Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

"Undocumented" Commands

in Windows NT 4, 2000 & XP

When browsing the book Universal Command Guide: For Operating Systems by Guy Lotgering I found some interesting commands:



ACINIUPD: utility to update the INI file.

ACINIUPD [ /e | /k ] [ /u ] [ /v ] ini_file section key new_value
/e Update the value for the key in the section specified
/k Update the key name with the new key name in the section specified
/u Update INI file in user's windows directory (or any other directory) instead of system directory
/v Verbose mode

ACINIUPD.EXE is located in the "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts" directory on Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server systems.

As Christoph Geiser found out and mailed to me (thanks):

... the command runs only on W2K Server and not on W2K Pro!
... it only works fine with admin permission. Only with the /u parameter you can use it with normal user rights.
... the syntax is something like:

ACINIUPD /e "d:\testdir\test.ini" "section1" test "5"
d:\testdir>type test.ini





Microsoft® Windows 2000 Windows File Checker Version 5.00
© 1999 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved

Scans all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions.

/SCANNOW Scans all protected system files immediately
/SCANONCE Scans all protected system files once at the next boot
/SCANBOOT Scans all protected system files at every boot
/CANCEL Cancels all pending scans of protected system files
/QUIET Replaces all incorrect file versions without prompting the user
/ENABLE Enables Windows File Protection for normal operation
/PURGECACHE Purges the file cache and scans all protected system files immediately
/CACHESIZE=x Sets the file cache size



TSSHUTDN: Shut down a server in a controlled manner

TSSHUTDN.EXE wait_time ]  [ /SERVER:servername ]  [ /REBOOT | /POWERDOWN ]  [ /DELAY:logoffdelay ]  [ /V ]
wait_time Seconds to wait after user notification before terminating all user sessions (default is 60)
/SERVER:servername The server to shut down (default is current)
/REBOOT Reboot the server after user sessions are terminated
/POWERDOWN The server will prepare for powering off
/DELAY:logoffdelay Seconds to wait after logging off all connected sessions (default is 30)
/V Display information about actions being performed

TSSHUTDN.EXE is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32 directory on Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server systems.

More Terminal Server commands can be found on my Terminal Server Commands page.

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