Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

WSH: Examples (H)

HTA, JScript, VBScript and WSC examples

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WSH examples
💾 Name Version Description Last modified
💾   Hardware.hta 9.03 Display basic as well as detailed hardware summaries 2024-09-26  
💾 Hardware.vbs 2.00 Display a basic hardware summary 2013-01-11  
💾   Holidays.hta 3.12 Calculate the dates for future and past holidays 2013-05-24 Also available as on-line PHP version
Optional automatic on-the-fly update feature.
💾 HotFixes.vbs 1.00 Display installed hotfixes 2002-11-26 Based entirely on a (no longer available) sample script from Microsoft TechNet Script Center
💾 HotFixesTD.vbs 1.00 Display installed hotfixes in tab delimited format for any WMI enabled computer on the network 2002-11-26 Based entirely on a (no longer available) sample script from Microsoft TechNet Script Center


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