Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

News Archives 2009 Q4


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December 27, 2009 Win3264.bat is a new batch file that checks if Windows is a 32-bits or 64-bits version.
December 24, 2009 • Today I discovered that, like PING, NETSH can be used for delays.
NETSH Diag Ping Loopback will ping, which takes about 5 seconds - hence a 5 seconds delay.

• I wrote CMOSBatt.bat, a batch file that returns the status of the CMOS battery, and CMOSDST.bat, which checks if DST is enabled for the CMOS clock.

• Happy Holidays
December 20, 2009 • Now my Basic Hardware Inventory and Basic Software Inventory HTAs also received a "100% CLEAN award" granted by Softpedia.

Thanks folks

ExpPrnDr.bat has been updated.
It will now notify you if no or multiple matching printers were found.
December 16, 2009 • Both my ADSITest.hta and WMIGen.hta received a "100% CLEAN award" granted by Softpedia.

Thanks folks

• I wrote a batch file to export printer drivers.
It will copy all printer driver files for the specified printer model to a newly created directory, and also add a batch file "install_driver.bat" to (re)install the driver.
The batch file requires Microsoft's DEVCON utility.
December 10, 2009 • Denis St-Pierre sent me a batch file to return the Windows version.

Thanks Denis
December 4, 2009 • It has been quiet and stable for a while, but today I added a "new" shutdown command to my Shutdown & Reboot page.
December 2, 2009 • I added a silent installation of WGA Notifier to my list of unattended software installations.

• I also added a Network section to my Unattended Installations page.
In this section I explain how to use NETSH to create scripts, with an example to set static IP addresses.

ListHDDs.bat has been updated.
The first implementation skipped some IDE/SATA drives, which has been corrected in this update.
November 24, 2009 • A new sample batch file has been added: ListHDDs.bat. It lists all physical harddisk models on a remote computer. To do so, it requires either WMIC or DEVCON; if neither is available, you will be prompted to open the DEVCON download page.
November 9, 2009 • A tip I received from the WinRAR team: Emsi Software will be offering FREE one year license for their product "a-squared Anti-Malware" during 24 hours on the 11th of November 2009, starting from 11:11 AM (CET).
Follow this link for more information and to download the software:
October 12, 2009 • I agree, it has nothing to do with scripting, but I have been waiting for this news for a long time: Amazon's Kindle Wireless Reading Device will be available outside the US as of next week.
Also available as of next month: Kindle for PC, free software to read Kindle books on your PC.


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