(view source code of vbsnames.vbs as plain text)
' ==========================================================================
' VBSNames.vbs, Version 3.00
' This script demonstrates several techniques to retrieve user names,
' computer names, domain names and some related properties.
' Just run it to see which techniques work in your environment and which
' ones don't. This script won't change anything on your computer, it only
' reads some properties.
' Written by Rob van der Woude
' http://www.robvanderwoude.com
' ==========================================================================
Option Explicit
Dim arrDomainRole( 5 ), colItems, objIP, objItem, objJava, objLM
Dim objReg, objSysInfo, objWMISvc, strHostname, wshNetwork, wshShell
On Error Resume Next
' ==========================================================================
' Except for "Logon Server" and "User Domain", the next technique will work
' on any computer running Windows NT 4, 2000, XP, Server 2003 or Vista,
' wether stand-alone, in a workgroup, NT or AD domain.
' "Logon Server" and "User Domain" will be empty on stand-alone machines.
' This technique doesn't work on Windows 95/98/ME machines.
' ==========================================================================
Set wshShell = Wscript.CreateObject( "Wscript.Shell" )
WScript.Echo "Windows Environment Variables:"
WScript.Echo "=============================="
WScript.Echo "Computer Name : " & wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%COMPUTERNAME%" )
WScript.Echo "Logon Server : " & wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%LOGONSERVER%" )
WScript.Echo "User Domain : " & wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%USERDOMAIN%" )
WScript.Echo "User Name : " & wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%USERNAME%" )
Set wshShell = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' This technique should work on any Windows computer with WSH installed
' (wich excludes 95), wether stand-alone, in a workgroup, NT or AD domain.
' Requires WSH, so it won't work in HTAs.
' ==========================================================================
Set wshNetwork = Wscript.CreateObject( "Wscript.Network" )
WScript.Echo "WSHNetwork:"
WScript.Echo "==========="
WScript.Echo "Computer Name : " & wshNetwork.ComputerName
WScript.Echo "User Domain : " & wshNetwork.UserDomain
WScript.Echo "User Name : " & wshNetwork.UserName
Set wshShell = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' Except for "PDC" and "User Domain", the following next will work on any
' computer running NT 4 or later, wether in a workgroup, NT or AD domain.
' "PDC" will be empty on stand-alones or workgroup members.
' "User Domain" will be empty on stand-alones.
' This technique works on Windows 95/98/ME machines too, if AD client
' software is installed.
' ==========================================================================
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject( "WinNTSystemInfo" )
WScript.Echo "ADSI (WinNTSystemInfo):"
WScript.Echo "======================="
WScript.Echo "Computer Name : " & objSysInfo.ComputerName
WScript.Echo "PDC : " & objSysInfo.PDC
WScript.Echo "User Domain : " & objSysInfo.DomainName
WScript.Echo "User Name : " & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique requires Active Directory.
' It doesn't work on stand-alones or computers in a workgroup or NT domain.
' This technique works on Windows 95/98/ME machines too, if AD client
' software is installed.
' Use custom error handling when using this technique.
' ==========================================================================
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject( "ADSystemInfo" )
WScript.Echo "ADSI (ADSystemInfo):"
WScript.Echo "===================="
WScript.Echo "Computer Name : " & objSysInfo.ComputerName
WScript.Echo "User Domain : " & objSysInfo.DomainName
WScript.Echo "User Name : " & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique will work on any WMI enabled computer, wether
' stand-alone, in a workgroup,' NT domain or AD domain.
' Domain related properties will be empty on stand-alone machines or
' workgroup menmbers.
' "Workgroup" is unreliable, as it often doesn't even work on workgroup
' members running Windows XP Professional SP2.
' This technique works on Windows 95/98/ME machines, if they have WMI
' enabled.
' ==========================================================================
Set objWMISvc = GetObject( "winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2" )
Set colItems = objWMISvc.ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem", , 48 )
WScript.Echo "WMI (Win32_ComputerSystem class):"
WScript.Echo "================================="
arrDomainRole( 0 ) = "Standalone Workstation"
arrDomainRole( 1 ) = "Member Workstation"
arrDomainRole( 2 ) = "Standalone Server"
arrDomainRole( 3 ) = "Member Server"
arrDomainRole( 4 ) = "Backup Domain Controller"
arrDomainRole( 5 ) = "Primary Domain Controller"
For Each objItem in colItems
WScript.Echo "Computer Domain : " & objItem.Domain
WScript.Echo "Domain Role : " & arrDomainRole( objItem.DomainRole )
WScript.Echo "Computer Name : " & objItem.Name
WScript.Echo "Part Of Domain : " & objItem.PartOfDomain
WScript.Echo "User Name : " & objItem.UserName
WScript.Echo "Workgroup : " & objItem.Workgroup
Set colItems = Nothing
Set objWMISvc = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique requires Windows XP, Server 2003 or Vista, and an NT or
' Active Directory domain.
' It doesn't work on stand-alones or computers in a workgroup.
' Nor does it work in Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4 or 2000.
' Use custom error handling when using this technique.
' ==========================================================================
WScript.Echo "WMI (Win32_NTDomain class):"
WScript.Echo "==========================="
Set objWMISvc = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMISvc.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NTDomain", "WQL", 48 )
For Each objItem In colItems
WScript.Echo "Computer Domain : " & objItem.DomainName
If objItem.DSPrimaryDomainControllerFlag Then
WScript.Echo "PDC : " & objItem.DomainControllerName
WScript.Echo "DC : " & objItem.DomainControllerName
End If
WScript.Echo "DC is AD Server : " & objItem.DSDirectoryServiceFlag
Set colItems = Nothing
Set objWMISvc = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique uses the native WSH Shell object to read the host name
' from the registry.
' This will work in Windows 2000 and later, but I'm not sure about earlier
' Windows versions.
' ==========================================================================
WScript.Echo "Registry (WSH Shell):"
WScript.Echo "====================="
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
WScript.Echo "Host Name : " & wshShell.RegRead( "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Hostname" )
Set wshShell = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique will work on any WMI enabled computer, wether
' stand-alone, in a workgroup,' NT domain or AD domain.
' It does require a TCP/IP based network, which is standard for Windows.
' This technique works on Windows 95/98/ME machines, if they have WMI
' enabled.
' ==========================================================================
Const HKLM = &H80000002
WScript.Echo "Registry (WMI StdRegProv):"
WScript.Echo "=========================="
Set objReg = GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//./root/default:StdRegProv" )
objReg.GetStringValue HKLM, "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters", "Hostname", strHostname
Set objReg = Nothing
WScript.Echo "Host Name : " & strHostname
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique requires System Scripting Runtime by Franz Krainer,
' available at http://www.netal.com/ssr.htm
' Use custom error handling when using this technique, as this is not native
' in Windows.
' ==========================================================================
WScript.Echo "System Scripting Runtime:"
WScript.Echo "========================="
Set objLM = CreateObject( "SScripting.LMNetwork" )
WScript.Echo "Computer Name : " & objLM.ComputerName
Set objLM = Nothing
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject( "SScripting.System" )
WScript.Echo "User Name : " & objSysInfo.UserName
Set objSysInfo = Nothing
Set objIP = CreateObject( "SScripting.IPNetwork" )
WScript.Echo "Computer Domain : " & objIP.Domain
WScript.Echo "Host Name : " & objIP.Hostname
WScript.Echo "IP address of www.google.com: " & objIP.DNSLookup( "www.google.com" )
WScript.Sleep 1000
Set objIP = Nothing
' ==========================================================================
' The next technique requires Java Webstart and a TCP/IP based network.
' Use custom error handling when using this technique, as Java is not native
' in Windows.
' ==========================================================================
WScript.Echo "Java Webstart:"
WScript.Echo "=============="
Set objJava = CreateObject( "JavaWebStart.isInstalled" )
WScript.Echo "IP address of www.google.com: " & objJava.dnsResolve( "www.google.com" )
Set objJava = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0078 seconds