(view source code of wallpapr.cmd as plain text)
บ Wallpaper.Cmd บ
บ Version 1.10, 22/01/1998 บ
บ (C) 1997, 1998, Rob van der Woude บ
บ บ
บ Changes OS/2 background randomly at execution. This file - or a program บ
บ object of it - should be placed in OS/2's startup folder. บ
บ บ
บ Most recent update 22/01/1998: บ
บ Added GIF/JPG support and OS/2 version check for Lockup setting. บ
userini = value( "USER_INI", , "OS2ENVIRONMENT" )
path = value( "PATH", , "OS2ENVIRONMENT" )
parse upper value path with "\OS2\SYSTEM" -2 bootdrive +2
bitmapdir = bootdrive||"\OS2\BITMAP\*.BMP"
gifdir = bootdrive||"\OS2\BITMAP\*.GIF"
jpgdir = bootdrive||"\OS2\BITMAP\*.JPG"
parse source os type program
/* Load RexxUtil */
call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs"
call SysLoadFuncs
บ The lines calling SysFileTree were adapted so that only bitmaps marked บ
บ read-only will be used; this allows you to make a selection of bitmaps บ
บ without the need to move them into or out of your bitmap directories. บ
บ You may remove the last parameter "*-*+*" to change this and use all บ
บ bitmaps if you like, or replace "FO" with "FOS" to use bitmaps in บ
บ subdirectories as well. Furthermore you could change the starting บ
บ directories for each individual bitmap type. You could also add more บ
บ bitmap directories or more bitmap types, if your version of OS/2 will บ
บ support them. You get the idea . . . บ
call SysFileTree bitmapdir, "bitmap.", "FO", "*-*+*"
call SysFileTree gifdir, "gif.", "FO", "*-*+*"
call SysFileTree jpgdir, "jpg.", "FO", "*-*+*"
pict. = ""
/* List all BMP files */
if bitmap.0 > 0 then do i = 1 to bitmap.0
pict.i = bitmap.i
pict.0 = bitmap.0
/* Add all GIF files to the list */
if gif.0 > 0 then do i = 1 to gif.0
j = pict.0 + i
pict.j = gif.i
pict.0 = pict.0 + gif.0
/* Add all JPG files to the list */
if jpg.0 > 0 then do i = 1 to jpg.0
j = pict.0 + i
pict.j = jpg.i
pict.0 = pict.0 + gif.0
/* Quit if no bitmaps were found */
if pict.0 = 0 then exit
/* Randomly pick two bitmaps, one as the Desktop */
/* background and another one as a Lockup bitmap */
pictnum = random( 1, pict.0 )
pict1 = translate( pict.pictnum )
pictnum = random( 1, pict.0 )
pict2 = translate( pict.pictnum )
say " Background bitmap : "||pict1
say " Lockup bitmap : "||pict2
call SysSetObjectData "<WP_DESKTOP>", "BACKGROUND="||pict1||",S,1,I,0 0 0;"
บ If IBM might still release OS/2 Warp 5 or later, you should change the บ
บ line checking for Warp 4 (2.40) to Warp 4 or later. บ
setupstring = "LOCKUPBACKGROUND="||pict2||",S,1,I,0 0 0;"
if SysOS2Ver( ) = 2.40 then call SysSetObjectData "<WP_DESKTOP>", setupstring
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0051 seconds