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help for DEVCON 6.1.7600.16385

Device Console Help:

DEVCON.EXE [-r] [-m:\\<machine>] <command> [<arg>...]

-r           Reboots the system only when a restart or reboot is required.

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer. 

<command>    Specifies a Devcon command (see command list below).

<arg>...     One or more arguments that modify a command.

For help with a specific command, type: DEVCON.EXE help <command>

classfilter          Add, delete, and reorder class filters.

classes              List all device setup classes.

disable              Disable devices.

driverfiles          List installed driver files for devices.

drivernodes          List driver nodes of devices.

enable               Enable devices.

find                 Find devices.

findall              Find devices, including those that are not currently attached.

help                 Display Devcon help.

hwids                List hardware IDs of devices.

install              Install a device manually.

listclass            List all devices in a setup class.

reboot               Reboot the local computer.

remove               Remove devices.

rescan               Scan for new hardware.

resources            List hardware resources for devices.

restart              Restart devices.

sethwid              Modify Hardware ID's of listed root-enumerated devices.

stack                List expected driver stack for devices.

status               List running status of devices.

update               Update a device manually.

updateni             Manually update a device (non interactive).

dp_add               Adds (installs) a third-party (OEM) driver package.

dp_delete            Deletes a third-party (OEM) driver package.

dp_enum              Lists the third-party (OEM) driver packages installed on this machine.

Type DEVCON help command on the command line for detailed help on command.

DEVCON classes

Devcon Classes Command

Lists all device setup classes. Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] classes

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

Class entries have the format <name>: <descr>

where <name> is the class name and <descr> is the class description.

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DEVCON classfilter

Devcon Classfilter Command

Lists, adds, deletes, and reorders upper and lower filter drivers for a device

setup class. Changes do not take effect until the affected devices are restarted

or the machine is rebooted.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter [-r] <class> {upper | lower} [<operator><filter> [<operator><filter>...]]

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

<operator>   Specifies an operation (listed below).

<filter>     Specifies a class filter driver.

upper        Identifies an upper filter driver.

lower        Identifies a lower filter driver.

To list the upper/lower filter drivers for a class, 

type:  devcon classfilter <class> {upper | lower}

The Devcon classfilter command uses subcommands, which consist of an 

operator (=, @, -, +, !) and a filter driver name.

The Devcon classfilter command uses a virtual cursor to move through

the list of filter drivers. The cursor starts at the beginning of the 

list (before the first filter). Unless returned to the starting position,

the cursor always moves forward.


 =       Move the cursor to the beginning of the filter driver list (before the

         first filter driver).

 @       Position the cursor on the next instance of the specified filter.

 -       Add before. Insert the specified filter before the filter on which the cursor

         is positioned. If the cursor is not positioned on a filter, insert the

         new filter at the beginning of the list. When the subcommand completes, the

         cursor is positioned on the newly-added filter.

 +       Add after. Insert the specified filter after the filter on which the cursor

         is positioned. If the cursor is not positioned on a filter, Devcon inserts the

         new filter at the end of the list. When the subcommand completes, the cursor

         cursor is positioned on the newly-added filter.       

 !       Deletes the next occurrence of the specified filter. When the subcommand 

         completes, the cursor occupies the position of the deleted filter. 

         Subsequent - or + subcommands insert a new filter at the cursor position.


If the upper filters for setup class "foo" are A,B,C,B,D,B,E:

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper @D !B    - deletes the third 'B'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper !B !B !B - deletes all three instances of 'B'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper =!B =!A  - deletes the first 'B' and the first 'A'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper !C +CC   - replaces 'C' with 'CC'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper @D -CC   - inserts 'CC' before 'D'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper @D +CC   - inserts 'CC' after 'D'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper -CC      - inserts 'CC' before 'A'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper +CC      - inserts 'CC' after 'E'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper @D +X +Y - inserts 'X' after 'D' and 'Y' after 'X'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper @D -X -Y - inserts 'X' before 'D' and 'Y' before 'X'.

DEVCON.EXE classfilter foo upper @D -X +Y - inserts 'X' before 'D' and 'Y' between 'X' and 'D'.

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DEVCON disable

Devcon Disable Command

Disables devices with the specified hardware or instance ID.

Valid only on the local computer. (To reboot when necesary, Include -r .)

DEVCON.EXE [-r] disable <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-r] disable =<class> [<id>...]

-r           Reboots the system only when a restart or reboot is required.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON dp_add

DEVCON.EXE dp_add <inf>

Adds (installs) a third-party (OEM) driver package.

This command will only work on the local machine.

<inf> is a full path to the INF of the Driver

Package that will be installed on this machine.

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DEVCON dp_delete

DEVCON.EXE [-f] dp_delete <inf>

Deletes a third-party (OEM) driver package.

This command will only work on the local machine.

[-f] will force delete the driver package, even

if it is in use by a device.

<inf> is the name of a published INF on the local

machine.  This is the value returned from dp_add

and dp_enum.

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DEVCON dp_enum

DEVCON.EXE dp_enum

Lists the third-party (OEM) driver packages installed on this machine.

This command will only work on the local machine.

Values returned from dp_enum can be sent to dp_delete 

to be removed from the machine.

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DEVCON driverfiles

Devcon Driverfiles Command

List installed driver files for devices with the specified hardware or

instance ID. Valid only on the local computer.

DEVCON.EXE driverfiles <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE driverfiles =<class> [<id>...]

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON drivernodes

Devcon Drivernodes Command

Lists driver nodes for devices with the specified hardware or instance ID.

Valid only on the local computer.

DEVCON.EXE drivernodes <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE drivernodes =<class> [<id>...]

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON enable

Devcon Enable Command

Enables devices with the specified hardware or instance ID. Valid only on

the local computer. (To reboot when necessary, include -r.)

DEVCON.EXE [-r] enable <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-r] enable =<class> [<id>...]

-r           Reboots the system only when a restart or reboot is required.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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Devcon Find Command

Finds devices with the specified hardware or instance ID. Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] find <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] find =<class> [<id>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

Device entries have the format <instance>: <descr>

where <instance> is the unique instance of the device and <descr> is the device description.

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DEVCON findall

Devcon Findall Command

Finds devices with the specified hardware or instance ID, including devices

that are not currently attached. Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] findall <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] findall =<class> [<id>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

Device entries have the format <instance>: <descr>

where <instance> is the unique instance of the device and <descr> is the description.

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DEVCON hwids

Devcon Hwids Command

Lists hardware IDs of all devices with the specified hardware or instance ID.

Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] hwids <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] hwids =<class> [<id>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON install

Devcon Install Command

Installs the specified device manually. Valid only on the local computer. 

(To reboot when necesary, Include -r .)

DEVCON.EXE [-r] install <inf> <hwid>

<inf>        Specifies an INF file with installation information for the device.

<hwid>       Specifies a hardware ID for the device.

-r           Reboots the system only when a restart or reboot is required.

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DEVCON listclass

Devcon Listclass Command

Lists all devices in the specified setup classes. Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] listclass <class> [<class>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Device entries have the format <instance>: <descr>

where <instance> is a unique instance of the device and <descr> is the device description.

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DEVCON reboot


Reboots the local computer as part of a planned hardware installation.

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DEVCON remove

Devcon Remove Command

Removes devices with the specified hardware or instance ID. Valid only on

the local computer. (To reboot when necesary, Include -r .)

DEVCON.EXE [-r] remove <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-r] remove =<class> [<id>...]

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON rescan

Devcon Rescan Command

Directs Plug and Play to scan for new hardware. Valid on a local or remote computer.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

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DEVCON resources

Devcon Resources Command

Lists hardware resources of devices with the specified hardware or instance ID.

Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] resources <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] resources =<class> [<id>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer. 

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON restart

Devcon Restart Command

Restarts devices with the specified hardware or instance ID.

Valid only on the local computer. (To reboot when necesary, Include -r .)

DEVCON.EXE [-r] restart <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-r] restart =<class> [<id>...]

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON sethwid

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] sethwid <id> [<id>...] := <subcmds>

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] sethwid =<class> [<id>...] := <subcmds>

Modifies the hardware ID's of the listed devices. This command will only work for root-enumerated devices.

This command will work for a remote machine.

Examples of <id> are:

*                  - All devices (not recommended)

ISAPNP\PNP0601     - Hardware ID

*PNP*              - Hardware ID with wildcards (* matches anything)

@ROOT\*\*          - Instance ID with wildcards (@ prefixes instance ID)

<class> is a setup class name as obtained from the classes command.

<subcmds> consists of one or more:

=hwid              - Clear hardware ID list and set it to hwid.

+hwid              - Add or move hardware ID to head of list (better match).

-hwid              - Add or move hardware ID to end of list (worse match).

!hwid              - Remove hardware ID from list.

hwid               - each additional hardware id is inserted after the previous.

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DEVCON stack

Devcon Stack Command

Lists the expected driver stack of devices with the specified hardware

or instance ID. PnP calls each driver's AddDevice routine when building

the device stack. Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] stack <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] stack =<class> [<id>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON status

Devcon Status Command

Lists the running status of devices with the specified hardware or instance ID.

Valid on local and remote computers.

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] status <id> [<id>...]

DEVCON.EXE [-m:\\<machine>] status =<class> [<id>...]

<machine>    Specifies a remote computer.

<class>      Specifies a device setup class.

Examples of <id>:

 *              - All devices

 ISAPNP\PNP0501 - Hardware ID

 *PNP*          - Hardware ID with wildcards  (* matches anything)

 @ISAPNP\*\*    - Instance ID with wildcards  (@ prefixes instance ID)

 '*PNP0501      - Hardware ID with apostrophe (' prefixes literal match - matches exactly as typed,

                                               including the asterisk.)

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DEVCON update

Devcon Update Command

Updates drivers for all devices with the specified hardware ID (<hwid>). 

Valid only on the local computer. (To reboot when necesary, Include -r .)

DEVCON.EXE [-r] update <inf> <hwid>

-r           Reboots the system only when a restart or reboot is required.

<inf>        Specifies an INF file with installation information for the devices.

<hwid>       Specifies the hardware ID of the devices.

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DEVCON updateni

DEVCON.EXE [-r] updateni <inf> <hwid>

Update drivers for devices (Non Interactive).

This command will only work for local machine.

Specify -r to reboot automatically if needed.

<inf> is an INF to use to install the device.

All devices that match <hwid> are updated.

Unsigned installs will fail. No UI will be


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Written by Rob van der Woude

page last modified: 2016-12-12; loaded in 0.0039 seconds