicks, and published on the PlanetPDF Developers Forum. The updated script by Charles Hicks will close Acrobat Reader afterwards, unless it was active already. |
💾 | ❔ | Processes.vbs | 1.00 | Display running processes | 2002-10-17 | |
💾 | ❔ | ProdID.vbs | 1.01 | Display Windows' product ID | 2002-11-30 | |
💾 | ❔ | ProgIDs.vbs | 1.00 | Display all available ProgIDs | 2007-03-15 | Based on a PowerShell script on www.readify.net |
💾 | ❔ | PromptDemo.hta | 1.00 | Demonstration of Prompt, Confirm and Alert dialogs in HTAs | 2013-10-15 | |
💾 | ❔ | PWGen.vbs | 1.00 | Generate random complex passwords of a specified length | 2008-01-02 | Requires CAPICOM. |
💾 | ❔ | PwdNoExp.vbs | 1.00 | Set "password never expires" for a local account | 2007-10-01 | Based on a Microsoft TechNet Script Center sample. |
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