This post from Walter Zackery shows how to create shortcuts using .INF files and RUNDLL32:
Subject: Re: Shortcut in start menu Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 06:34:17 -0500 From: "Walter Zackery" <> Organization: Prodigy Internet Newsgroups: alt.msdos.batch References: 1 , 2 , 3 I posted this in an NT group 2 weeks ago, but here it is again. @echo off & setlocal ::For Windows NT 4.0 users only!!! ::Creates LNK and PIF files from the command line. ::Author: Walter Zackery if not %1[==[ if exist %1 goto start echo You must pass the path of a file or folder to the echo batch file as a shortcut target. if not %1[==[ echo %1 is not an existing file or folder (pause & endlocal & goto:eof) :start (set hkey=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows) (set hkey=%hkey%\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders) (set inf=rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall) start/w regedit /e %temp%\#57#.tmp "%hkey%" for /f "tokens=*" %%? in ( 'dir/b/a %1? 2^>nul') do (set name=%%~nx?) for /f "tokens=2* delims==" %%? in ( 'findstr/b /i """desktop"""= %temp%\#57#.tmp') do (set d=%%?) for /f "tokens=2* delims==" %%? in ( 'findstr/b /i """programs"""= %temp%\#57#.tmp') do (set p=%%?) (set d=%d:\\=\%) & (set p=%p:\\=\%) if not %2[==[ if exist %~fs2\nul (set d=%~fs2) if not %2[==[ if exist %~fs2nul (set d=%~fs2) set x=if exist %2\nul if not %2[==[ if not %d%==%2 %x% if "%~p2"=="\" set d=%2 echo %d%|find ":\" >nul||(set d=%d%\) (set file=""""""%1"""""") for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%? in ("%file:"=%") do set drive=%%? (set progman=setup.ini, progman.groups,,) echo > %temp%\#k#.inf [version] echo >>%temp%\#k#.inf signature=$chicago$ echo >>%temp%\#k#.inf [DefaultInstall] echo >>%temp%\#k#.inf UpdateInis=Addlink echo >>%temp%\#k#.inf [Addlink] echo >>%temp%\#k#.inf %progman% ""group200="}new{""" echo >>%temp%\#k#.inf setup.ini, group200,, """%name%"",%file% start/w %inf% 132 %temp%\#k#.inf del %temp%\#k#.inf %temp%\#57#.tmp move %p%\"}new{\*.*" %d% >nul 2>&1 rd %p%\}new{ 2>nul move %p%\}new{.lnk %d%\"drive %drive%.lnk" >nul 2>&1 endlocal "Ross" <> wrote in message news:AMl94.44$ : You wouldn't happen to have an NT version of this script would you (it would : save me some time!)? : : With kind regards, : Ross. :
More information on .INF files and shortcuts can be found in this article by Daniel U. Thibault.
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