Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

News Archives 2020 Q4


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MessageBox.exe was updated:


• A bug in MessageBox.exe was fixed: cancelling would not always return errorlevel 2 even when it was supposed to.


MessageBox.exe was updated: if a Cancel button is used, cancelling will return errorlevel 2, whether by clicking the Cancel button, pressing the Esc key or Alt+F4; if no Cancel button is used, return code (errorlevel) will be 0 even when cancelled (this is a limitation of .NET's MessageBox Class).


CheckVarsVBS.exe has been updated: some false positives in its results were fixed.


BookFind.vbs, a script using Internet Explorer and Amazon's website to look up books by their ISBN or ASIN, has been updated:


Recycle.vbs has been updated:


Recycle.vbs has been updated:


• Recommended: Cyril Bois' online CyrilEx Regex Tester.
Besides testing your regular expression on a string, it also visualizes the regular expression.



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