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Source code for yfxclass.vbs

(view source code of yfxclass.vbs as plain text)

  1. Option Explicit
  3. Dim objYFX
  5. Set objYFX = New YFX
  7. ' Show class information
  8. WScript.Echo "Class ""YahooFX"", Version " & objYFX.Version
  9. WScript.Echo objYFX.CopyRight & vbCrLf
  10. WScript.Echo objYFX.Disclaimer
  12. ' Show exchange rate from British pounds to Canadian dollars
  13. objYFX.CurrFromISO = "GBP"
  14. objYFX.CurrToISO   = "CAD"
  15. WScript.Echo objYFX.CurrFromISO & " = " & objYFX.CurrFromName
  16. WScript.Echo objYFX.CurrToISO   & " = " & objYFX.CurrToName
  17. objYFX.Query
  18. WScript.Echo "Exchange rate from " & objYFX.CurrFromName & " to " & objYFX.CurrToName & " currently is at " & objYFX.ExchangeRate
  19. WScript.Echo "So " & objYFX.CurrFromISO & " 1000 would be equivalent to " & objYFX.CurrToISO & " " & FormatNumber( objYFX.ExchangeRate * 1000, 2 )
  20. WScript.Echo vbCrLf & Join( objYFX.StatusLog, vbCrLf ) & vbCrLf
  22. ' Show exchange rate from British pounds to US dollars
  23. objYFX.CurrToISO = "USD"
  24. WScript.Echo objYFX.CurrFromISO & " = " & objYFX.CurrFromName
  25. WScript.Echo objYFX.CurrToISO   & " = " & objYFX.CurrToName
  26. objYFX.Query
  27. WScript.Echo "Exchange rate from " & objYFX.CurrFromName & " to " & objYFX.CurrToName & " currently is at " & objYFX.ExchangeRate
  28. WScript.Echo "So " & objYFX.CurrFromISO & " 1000 would be equivalent to " & objYFX.CurrToISO & " " & FormatNumber( objYFX.ExchangeRate * 1000, 2 )
  29. WScript.Echo vbCrLf & Join( objYFX.StatusLog, vbCrLf ) & vbCrLf
  31. ' Clear the (cumulative) log
  32. objYFX.ClearLog
  34. ' Show exchange rate from Canadian dollars to US dollars
  35. objYFX.CurrFromISO = "CAD"
  36. WScript.Echo objYFX.CurrFromISO & " = " & objYFX.CurrFromName
  37. WScript.Echo objYFX.CurrToISO   & " = " & objYFX.CurrToName
  38. objYFX.Query
  39. WScript.Echo "Exchange rate from " & objYFX.CurrFromName & " to " & objYFX.CurrToName & " currently is at " & objYFX.ExchangeRate
  40. WScript.Echo "So " & objYFX.CurrFromISO & " 1000 would be equivalent to " & objYFX.CurrToISO & " " & FormatNumber( objYFX.ExchangeRate * 1000, 2 )
  41. WScript.Echo vbCrLf & Join( objYFX.StatusLog, vbCrLf ) & vbCrLf
  43. Set objYFX = Nothing
  45. Class YFX
  46. ' This class retrieves the exchange rate for any
  47. ' two currencies from
  48. '
  49. ' Properties:
  50. ' CurrFromISO  R/W [string]    ISO 4217 currency code to convert from **
  51. ' CurrFromName R   [date]      Descriptive name of currency to convert from
  52. ' CurrToISO    R/W [date]      ISO 4217 currency code to convert to **
  53. ' CurrToName   R   [date]      Descriptive name of currency to convert to
  54. ' Disclaimer   R   [string]    Disclaimer text
  55. ' ExchangeRate R   [double]    Last known exchange rate retrieved from Yahoo
  56. ' Status       R   [integer]   Connection status number
  57. ' StatusLog    R   [array str] History of status/error messages
  58. ' StatusMsg    R   [string]    Last/current status/error messages
  59. ' Version      R   [string]    This class' version number
  60. '
  61. ' Methods:
  62. ' ClearLog         clears the status log array
  63. ' Query            start the query for the exchange reate
  64. '
  65. ' ** Look up currency codes at
  66. '
  67. ' Disclaimer:
  68. ' This class uses to retrieve exchange rates,
  69. ' and to "translate" currency codes.
  70. ' This class will break when either Yahoo or CurrencySystem change their
  71. ' web page layout or content.
  72. ' The author of this class cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct
  73. ' nor consequential, caused by the use of or inability to use this class.
  74. ' Do not make any financial decisions based on the output of this class.
  75. ' Always use a "second source" before making any decision.
  76. ' Use this class entirely at your own risk.
  77. '
  78. ' Change log:
  79. ' July 3, 2007     First public release
  80. '
  81. ' Written by Rob van der Woude
  82. '
  84. 	' Declare all our private, or local, variables
  85. 	Private colMatches, intLastSubMatch, objRE
  86. 	Private strConversion, strCurrencies, strDecimal, strResponse, strURL, strUserAgent
  87. 	Private m_CopyRight, m_CurrFromISO, m_CurrFromName, m_CurrToISO, m_CurrToName
  88. 	Private m_Disclaimer, m_ExchangeRate, m_Status, m_StatusLog, m_StatusMsg, m_Version
  90. 	' Initialize the variables when the class is initialized
  91. 	Private Sub Class_Initialize
  92. 		Dim objHTTP
  93. 		m_CopyRight    = "Copyright (C) 2007, Rob van der Woude,"
  94. 		m_CurrFromISO  = ""
  95. 		m_CurrFromName = ""
  96. 		m_CurrToISO    = ""
  97. 		m_CurrToName   = ""
  98. 		m_Disclaimer   = "This class uses to retrieve exchange rates," & vbCrLf _
  99. 		               & "and to ""translate"" currency codes." & vbCrLf _
  100. 		               & "This class will break when either Yahoo or CurrencySystem change their" & vbCrLf _
  101. 		               & "web page layout or content." & vbCrLf _
  102. 		               & "The author of this class cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct" & vbCrLf _
  103. 		               & "nor consequential, caused by the use of or inability to use this class." & vbCrLf _
  104. 		               & "Do not make any financial decisions based on the output of this class." & vbCrLf _
  105. 		               & "Always use a ""second source"" before making any decision." & vbCrLf _
  106. 		               & "Use this class entirely at your own risk." & vbCrLf
  107. 		m_ExchangeRate = 0
  108. 		m_Status       = 0
  109. 		m_StatusMsg    = "Class initialized"
  110. 		m_StatusLog    = Array( FormatDateTime( Date( ), vbShortDate ) _
  111. 		                      & ", " _
  112. 		                      & FormatDateTime( Time( ), vbLongTime ) _
  113. 		                      & ": " & m_StatusMsg & "." )
  114. 		m_Version      = "1.00"
  115. 		' Get the locally used decimal delimiter
  116. 		strDecimal   = Replace( FormatNumber( 0, 1, True ), "0", "" )
  117. 		strUserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)"
  118. 		' Retrieve currency code from
  119. 		Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )
  120. 		strURL = ""
  121. 		objHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False
  122. 		objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "UserAgent", strUserAgent
  123. 		objHTTP.Send
  124. 		strCurrencies = objHTTP.ResponseText
  125. 		m_Status      = objHTTP.Status
  126. 		m_StatusMsg   = " currency codes: " _
  127. 		              & objHTTP.Status & " = " & objHTTP.StatusText
  128. 		Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  129. 		Set objHTTP = Nothing
  130. 	End Sub
  132. 	Public Property Get CopyRight
  133. 		CopyRight = m_CopyRight
  134. 	End Property
  136. 	Public Property Get CurrFromISO
  137. 		CurrFromISO = m_CurrFromISO
  138. 	End Property
  140. 	Public Property Let CurrFromISO( myCurrFrom )
  141. 		Set objRE        = New RegExp
  142. 		objRE.Global     = False
  143. 		objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  144. 		objRE.Pattern    = "[A-Z]{3}"
  145. 		Set colMatches   = objRE.Execute( myCurrFrom )
  146. 		m_StatusMsg      = myCurrFrom & " check: " & colMatches.Count & " match(es)"
  147. 		Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  148. 		If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  149. 			m_Status       = 0
  150. 			m_CurrFromISO  = UCase( myCurrFrom )
  151. 			' Extract the exchange rate from the
  152. 			' web page stored in memory; in case of error, return 0
  153. 			Set objRE        = New RegExp
  154. 			objRE.Global     = False
  155. 			objRE.IgnoreCase = False
  156. 			objRE.Pattern    = "<tr><td[^>]*>([^<]*)</td><td[^>]*>" & UCase( myCurrFrom ) & "</td></tr>"
  157. 			Set colMatches   = objRE.Execute( strCurrencies )
  158. 			If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  159. 				m_CurrFromName = colMatches.Item(0).Submatches(0)
  160. 			Else
  161. 				m_CurrFromName = ""
  162. 			End If
  163. 			Set colMatches = Nothing
  164. 			Set objRE      = Nothing
  165. 		Else
  166. 			m_Status    = 100
  167. 			m_StatusMsg = "Invalid currency code for " _
  168. 			            & """FROM"" currency: " & myCurrFrom
  169. 			Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  170. 		End If
  171. 		Set colMatches = Nothing
  172. 		Set objRE      = Nothing
  173. 	End Property
  175. 	Public Property Get CurrFromName
  176. 		CurrFromName = m_CurrFromName
  177. 	End Property
  179. 	Public Property Get CurrToISO
  180. 		CurrToISO = m_CurrToISO
  181. 	End Property
  183. 	Public Property Let CurrToISO( myCurrTo )
  184. 		Set objRE        = New RegExp
  185. 		objRE.Global     = False
  186. 		objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  187. 		objRE.Pattern    = "[A-Z]{3}"
  188. 		Set colMatches   = objRE.Execute( myCurrTo )
  189. 		m_StatusMsg      = myCurrTo & " check: " & colMatches.Count & " match(es)"
  190. 		Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  191. 		If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  192. 			m_Status     = 0
  193. 			m_CurrToISO  = UCase( myCurrTo )
  194. 			' Extract and return the exchange rate from the
  195. 			' the web page; in case of error return 0
  196. 			Set objRE        = New RegExp
  197. 			objRE.Global     = False
  198. 			objRE.IgnoreCase = False
  199. 			objRE.Pattern    = "<tr><td[^>]*>([^<]*)</td><td[^>]*>" & UCase( myCurrTo ) & "</td></tr>"
  200. 			Set colMatches   = objRE.Execute( strCurrencies )
  201. 			If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  202. 				m_CurrToName = colMatches.Item(0).Submatches(0)
  203. 			Else
  204. 				m_CurrToName = ""
  205. 			End If
  206. 			Set colMatches = Nothing
  207. 			Set objRE      = Nothing
  208. 		Else
  209. 			m_Status    = 100
  210. 			m_StatusMsg = "Invalid currency code for " _
  211. 			            & """TO"" currency: " & myCurrTo
  212. 			Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  213. 		End If
  214. 		Set colMatches = Nothing
  215. 		Set objRE      = Nothing
  216. 	End Property
  218. 	Public Property Get CurrToName
  219. 		CurrToName = m_CurrToName
  220. 	End Property
  222. 	Public Property Get ExchangeRate
  223. 		ExchangeRate = m_ExchangeRate
  224. 	End Property
  226. 	Public Property Get Disclaimer
  227. 		Disclaimer = m_Disclaimer
  228. 	End Property
  230. 	Public Property Get Status
  231. 		Status = m_Status
  232. 	End Property
  234. 	Public Property Get StatusLog
  235. 		StatusLog = m_StatusLog
  236. 	End Property
  238. 	Public Property Get StatusMsg
  239. 		StatusMsg = m_StatusMsg
  240. 	End Property
  242. 	Public Property Get Version
  243. 		Version = m_Version
  244. 	End Property
  246. 	Public Sub ClearLog
  247. 		m_StatusMsg    = "Log cleared"
  248. 		m_StatusLog    = Array( FormatDateTime( Date( ), vbShortDate ) _
  249. 		                      & ", " _
  250. 		                      & FormatDateTime( Time( ), vbLongTime ) _
  251. 		                      & ": " & m_StatusMsg & "." )
  252. 	End Sub
  254. 	Public Function Query
  255. 		Dim objHTTP
  256. 		' Retrieve Yahoo's web page containing our currencies' exchange rate
  257. 		Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )
  258. 		strURL = "" _
  259. 		       & UCase( m_CurrFromISO & m_CurrToISO ) & "=X"
  260. 		objHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False
  261. 		objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "UserAgent", strUserAgent
  262. 		objHTTP.Send
  263. 		strResponse = objHTTP.ResponseText
  264. 		m_Status    = objHTTP.Status
  265. 		m_StatusMsg = "Yahoo Finance Currency Converter: " _
  266. 		            & objHTTP.Status & " = " & objHTTP.StatusText
  267. 		Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  268. 		Set objHTTP = Nothing
  270. 		' Extract and return the exchange rate from
  271. 		' the web page; in case of error return 0
  272. 		Set objRE        = New RegExp
  273. 		objRE.Global     = False
  274. 		objRE.IgnoreCase = True
  275. 		objRE.Pattern    = ">Last Trade:(<[^>]+>)+([.0-9]+)<[^>]+>"
  276. 		Set colMatches   = objRE.Execute( strResponse )
  277. 		m_StatusMsg      = "Exchange rate search: " & colMatches.Count & " match(es)"
  278. 		Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  279. 		If colMatches.Count = 1 Then
  280. 			intLastSubMatch = colMatches.Item(0).Submatches.Count - 1
  281. 			strConversion   = colMatches.Item(0).Submatches( intLastSubMatch )
  282. 			If IsNumeric( strConversion ) Then
  283. 				' Convert the match from string to number,
  284. 				' using the local decimal delimiter
  285. 				m_Status    = 0
  286. 				m_StatusMsg = "Exchange rate found: " & strConversion
  287. 				Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  288. 				strConversion  = CDbl( Replace( strConversion, ".", strDecimal ) )
  289. 				m_ExchangeRate = strConversion
  290. 			Else
  291. 				m_Status    = 100
  292. 				m_StatusMsg = "No numeric exchange rate found: " & strConversion
  293. 				Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  294. 				m_ExchangeRate = 0
  295. 			End If
  296. 		Else
  297. 			m_Status    = 100
  298. 			m_StatusMsg = "No exchange rate found"
  299. 			Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  300. 			m_ExchangeRate = 0
  301. 		End If
  302. 		Set colMatches = Nothing
  303. 		Set objRE      = Nothing
  304. 		m_Status    = 0
  305. 		m_StatusMsg = "Ready"
  306. 		Add2Log m_StatusMsg
  307. 	End Function
  309. 	Private Sub Add2Log( myLine )
  310. 		ReDim Preserve m_StatusLog( UBound( m_StatusLog ) + 1 )
  311. 		m_StatusLog( UBound( m_StatusLog ) ) = FormatDateTime( Date( ), vbShortDate ) _
  312. 		                                     & ", " _
  313. 		                                     & FormatDateTime( Time( ), vbLongTime ) _
  314. 		                                     & ": " & myLine & "."
  315. 	End Sub
  316. End Class

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0089 seconds