The following page is a list of several commands available on Terminal Server workstations and servers.
These commands can be used in batch files or other scripting languages.
The syntaxes listed are for Windows 2000 Advanced Server (SP3).
From a reliable source I know they are identical in NT 4, XP and 2003.
In early beta versions of Longhorn, though, CHGLOGON /QUERY
currently directs its output to standard error instead of standard output. This may still change in a following version.
ACINIUPD: utility to update the INI file (Application Compatibility INI Update).
ACINIUPD | [ /e | /k ] [ /u ] [ /v ] ini_file section key new_value |
ini_file | The INI file to be updated |
section | Specified the [section] within the INI file |
key | Specifies the key to be added or updated |
new_value | Specifies the new value to be assigned to key |
/e | Update the value for the key in the section specified |
/k | Update the key name with the new key name in the section specified |
/u | Update INI file in user's windows directory (or any other directory) instead of system directory |
/v | Verbose mode |
Enable or disable session logins
/QUERY | Query current session login mode |
/ENABLE | Enable user login from sessions |
/DISABLE | Disable user login from sessions |
List or change COM port mappings for DOS application compatibility
CHANGE | PORT [ portx=porty | /D portx | /QUERY ] |
portx=porty | Map port x to port y |
/D portx | Delete mapping for port x |
/QUERY | Display current mapping ports |
Change Install Mode
/EXECUTE | Enable execute mode (default) |
/INSTALL | Enable install mode |
/QUERY | Display current settings |
Terminates a session
LOGOFF | [ sessionname | sessionid ] [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /V ] |
sessionname | The name of the session |
sessionid | The ID of the session |
/SERVER:servername | Specifies the Terminal server containing the user session to log off (default is current) |
/V | Displays information about the actions performed |
Sends a message to the specified user(s)
MSG | { username | sessionname | sessionid | @filename | * } [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /TIME:seconds ] [ /V ] [ /W ] message |
username | The user to receive the message |
sessionname | The name of the session |
sessionid | The ID of the session |
@filename | A file with users, session names and session IDs to receive the message |
* | Sends the message to all users on the system |
/SERVER:servername | Specifies the Terminal server containing the user session to log off (default is current) |
/TIME:seconds | Specifies time to wait for a confirmation for the user who received the message |
/V | Displays information about the actions performed |
/W | Wait for response from users |
message | Specifies the text to send. If no message is entered it will send STDIN. To send a text within a file, type "<" and then the file name. |
Displays the available application terminal servers on the network
QUERY | TERMSERVER [ servername ] [ /DOMAIN:domain ] [ /ADDRESS ] [ /CONTINUE ] |
servername | Identifies a Terminal server |
/DOMAIN:domain | Displays information for the specified domain (defaults to the current domain) |
/ADDRESS | Displays network and node addresses |
/CONTINUE | Does not pause after each screen of information |
Display information about servers on the local farm
QUERY | FARM [ servername [ /ADDR | /APP | /APP appname ] ] [ /TCP ] [ /IPX ] [ /NETBIOS ] [ /CONTINUE ] [ /APP | /APP appname | /DISC | /LOAD | /OFFLINE | /OFFLINE zonename | /ONLINE | /ONLINE zonename | /PROCESS | /ZONE | /ZONE zonename ] |
servername | Identifies a Terminal server |
/TCP | Display TCP/IP data |
/IPX | Display IPX data |
/NETBIOS | Display NETBIOS data |
/ADDR | Display address data on selected server |
/APP | Display application names and server load |
/DISC | Display disconnected session data |
/LOAD | Display server load |
/OFFLINE | Display offline servers |
/ONLINE | Display online servers |
/PROCESS | Display active processes |
/ZONE | Display zones and data collectors |
/CONTINUE | Does not pause after each screen of information |
Displays information about processes
QUERY | PROCESS [ * | processid | username | sessionname | /ID:nn | programname ] [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /SYSTEM ] |
* | Display all visible processes |
processid | Display process specified by processid |
username | Display all processes belonging to username |
sessionname | Display all processes running at sessionname |
/ID:nn | Display all processes running at session nn |
programname | Display all processes associated with programname |
/SERVER:servername | The Terminal server to be queried |
/SYSTEM | Displays process information for system processes |
Display information about available ICA-enabled servers on the network
server | Identifies a Terminal server |
/TCP | Display TCP/IP data |
/IPX | Display IPX data |
/NETBIOS | Display NETBIOS data |
/TCPSERVER:x | TCP/IP default server address |
/IPXSERVER:x | IPX default server address |
/NETBIOSSERVER:x | NetBIOS default server address |
/LICENSE | Display user licenses |
/APP | Display application names and server load |
/DISC | Display disconnected session data |
/LOAD | Display load data on selected server |
/GATEWAY | Display configured gateway addresses |
/SERIAL | Display license serial numbers |
/SERVERFARM | Display server farm names and server load |
/PING | Ping selected server |
/COUNT:n | Number of times to ping (default 5) |
/SIZE:n | Size of ping buffers (default 256 bytes) |
/STATS | Display browser statistics on selected server |
/RESET | Reset browser statistics on selected server |
/ADDR | Display address data on selected server |
/VIDEO | Display VideoFrame data |
/IGNORE | Ignore warning message about interoperability mode |
/CONTINUE | Does not pause after each screen of information |
Display information about users logged on to the system
QUERY | USER [ username | sessionname | sessionid ] [ /SERVER:servername ] |
username | Identifies the username |
sessionname | Identifies the session named sessionname |
sessionid | Identifies the session with ID sessionid |
/SERVER:servername | The server to be queried (default is current) |
Display information about Terminal Sessions
QUERY | SESSION [ sessionname | username | sessionid ] [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /MODE ] [ /FLOW ] [ /CONNECT ] [ /COUNTER ] |
sessionname | Identifies the session named sessionname |
username | Identifies the session with user username |
sessionid | Identifies the session with ID sessionid |
/SERVER:servername | The server to be queried (default is current) |
/MODE | Display current line settings |
/FLOW | Display current flow control settings |
/CONNECT | Display current connect settings |
/COUNTER | Display current Terminal Services counters information |
Reset the session subsytem hardware and software to known initial values
RESET | SESSION { sessionname | sessionid } [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /V ] |
sessionid | The ID of the session |
sessionname | The name of the session |
/SERVER:servername | The server containing the session (default is current) |
/V | Display additional information |
Monitor another Terminal Services session
SHADOW | { sessionname | sessionid } [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /V ] |
sessionid | The ID of the session |
sessionname | The name of the session |
/SERVER:servername | The server containing the session (default is current) |
/V | Display additional information |
Attaches a user session to a terminal session
TSCON | [ sessionid | sessionname ] [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /DEST:sessionname ] [ /PASSWORD:pw ] [ /V ] |
sessionid | The ID of the session |
sessionname | The name of the session |
/SERVER:servername | The name of the Terminal server to connect to (default is current) |
/DEST:sessionname | Connect the session to destination sessionname |
/PASSWORD:pw | Password of user owning identified session |
/V | Displays information about the actions performed |
Disconnects a terminal session
TSDISCON | [ sessionid | sessionname ] [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /V ] |
sessionid | The ID of the session |
sessionname | The name of the session |
/SERVER:servername | Specifies the Terminal server (default is current) |
/V | Displays information about the actions performed |
Ends a process
TSKILL | processid | processname [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /ID:sessionid | /A ] [ /V ] |
processid | Process ID for the process to be terminated |
processname | Process name to be terminated |
/SERVER:servername | Server containing processID (default is current) /ID or /A must be specified when using processname and /SERVER |
/ID:sessionid | End process running under the specified session |
/A | End process running under ALL sessions |
/V | Display information about actions being performed |
Copies or updates the terminal server user configuration information
TSPROF | /UPDATE [ /DOMAIN:domainname | /LOCAL ] /PROFILE:<path> username |
TSPROF | /COPY [ /DOMAIN:domainname | /LOCAL ] [ /PROFILE:<path> ] src_usr dest_usr |
TSPROF | /Q [ /DOMAIN:domainname | /LOCAL ] username |
/UPDATE | Updates the profile path information for username |
/COPY | Copies the user configuration information from src_usr to dest_usr |
/Q | Shows the current profile path for username |
/DOMAIN:domainname | Specifies the domain to work in |
/LOCAL | Works on the local computer |
/PROFILE:<path> | Specifies the profile path to use |
username | Specifies the user to work on |
src_usr | Specifies the user to copy the configuration information from |
dest_usr | Specifies the user to copy the configuration information to |
Shut down a server in a controlled manner
TSSHUTDN | [ wait_time ] [ /SERVER:servername ] [ /REBOOT | /POWERDOWN ] [ /DELAY:logoffdelay ] [ /V ] |
wait_time | Seconds to wait after user notification before terminating all user sessions (default is 60) |
/SERVER:servername | The server to shut down (default is current) |
/REBOOT | Reboot the server after user sessions are terminated |
/POWERDOWN | The server will prepare for powering off |
/DELAY:logoffdelay | Seconds to wait after logging off all connected sessions (default is 30) |
/V | Display information about actions being performed |
A free "third party" command-line utility by
to set terminal server user settings.
All eighteen (18) terminal server settings can be set.
TSCMD | server user setting [ new_value ] |
server | Domain controller of the Terminal Servers' domain | |
user | The user account to be queried or modified | |
setting | One of the following properties: | InitialProgram WorkingDirectory InheritInitialProgram AllowLogonTerminalServer TimeoutConnection TimeoutDisconnect TimeoutIdle DeviceClientDrives DeviceClientPrinters DeviceClientDefaultPrinter BrokenTimeoutSettings ReconnectSettings ModemCallbackSettings ModemCallbackPhoneNumber ShadowingSettings TerminalServerProfilePath TerminalServerHomeDir TerminalServerHomeDirDrive |
new_value | Optional new value for the specified setting (property).If left out the current value of setting will be displayed.Check TSCMD's readme for details on valid new values. |
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