(view source code of promptdemo.hta as plain text)
Function IsNullOrEmpty( myString )
IsNullOrEmpty = False
If IsNull( myString ) Then IsNullOrEmpty = True
If myString = "" Then IsNullOrEmpty = True
End Function
Sub Window_OnLoad
window.resizeTo 0, 0
window.moveTo Int( ( window.screen.width - 498 ) / 2 ), Int( ( window.screen.height - 139 ) / 2 )
window.document.title = PromptDemo.ID & " " & PromptDemo.Version
confirmed = False
While Not confirmed
password = ""
While IsNullOrEmpty( password )
password = Trim( window.Prompt( "Enter your password:", "" ) )
confirmed = window.Confirm( "Please confirm that your password is """ & password & """" )
window.Alert "Confirmed password: """ & password & """"
End Sub
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0079 seconds