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Source code for searchmsi.vbs

(view source code of searchmsi.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim blnLiteral, blnRegEx, blnValid
  4. Dim i
  5. Dim objFile, objFSO, objMSI, objMSIDB, objRE
  6. Dim strAllContent, strFolder, strFilter, strLine, strResult
  8. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0 
  9. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact = 1
  10. Const msiOpenDatabaseModeListScript = 5 
  12. strFilter  = ""
  13. blnLiteral = False
  14. blnRegEx   = False
  16. With WScript.Arguments
  17. 	If .Unnamed.Count = 0 Then Syntax
  18. 	If .Unnamed.Count > 0 Then
  19. 		strFolder = .Unnamed(0)
  20. 	End If
  21. 	If .Unnamed.Count > 1 Then Syntax
  22. 	If .Named.Count = 1 Then
  23. 		If .Named.Exists( "R" ) Then
  24. 			blnRegEx  = True
  25. 			strFilter = .Named( "R" )
  26. 		ElseIf .Named.Exists( "F" ) Then
  27. 			blnLiteral = True
  28. 			strFilter  = .Named( "F" )
  29. 		Else
  30. 			Syntax
  31. 		End If
  32. 	End If
  33. 	If .Named.Count > 1 Then Syntax
  34. End With
  36. Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  37. Set objMSI = CreateObject( "WindowsInstaller.Installer" )
  38. If blnRegEx Then
  39. 	Set objRE  = New RegExp
  40. 	objRE.Pattern    = strFilter
  41. 	objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  42. End If
  44. With objFSO
  45. 	If .FolderExists( strFolder ) Then
  46. 		strAllContent = SearchFolder( strFolder, "msi" )
  47. 		strResult     = ""
  48. 		For Each strLine In Split( strAllContent, vbCrLf )
  49. 			blnValid = False
  50. 			If Trim( strLine ) <> "" Then
  51. 				If blnLiteral Then
  52. 					If InStr( LCase( Split( strLine, vbTab )(1) ), LCase( strFilter ) ) Then
  53. 						blnValid = True
  54. 					End If
  55. 				ElseIf blnRegEx Then
  56. 					If objRE.Test( Split( strLine, vbTab )(1) ) Then
  57. 						blnValid = True
  58. 					End If
  59. 				Else
  60. 					blnValid = True
  61. 				End If
  62. 				If blnValid Then strResult = strResult & strLine & vbCrLf
  63. 			End If
  64. 		Next
  65. 	Else
  66. 		Syntax
  67. 	End If
  68. End With
  70. WScript.Echo strResult
  72. Set objRE  = Nothing
  73. Set objFSO = Nothing
  74. Set objMSI = Nothing
  77. Sub CheckError
  78. Dim strMsg, strErrorRecord
  79. If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub
  80. strMsg = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description
  81. If Not installer Is Nothing Then
  82. 	Set strErrorRecord = installer.LastErrorRecord
  83. 	If Not strErrorRecord Is Nothing Then
  84. 		strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & strErrorRecord.FormatText
  85. 	End If
  86. End If
  87. Wscript.Echo strMsg
  88. Wscript.Quit 2
  89. End Sub
  92. Function SearchFolder( strFolder, strExt )
  93. 	SearchFolder = ""
  94. 	Dim objFile, objFolder, strResult
  95. 	For Each objFile In objFSO.GetFolder( strFolder ).Files
  96. 		If LCase( objFSO.GetExtensionName( objFile.Name ) ) = LCase( strExt ) Then
  97. 			strResult = strResult & ViewMSIFile( objFile.Path ) & vbCrLf
  98. 		End If
  99. 	Next
  100. 	For Each objFolder In objFSO.GetFolder( strFolder ).SubFolders
  101. 		strResult = strResult & SearchFolder( objFolder.Path, strExt ) & vbCrLf
  102. 	Next
  103. 	SearchFolder = strResult
  104. End Function
  107. Function ViewMSIFile( strMSIFile )
  108. 	Dim objMSIDB, objRecord, objView, strResult
  109. 	ViewMSIFile = ""
  110. 	Set objMSIDB = objMSI.OpenDataBase( strMSIFile, msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly ) : CheckError
  111. 	Set objView =  objMsiDB.Openview( "Select FileName From File" ) : CheckError
  112. 	objView.Execute : CheckError
  113. 	Set objRecord = objView.Fetch
  114. 	strResult = ""
  115. 	Do Until objRecord Is Nothing
  116. 		If InStr( objRecord.StringData(1), "|" ) Then
  117. 			strResult = strResult & strMSIFile & vbTab & Split( objRecord.StringData(1), "|" )(1) & vbCrLf
  118. 		Else
  119. 			strResult = strResult & strMSIFile & vbTab & objRecord.StringData(1)
  120. 		End If
  121. 		Set objRecord = objView.Fetch
  122. 	Loop
  123. 	Set objRecord = Nothing
  124. 	Set objView   = Nothing
  125. 	Set objMSIDB  = Nothing
  126. 	ViewMSIFile = strResult
  127. End Function
  130. Sub Syntax
  131. 	Dim strMsg
  132. 	strMsg = vbCrLf _
  133. 	       & "SearchMSIs.vbs,  Version 1.01\n" _
  134. 	       & "List all MSI files in a folder and its subfolders,\n" _
  135. 	       & "and optionally search them for the specified file(s).\n\n" _
  136. 	       & "Usage:   CSCRIPT.EXE  //NoLogo  SearchMSIs.vbs  folder  [ /F:file | /R:regex ]\n\n" _
  137. 	       & "Where:   folder    is the ""root"" folder where the search starts\n" _
  138. 	       & "         /F:file   specifies (part of) the file name(s) to search for (literal)\n" _
  139. 	       & "         /R:regex  like /F:file, but using a regular expression instead of\n" _
  140. 	       & "                   a literal search string\n\n" _
  141. 	       & "Note:    DO use CSCRIPT.EXE rather than WSCRIPT.EXE, as the latter MAY\n" _
  142. 	       & "         not be able to handle the huge amount of output.\n\n" _
  143. 	       & "Credits: Based on ListMSI.vbs by Adriaan Westra\n" _
  144. 	       & "\n" _
  145. 	       & "         option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=64\n\n" _
  146. 	       & "Example: Find all MSI files in D:\WDK or its subfolders containing *devcon*\n" _
  147. 	       & "         CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo SearchMSIs.vbs D:\WDK /F:devcon\n\n" _
  148. 	       & "Resulting output:\n" _
  149. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setupsamples.msi       devcon.cpp\n" _
  150. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setupsamples.msi       devcon.h\n" _
  151. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setupsamples.msi       devcon.htm\n" _
  152. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setupsamples.msi       devcon.rc\n" _
  153. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setuptools_ia64fre.msi devcon.exe\n" _
  154. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setuptools_x64fre.msi  devcon.exe\n" _
  155. 	       & "         D:\WDK\setuptools_x86fre.msi  devcon.exe\n\n" _
  156. 	       & "Written by Rob van der Woude\n" _
  157. 	       & ""
  158. 	WScript.Echo Replace( strMsg, "\n", vbCrLf )
  159. 	On Error Resume Next
  160. 	Set objRE  = Nothing
  161. 	Set objFSO = Nothing
  162. 	Set objMSI = Nothing
  163. 	On Error Goto 0
  164. 	WScript.Quit 1
  165. End Sub

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0087 seconds