Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

WSH: Examples (T)

HTA, JScript, VBScript and WSC examples

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WSH examples
💾 Name Version Description Last modified
💾 TimeSyncWeb.vbs 1.00 Synchronize your computer's system time with any webserver 2014-01-10  
💾 Tomorrow.vbs 1.01 Display yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's date in several formats 2017-03-07  
💾 Tomorrow.js 1.00 Display yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's date in several formats 2002-12-29  
💾 TrueRnd.vbs 1.00 Retrieve true random numbers generated by, not a value from a stored semi-random sequence 2007-08-11  
💾 Txt2ASCI.vbs 1.00 Convert any "plain" text file to US ASCII 2009-09-03  
💾 Txt2Src.vbs 2.00 Convert "special" characters in a text file to HTML entities 2009-05-04 I wrote this script to convert my own scripts to HTML source code.
As of version 2.00 this script supports codepage selection on the command line.
Codepages 437, 850, 858 and 1252 are supported, you can add other codepages yourself.
💾 Txt2UTF8.vbs 1.00 Convert plain ASCII files to UTF-8 2009-02-12 Requires MDAC 2.8.
Based on a forum post by JTMar.
📦 Txt2Vbs.vbs   Convert .TXT files into VBScript code that can recreate the .TXT file 2008-10-23 Script by Denis St-Pierre.
The .TXT file could be any text file, even another script.


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