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WSH examples | ||||||
💾 | ❔ | Name | Version | Description | Last modified (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Remarks |
💾 | ❔ | iCountry.vbs | 1.01 | Return the country name for the specified country code | 2010-08-30 | Translates country codes found in the registry to their English names. |
📦 | ❔ | IEButtons.vbs | 1.11 | Use IE to present a dialog window with multiple buttons | 2013-11-07 | Written by Denis St-Pierre. |
💾 | ❔ | IEChgPwd.vbs | 2.11 | Use IE to present a change password dialog | 2013-11-07 | |
💾 | ❔ | IELogin.vbs | 4.00 | Use IE to present a login dialog | 2016-12-22 | |
💾 | ❔ | IEPwdDlg.vbs | 2.15 | Use IE to prompt for password | 2015-10-19 | |
💾 | ❔ | IEUserIn.vbs | 2.11 | Use IE to prompt for user input | 2013-11-07 | |
📦 | ❔ | INIFuncs.vbs | 1.01 | Demo script for VBScript functions to read, create and modify INI files | 2007-08-23 | Written by Keith Lacelle, modified by Denis St-Pierre, Johan Pol and yours truly |
💾 | ❔ | is6432os.vbs | 1.00 | Check if a Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit | 2010-07-04 | |
💾 | ❔ | IsCDWriter.vbs | 1.00 | Check whether specified drives are CD/DVD writers or not | 2017-08-14 | |
💾 | ❔ | IsDST.vbs | 1.10 | Check if the current or specified date/time is in Daylight saving Time | 2011-04-11 | |
💾 | ❔ | IsLaptop.vbs | 1.00 | Check if a computer is a laptop | 2007-03-23 | Uses the Win32_Battery WMI class to check for a battery. |
💾 | ❔ | ISO2Date.vbs | 1.00 | Convert an ISO date/time to the current user's default date/time format | 2011-03-17 | |
💾 | ❔ | ISO2UTC.vbs | 1.00 | Convert an ISO date/time to Unix time (UTC) | 2011-03-16 | |
💾 | ❔ | IsSiteUp.vbs | 1.00 | Check if a website is up-and-running | 2007-03-19 | Requires X-HTTP component. |
page last modified: 2025-03-03; loaded in 0.0067 seconds