Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

WSH: Examples (U)

HTA, JScript, VBScript and WSC examples

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WSH examples
💾 Name Version Description Last modified
💾   UpdateCheck.hta 1.40 Check if a newer version of the specified program is available, and if so offer to download it 2014-12-18 Requires UpdateCheck.ini and WinHTTP 5.1.
Adds a GUI to UpdateCheck.vbs; the HTA and VBScript versions share the same INI file.
💾 UpdateCheck.ini 1.40 Helper file for UpdateCheck.hta and/or UpdateCheck.vbs 2014-12-18  
💾 UpdateCheck.vbs 1.08 Check if a newer version of the specified program is available, and if so open its download URL 2013-07-17 Requires UpdateCheck.ini and WinHTTP 5.1.
Replaces UpdateVueScan.vbs and UpdateDPP.vbs; modify the INI file to add update checks for other programs.

Discontinued, use the HTA instead.
💾 UpdateDPP.vbs 1.01 Check if a newer version of Canon's Digital Photo Professional (DPP) is available, and if so open its download URL 2013-02-18 Requires WinHTTP 5.1. 
💾 UpTime.vbs 1.00 Display server uptime 2006-04-22  
💾 User2SID.vbs 1.00 Return the SID for the specified user ID 2009-09-25 Based on an article by the Microsoft Scripting Guys.
💾 UTC2Date.vbs 1.00 Convert Unix time (UTC) to the current user's default date/time format 2011-03-18  
💾 UTC2ISO.vbs 1.01 Convert Unix time (UTC) to ISO date and/or time 2011-03-16  


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