Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

News Archives 2010 Q2


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June 30, 2010 • And another update of WMIGen.hta: I added VB .NET and — assisted by my son Bas van der Woude — C# to the list of supported scripting/programming languages.

Thanks Bas
June 28, 2010 • I updated WMIGen.hta once again.
Independent of yesterday's "cosmetic" update, I have been working on a new feature for quite some time: running the selected code in the HTA window.
Today I got the inspiration to use the combined power of WBEMTEST and HTAEdit, and got the "Run WMI Code" button working.
And while working on it, I also added Ruby to the list of supported scripting languages.
June 27, 2010 • Seeing the wasted screen space on my huge screen, I updated WMIGen.hta to make better use of available screen space.
If you use a small screen, don't worry, the new WMIGen version has been optimized for both small and big screens.
June 23, 2010 • As a (spin-off of a) test, I created CPULoad.bat, a batch file to save the actual CPU load percentage in a variable.
June 19, 2010 • I corrected an error in CloneDate.vbs.
It no longer fails on relative paths, nor on wildcards.
June 15, 2010 • In the ongoing quest for 100% valid ASCII to Unicode conversion with batch files, I created ASCII2Uc.bat.
Unfortunately still far from perfect, but it should at least work in Windows 2000 and later 32-bit versions where the user has write access to the root of the C: drive.
The batch file uses DEBUG and an embedded DEBUG script by JustBurn to create a temporary utility that creates the Unicode file header, and Jacques Bensimon's CMD /U /C TYPE ... trick to convert the text.
June 14, 2010 • I found the recently added checksum popup on every (batch) download too annoying.
So I inserted an extra column with a question mark icon to allow checking the checksums: Click the question mark icon to view the MD5 and SHA1 checksums for the ZIPped source
You can now download the file, read the actual checksum(s) of the downloaded ZIP file (e.g. with Microsoft's FCIV), and then click the icon to popup the correct checksums.
The batch file example pages and KiXtart example pages have now been converted, the others will follow soon.
June 11, 2010 • Until recently I used PKZIP for DOS' "Authenticity Verification" feature (a kind of digital signature) on my ZIPped source files, to allow checking their authenticity.
The command PKUNZIP –t would display a "signature".
Having switched to a 64-bit Windows version, I can no longer use PKZIP for DOS (unless I run it in a virtual machine), and PKZIP for Windows only supports certificate based signatures.
So as of now, I will publish MD5 and SHA1 checksums for all ZIPped source files.
When you click the diskette icon to download a file, a dialog will pop up with the file name and its checksums. After clicking the "OK" button the download will start.

Popup screenshot

I may still alter this, e.g. by adding an extra column to get the checksums.
Not all sample pages will be converted in one day, it may last several days or even weeks before this new feature is added to the last samples page.
As an added bonus, I will no longer be restricted by the archaic 8.3 file name notation.
June 6, 2010 • Jacques Bensimon sent me another alternative to convert ASCII to Unicode with native commands only.
The new solution uses the "almost native" CHOICE command.
Unfortunately, it does insert an extra space.
The search for a 100% solution continues.

Thanks Jacques

Holidays.hta has been updated. It now also calculates the dates of "Blame Someone Else Day" (the first Friday the 13th of the year).
June 4, 2010 • Jacques Bensimon sent me a note about Unicode files created using the TYPE command: they are not completely Unicode "compliant".
He also presented a solution which works perfectly - so why did I still feel the urge to modify it? 😉

Thanks again Jacques
May 31, 2010 • I added SelFile.vbs, a script using Internet Explorer to display a Select File dialog.
It may work for you, but keep in mind that depending on the Windows and Internet Explorer version, the returned path may be fake.

• A better way to implement dialogs in VBScript is offered by Microsoft's ComDlg32.ocx.
It works in all Windows version, but unfortunately it is not installed by default.
I wrote several new demo scripts using ComDlg32.ocx.
May 30, 2010 • I added a new Select Folder Dialog to my VBScript scripting techniques section.
The GetFoldr.vbs demo script can also be downloaded from the examples section.

• Converter or packager?
Denis St-Pierre sent me one of his latest scripts: VBS2CMD.vbs.
This script creates a batch file that will recreate and run a VBScript file.

Thanks Denis
May 27, 2010 • Until recently, I believed command line conversion from ASCII to Unicode to be complicated.
But then Jacques Bensimon showed me a really simple way:

CMD /U /C TYPE ascii.txt > unicode.txt

Thanks Jacques

• I updated DispEDID.vbs: it will now ignore monitors with a "BAD_EDID" registry key.
May 14, 2010 DelTemp3.vbs is a new Windows 7 version of DelTemp.vbs. The only change is the addition of a /CD switch to purge files waiting to be burned to CD.


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