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Source code for whoiscom.vbs

(view source code of whoiscom.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim objFSO, objWhois, strWSC
  5. On Error Resume Next
  6. ' First let's see if the component is registered
  7. Set objWhois = CreateObject( "robvanderwoude.Whois.2" )
  8. If Err Then
  9. 	' If not, check if it exists in the current directory
  10. 	' and use an alternative method to reference the component
  11. 	Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  12. 	With objFSO
  13. 	MsgBox .GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName )
  14. 		strWSC = .BuildPath( .GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName ), "Whois.wsc" )
  15. 		If .FileExists( strWSC ) Then
  16. 			strWSC = "script:" & strWSC
  17. 			Set objWhois = GetObject( strWSC )
  18. 		Else
  19. 			WScript.Echo "Whois.wsc not registered, " _
  20. 			           & "nor found in current directory"
  21. 		End If
  22. 	End With
  23. 	Set objFSO = Nothing
  24. End If
  25. On Error Goto 0
  27. ' Abort if we couldn't instantiate the object
  28. If Not IsObject( objWhois ) Then WScript.Quit
  30. ' Set the required properties and query the Whois database
  31. objWhois.DomainName = ""
  32. objWhois.ConnectTimeOut = 20
  33. objWhois.Debug = False
  34. objWhois.Query
  36. ' Display the results
  37. WScript.Echo "Debug Status      : " & objWhois.Debug
  38. WScript.Echo "Domain Name       : " & objWhois.DomainName
  39. If objWhois.ErrorNumber Then
  40. 	WScript.Echo "Error Number      : " & objWhois.ErrorNumber
  41. 	WScript.Echo "Error Source      : " & objWhois.ErrorSource
  42. 	WScript.Echo "Error Description : " & objWhois.ErrorDescription
  43. Else
  44. 	WScript.Echo "Registrar         : " & objWhois.Registrar
  45. 	WScript.Echo "Whois Server      : " & objWhois.WhoisServer
  46. 	WScript.Echo "Referral URL      : " & objWhois.ReferralURL
  47. 	WScript.Echo "Name Servers      : " & objWhois.NameServers
  48. 	WScript.Echo "Status            : " & objWhois.Status
  49. 	WScript.Echo "Creation Date     : " & objWhois.CreationDate
  50. 	WScript.Echo "Last Updated      : " & objWhois.DateUpdated
  51. 	WScript.Echo "Expiration Date   : " & objWhois.ExpirationDate
  52. End If
  54. ' Release the object
  55. Set objWhois = Nothing

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0055 seconds