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WSH examples | ||||||
💾 | ❔ | Name | Version | Description | Last modified (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Remarks |
💾 | ❔ | SearchMSI.vbs | 1.01 | List all MSI files in a folder and its subfolders, and optionally search them for the specified file(s) | 2016-12-15 | Based on ListMSI.vbs by Adriaan Westra. |
💾 | ❔ | SecStat.vbs | 2.01 | Display a SecurityCenter and Windows Update status overview | 2009-09-29 | Requires Windows XP SP2 or SP3. Use to find all properties for a specific AntiVirus or Firewall product. |
💾 | ❔ | SecStat2.vbs | 1.01 | Display a SecurityCenter and Windows Update status overview | 2016-01-30 | Requires Windows Vista or later. Use WBEMTEST.EXE to find all properties for a specific AntiVirus or Firewall product. |
💾 | ❔ | SelFile.vbs | 1.00 | Displays a "Select File" dialog and returns the selected file name | 2010-05-31 | Known issue: though the returned file name is correct, the returned path is not |
💾 | ❔ | SendClip.vbs | 1.01 | Send a full path or any text string to the clipboard | 2002-11-19 | |
💾 | ❔ | Services.vbs | 1.00 | Display all services | 2002-11-02 | |
💾 | ❔ | ServicesTD.vbs | 1.00 | Display all services for any WMI enabled computer on the network in TAB delimited format | 2002-11-02 | |
💾 | ❔ | SetDate.vbs | 1.10 | Set today's day, month, year, week and quarter in environment variables | 2009-07-25 | When scheduled every midnight and at system startup, your batch files can read the day, month, year, week, quarter, weekday and day of the year directly from environment variables. This can be very useful in backup directory names, log file names, etc. |
💾 | ❔ | SFaR.vbs | 1.00 | Simple Find and Replace | 2010-07-14 | Can be used to replace text in ASCII files or strings. Limited testing on XML files suggests UTF-8 is handled correctly as long as no Unicode characters need to be found or replaced. |
💾 | ❔ | ShareMg2.vbs | 2.00 | Migrate all non-printer shares from one server to another | 2005-11-02 | Currently for Windows Server 2003, created migration script needs manual modifications afterwards for Windows 2000. (For printer migration, read the Printing section of my Unattended Installations page, for Scheduled Tasks migration, read the Scheduled Tasks section). |
💾 | ❔ | Shortcut.vbs | 1.00 | Create, modify or delete shortcuts | 2013-03-25 | |
💾 | ❔ | ShowPRN.vbs | 1.00 | Display all installed printers and their properties | 2004-01-13 | |
💾 | ❔ | ShowPRNT.vbs | 1.01 | Display all installed printers and their properties for any WMI enabled computer on the network in TAB delimited format | 2004-01-17 | |
💾 | ❔ | Shutdown.vbs | 1.10 | Shutdown any WMI enabled computer on the network | 2007-11-21 | Based on a post by Alex K. Angelopoulos on Developersdex.com. See my Shutdown page for shutdown and reboot commands for "all" operating systems. |
💾 | ❔ | SID2User.vbs | 1.00 | Return DOMAIN\UserID for the specified SID | 2009-09-25 | Based on an article by the Microsoft Scripting Guys. |
💾 | ❔ | SkypeVer.vbs | 1.00 | Display installed Skype software version | 2009-09-16 | |
💾 | ❔ | SnagTest.vbs | 1.01 | Automated SnagIt screen capture | 2008-01-28 | Requires SnagIt 5.1. |
💾 | Software.hta | 3.02 | List installed software | 2013-12-17 | ||
💾 | ❔ | SortDate.vbs | 1.00 | Display the date in YYYYMMDD format | 2002-12-29 | |
💾 | ❔ | SortTime.vbs | 1.00 | Display the time in HHmmss format | 2002-12-29 | |
💾 | ❔ | SrvInv.vbs | 1.21 | Show and log a server hardware and software inventory | 2005-09-14 | |
💾 | ❔ | StarDate.vbs | 1.00 | Convert current date & time to stardate | 2003-02-03 | Based on an algorithm found on The StarTrek Gallery |
💾 | ❔ | Startup.vbs | 1.00 | Display all startup commands (Startup folder and registry Run) | 2003-01-16 | |
💾 | ❔ | StringHash.vbs | 1.00 | Get the MD5 or SHA-256 hash value for the specified string | 2010-07-30 | This script uses the MD5 and SHA256 classes by Frez Systems Limited, which were adapted for use in VBScript by Michal Gabrukiewicz (MD5) and yours truly (SHA-256). |
page last modified: 2025-03-03; loaded in 0.0091 seconds