By Daniel U. Thibault
Some additions to Walter Zackery's bit about creating shortcuts using .INF files and RunDLL from a BAT:
Within an INF, you can use this:
[AddLink] setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group1=""%ShortcutLocation%""" setup.ini, group1,,"""%ShortcutDesc%"",""%28710%\Wordpad.exe"",,,,,""Wordpad.exe"""
is an arbitrary place-holder group name.
The %ShortcutLocation%
string can be a long file name if it is quoted (like in my example).
It is relative to Start Menu\Programs unless fully qualified.
To put a shortcut in the SendTo folder, for example, I would specify:
setup.ini, progman.groups,,"group1=""%10%\SendTo"""
The %10%
place-holder is peculiar to INF and retrieves the Windows directory path (in most cases C:\Windows).
is the Applications (Program Files) directory root (typically C:\).
The entire %24%\Progra~1\Access~1\
path can be retrieved as %28710%
under Win 98 and later.
is the System directory (System32 under Win NT), %17%
is the INF directory.
In generating the shortcut itself, the quoted argument to "setup.ini, group1,,"
"<LinkTitle>,<Target>,<Icon_file>,<Icon_index>,<Profile>,<Start In>,<Description>"
<LinkTitle> | is the shortcut's descriptive title. |
<Target> | is the fully qualified path to the target, including command-line switches and arguments; note that if the <Target> is quoted, it'll be expanded from SFN to LFN automatically. |
<Icon_file> | is the fully qualified path to the icon-holding resource (an EXE, DLL, ICO, ICL or some such) |
<Icon_index> | is the zero-based index of the icon in <Icon_file> . |
<Profile> | when specified, creates the link for that user profile only. |
<Start In> | is the current-path setting for the shortcut. |
<Description> | is an undocumented optional argument; you can safely omit it or set it to the target's title. The Microsoft INFs label it "details view". |
Note: | When specifying the Icon_index, if you know the icon's Resource ID (using MicroAngelo's Librarian, Colin WIlson's PE Module Explorer or ResHacker, for example), you can specify it instead of the zero-based index by turning it into a negative number. For example, Microsoft Excel 8's spreadsheet icon is the second one in Excel.exe — and thus its Icon_index is "1". Its Resource ID is 258, so you can alternately refer to it as "-258". |
setup.ini, group1,,"""Link to Wordpad"",""%24%\Progra~1\Access~1\Wordpad.exe"",""%11%\Cool.dll"",3,,%17%"
To delete a shortcut, the quoted argument must consist of just the shortcut description.
Like so:
setup.ini, group1,,"""%ShortcutDesc%"""
Daniel U. Thibault
a.k.a. Urhixidur
a.k.a. Seigneur Bohémond de Nicée
ICQ: 4985610
AIM: Urhixidur
page last modified: 2015-12-04; loaded in 0.0039 seconds