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Source code for tasklist.cmd

(view source code of tasklist.cmd as plain text)

  1. /*
  3.  º  TaskList                                          last update: 31/07/99  º
  4.  º  (C) 1997 - 1999, Rob van der Woude                                       º
  5.  º  Shows program names and types as OS/2's Tasklist does.                   º
  6.  º  May be redirected to file or any standard input.                         º
  7.  º  Use /? parameter to show help screen.                                    º
  8.  º  Use /A parameter to show "All" active processes.                         º
  9.  º  Use /C parameter to show "all" in Continuous output.                     º
  11. */
  13. /* Initialize RexxUtil */
  14. call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs"
  15. call SysLoadFuncs
  17. if left( strip( strip( translate( arg( 1 ) ) ), "L", "/" ), 1 ) = "?" then do
  18. 	call SysCls
  19. 	say ""
  20. 	say " TaskList"
  21. 	say "   displays a list of active programs"
  22. 	say ""
  23. 	say " Usage:"
  24. 	say "   TASKLIST [ /All | /Continuous ]"
  25. 	say ""
  26. 	say " The /A option will also display otherwise invisible processes."
  27. 	say " The /C option will do the same AND pause after each screen."
  28. 	say ""
  29. 	say " Press any key . . ."
  30. 	call SysCurState "OFF"
  31. 	call SysGetKey "NOECHO"
  32. 	exit
  33. end
  35. /* Initialize RexxLib */
  36. call RxFuncAdd "RexxLibRegister", "RexxLib", "RexxLibRegister"
  37. call RexxLibRegister
  39. /* Definities */
  40. progtype.  = ""
  41. ptype.0    = 7
  42. ptype.1    = "OS/2 full screen"
  43. ptype.2    = "OS/2 window"
  44. ptype.3    = "PM"
  45. ptype.4    = "DOS or Win-OS/2 full screen"
  46. ptype.5    = "unknown"
  47. ptype.6    = "unknown"
  48. ptype.7    = "DOS or Win-OS/2 window"
  49. all        = 0
  50. if left( strip( strip( translate( arg( 1 ) ) ), "L", "/" ), 1 ) = "A" then do
  51. 	all = 1
  52. end
  53. continuous = 0
  54. if left( strip( strip( translate( arg( 1 ) ) ), "L", "/" ), 1 ) = "C" then do
  55. 	continuous = 1
  56. 	all        = 1
  57. end
  59. /* Find active processes */
  60. call DosSwitchList "progtitle.", , , , "progtype.", "progvisible."
  61. if progtitle.0 > 0 then do
  62. 	call SysCls
  63. 	screentitle = " Active programs:                                          "||date( "E" )||"    "||time( "N" )
  64. 	say screentitle
  65. 	say ""
  66. 	i = 0
  67. 	do j = 1 to progtitle.0
  68. 		if progvisible.j = 4 | all = 1 then do
  69. 			i = i + 1
  70. 			say "   Programma description   :  "||progtitle.j
  71. 			type  = progtype.j
  72. 			ctype = ptype.type
  73. 			if type = 0 then ctype = "System"
  74. 			if progvisible.j <> 4 then ctype = "System"
  75. 			say "   Program type            :  "||ctype
  76. 			say ""
  77. 			if i = 7 & continuous = 0 then do
  78. 				say " Press any key . . ."
  79. 				call SysCurState "OFF"
  80. 				call SysGetKey "NOECHO"
  81. 				call SysCls
  82. 				say screentitle
  83. 				say ""
  84. 				i = 0
  85. 			end
  86. 		end
  87. 	end
  88. 	if i > 0 & continuous = 0 then do
  89. 		call SysCurPos 23, 0
  90. 		say " Druk op een toets . . ."
  91. 		call SysCurState "OFF"
  92. 		call SysGetKey "NOECHO"
  93. 	end
  94. end

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