(view source code of ripcd.vbs as plain text)
Option Explicit
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim gvbForceOverwrite, gvbInteractive, gvbLanguageFile, gvbMyMusic
Dim gvdMessages
Dim gvbRetry, gvbQuiet
Dim i, intAnswer, intButtons, intFirstTrack, intLastTrack, intTracks, gviCDROMDrives, gviAudioCDsLoaded, intValidArgs
Dim gvoAudioCDsList, gvoCDROMDrivesList, gvoConfigFile, objFile, gvoFSO, gvoWMIService, wshShell
Dim gvsCDROMDrive, gvsDrives, gvsTargetFolder, gvsVLCPath, strFile, strFileList, strMessage, strTitle, strPrefCDROM, gvsLanguage, gvsProgVer
gvsProgVer = "1.00"
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set gvoFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Set gvoCDROMDrivesList = CreateObject( "System.Collections.ArrayList" )
Set gvoAudioCDsList = CreateObject( "System.Collections.ArrayList" )
Set gvoWMIService = GetObject( "winmgmts://./root/CIMV2" )
Set gvdMessages = CreateObject( "Scripting.Dictionary" )
With WScript.Arguments.Named
intValidArgs = 0
If .Exists( "L" ) Then ' Use translated or customized messages
gvbLanguageFile = True
gvsLanguage = .Item( "L" )
intValidArgs = intValidArgs + 1
gvbLanguageFile = False
End If
GetMessages ' Get a list of default error and status messages, and replace them by translated or customized messages if applicable
If .Exists( "F" ) Then ' Overwrite existing MP3 files in the target folder without prompt for confirmation
gvbForceOverwrite = True
intValidArgs = intValidArgs + 1
gvbForceOverwrite = False
End If
If .Exists( "I" ) Then ' Interactive mode: prompt for anything not specified on the command line
gvbInteractive = True
intValidArgs = intValidArgs + 1
If .Exists( "M" ) Then
gvbMyMusic = True
intValidArgs = intValidArgs + 1
gvbMyMusic = False
End If
gvbInteractive = False
End If
If .Exists( "Q" ) Then ' Quiet mode: no status messages on screen, error messages only
gvbQuiet = True
intValidArgs = intValidArgs + 1
gvbQuiet = False
End If
If .Exists( "?" ) Then Syntax ""
If intValidArgs <> .Count Then Syntax gvdMessages.Item( "InvalidSwitches" )
End With
With WScript.Arguments.Unnamed
Select Case .Count
Case 0 ' No "unnamed" arguments only allowed in interactive mode
If gvbInteractive Then
' Prompt for target folder
If gvbMyMusic Then
gvsTargetFolder = BrowseFolder( gvdMessages.Item( "SelectTargetFolder" ), wshShell.RegRead( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\My Music" ) )
gvsTargetFolder = BrowseFolder( gvdMessages.Item( "SelectTargetFolder" ), wshShell.SpecialFolders( "DESKTOP" ) )
End If
' Abort if "Cancel" button was clicked
If IsNull( gvsTargetFolder ) Then
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) & " . . ."
AbortScript 1
End If
Syntax ""
End If
Case 1 ' First "unnamed" argument is the target folder
gvsTargetFolder = .Item(0)
Case 2 ' First "unnamed" argument is the target folder, second is the CDROM drive to read
gvsTargetFolder = .Item(0)
strPrefCDROM = UCase( .Item(1) )
Case Else ' There is no case where more than 2 "unnamed" arguments are valid
Syntax gvdMessages.Item( "InvalidArgs" )
End Select
End With
' Create target folder if necessary
If Not MakeDir( gvsTargetFolder ) Then ' Target folder does not exist and creating it failed
If gvbInteractive Then ' Prompt for a retry in interactive mode
' Ask if the user wants to try again
strTitle = gvdmessages.Item( "AlternateTarget" )
intButtons = vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbApplicationModal
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "MakeDirError" )
If Not IsNull( gvsTargetFolder ) Then strMessage = strMessage & " """ & gvsTargetFolder & """"
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "AlternatePrompt" )
intAnswer = MsgBox( strMessage, intButtons, strTitle )
If intAnswer = vbYes Then ' User wants to try a different target folder
' Prompt for alternate target folder
If gvbMyMusic Then ' /M switch was used to start browsing in "My Music"
gvsTargetFolder = BrowseFolder( gvdMessages.Item( "AlternateTarget" ), wshShell.RegRead( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\My Music" ) )
Else ' /M not used, start browsing in "Desktop"
gvsTargetFolder = BrowseFolder( gvdMessages.Item( "AlternateTarget" ), wshShell.SpecialFolders( "DESKTOP" ) )
End If
If IsNull( gvsTargetFolder ) Then ' Cancel button was clicked
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) & " . . ."
AbortScript 1
End If
If Not MakeDir( gvsTargetFolder ) Then ' Alternate target folder does not exist and creating it failed
Syntax Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "MakeDirError" ), "%1", gvsTargetFolder )
End If
Else ' User gave up after first MakeDir error
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) & " . . ."
AbortScript 1
End If
Else ' Abort unless in interactive mode
Syntax Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "MakeDirError" ), "%1", gvsTargetFolder )
End If
End If
' Check for existing Track*.mp3 files ik the target folder
strFileList = ""
intTracks = 0 ' Total number of tracks found
intFirstTrack = 10000 ' Lowest track index number found so far
intLastTrack = 0 ' Highest track index number found so far
With gvoFSO
For Each objFile In .GetFolder( gvsTargetFolder ).Files
strFile = objFile.Name
If LCase( .GetExtensionName( strFile ) ) = "mp3" Then
If Left( LCase( .GetBaseName( strFile ) ), 5 ) = "track" Then
If IsNumeric( Mid( .GetBaseName( strFile ), 6 ) ) Then
intFirstTrack = Min( intFirstTrack, CInt( Mid( .GetBaseName( strFile ), 6 ) ) )
intLastTrack = Max( intLastTrack, CInt( Mid( .GetBaseName( strFile ), 6 ) ) )
intTracks = intTracks + 1
strFileList = strFileList & ", """ & .GetFileName( strFile ) & """"
End If
End If
End If
End With
' Display as range if possible, e.g. "Track1.mp3 .. Track4.mp3" instead of "Track1.mp3, Track2.mp3, Track3.mp3, Track4.mp3"
If intLastTrack - intFirstTrack + 1 = intTracks And intTracks > 2 Then
strFileList = "Track" & intFirstTrack & ".mp3 .. Track" & intLastTrack & ".mp3"
' Remove leading comma and space
strFileList = Mid( strFileList, 3 )
End If
Select Case intTracks
Case 0
strMessage = Replace( Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "FilesInTargetFolder" ), "%1", gvdMessages.Item( "ZeroNo" ) ), "%2", "s" )
Case 1
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "FileInTargetFolder" ) & ": " & strFileList
Case Else
strMessage = Replace( Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "FilesInTargetFolder" ), "%1", intTracks ), "%2", "s" ) & ": " & strFileList
End Select
If gvbInteractive Then
If intTracks > 0 Then ' Prompt for confirmation to overwrite existing MP3 files in target folder
If intTracks = 1 Then
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "OverwritePrompt1" )
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "OverwritePromptMulti" )
End If
intButtons = vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbApplicationModal
strTitle = gvdMessages.Item( "OverwritePromptTitle" )
intAnswer = MsgBox( strMessage, intButtons, strTitle )
If intAnswer = vbYes Then
WScript.Echo gvdMessages.Item( "Overwriting" ) & " . . ."
gvbForceOverwrite = True
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) & " . . ."
AbortScript 1
End If
End If
If intTracks > 0 Or Not gvbQuiet Then WScript.Echo strMessage
End If
If intTracks > 0 And Not gvbForceOverwrite Then
' Existing tracks were found in target folder and overwrite is not allowed
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) & " . . ."
AbortScript 1
End If
' List all CDROM drives
If Not GetCDROMDrivesList( ) Then
' Abort if no CDROM drive is found
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) & " . . ."
AbortScript 1
End If
' Check which one contains an audio CD
If Not GetAudioCDDrive( strPrefCDROM ) Then AbortScript 1 ' Abort if Abort button is clicked
Loop While gvbRetry ' Retry if no audio CD or multiple audio CDs are found and Retry is clicked
' Get path of VLC executable
On Error Resume Next
gvsVLCPath = wshShell.RegRead( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VideoLAN\VLC\" )
On Error Goto 0
If gvsVLCPath = "" Then
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "VLCNotFoundText" )
strTitle = gvdMessages.Item( "VLCNotFoundTitle" )
intButtons = vbYesNoCancel + vbInformation + vbApplicationModal
intAnswer = MsgBox( strMessage, intButtons, strTitle )
If intAnswer = vbYes Then
wshShell.Run "http://www.videolan.org/", 3, False
End If
AbortScript 1
End If
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "ReadingFromCDROM" ) & " " & gvsCDROMDrive & vbCrLf _
& gvdMessages.Item( "ExportingToFolder" ) & " """ & gvsTargetFolder & """"
If Not gvbQuiet Then WScript.Echo strMessage
' Run export command for each track on the audio CD
For Each objFile In gvoFSO.GetDrive( gvsCDROMDrive ).RootFolder.Files
ExtractTrack objFile.Name
' Done
AbortScript 0
Function BrowseFolder( strPrompt, strDefaultFolder )
Dim objFolder, objShell
Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = 1 ' Only return file system directories. If the user selects folders that are not part of the file system, the OK button is grayed. The OK button remains enabled for UNC items.
Const BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN = 2 ' Do not include network folders below the domain level in the dialog box's tree view control.
Const BIF_STATUSTEXT = 4 ' Include a status area in the dialog box. The callback function can set the status text by sending messages to the dialog box. This flag is not supported when BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE is specified.
Const BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS = 8 ' Only return file system ancestors. An ancestor is a subfolder that is beneath the root folder in the namespace hierarchy. If the user selects an ancestor of the root folder that is not part of the file system, the OK button is grayed.
Const BIF_EDITBOX = 16 ' Include an edit control in the browse dialog box that allows the user to type the name of an item.
Const BIF_VALIDATE = 32 ' If the user types an invalid name into the edit box, the browse dialog box calls the application's BrowseCallbackProc with the BFFM_VALIDATEFAILED message. This flag is ignored if BIF_EDITBOX is not specified.
Const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE = 64 ' Use the new user interface. Setting this flag provides the user with a larger dialog box that can be resized. The dialog box has several new capabilities, including: drag-and-drop capability within the dialog box, reordering, shortcut menus, new folders, delete, and other shortcut menu commands.
Const BIF_USENEWUI = 80 ' Use the new user interface, including an edit box. This flag is equivalent to BIF_EDITBOX | BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE.
Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEURLS = 128 ' The browse dialog box can display URLs. The BIF_USENEWUI and BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES flags must also be set. If any of these three flags are not set, the browser dialog box rejects URLs. Even when these flags are set, the browse dialog box displays URLs only if the folder that contains the selected item supports URLs. When the folder's IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf method is called to request the selected item's attributes, the folder must set the SFGAO_FOLDER attribute flag. Otherwise, the browse dialog box will not display the URL.
Const BIF_UAHINT = 256 ' When combined with BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE, adds a usage hint to the dialog box, in place of the edit box. BIF_EDITBOX overrides this flag.
Const BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON = 512 ' Do not include the New Folder button in the browse dialog box.
Const BIF_NOTRANSLATETARGETS = 1024 ' When the selected item is a shortcut, return the PIDL of the shortcut itself rather than its target.
Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER = 4096 ' Only return computers. If the user selects anything other than a computer, the OK button is grayed.
Const BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER = 8192 ' Only allow the selection of printers. If the user selects anything other than a printer, the OK button is grayed. In Windows XP and later systems, the best practice is to use a Windows XP-style dialog, setting the root of the dialog to the Printers and Faxes folder (CSIDL_PRINTERS).
Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES = 16384 ' The browse dialog box displays files as well as folders.
Const BIF_SHAREABLE = 32768 ' The browse dialog box can display sharable resources on remote systems. This is intended for applications that want to expose remote shares on a local system. The BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE flag must also be set.
Const BIF_BROWSEFILEJUNCTIONS = 65536 ' Windows 7 and later. Allow folder junctions such as a library or a compressed file with a .zip file name extension to be browsed.
BrowseFolder = Null
On Error Resume Next
Set objShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" )
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder( 0, strPrompt, BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS + BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS + BIF_VALIDATE + BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE, strDefaultFolder )
If IsObject( objFolder ) Then BrowseFolder = objFolder.Self.Path
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objshell = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Function
Sub ExtractTrack( strTrack )
Dim intTrack, strMessage, strMP3, strVLCCommand
intTrack = Right( gvoFSO.GetBaseName( strTrack ), 3 )
If Not IsNumeric( intTrack ) Then intTrack = Right( gvoFSO.GetBaseName( strTrack ), 2 )
If Not IsNumeric( intTrack ) Then intTrack = Right( gvoFSO.GetBaseName( strTrack ), 1 )
If Not IsNumeric( intTrack ) Then
WScript.Echo vbCrLf & gvdMessages.Item( "SkippedUnknown" ) & ": """ & strTrack & """"
Exit Sub
End If
intTrack = CInt( intTrack )
With gvoFSO
strMP3 = .BuildPath( gvsTargetFolder, .GetBaseName( strTrack ) & ".mp3" )
strVLCCommand = """" & gvsVLCPath & """ -I http cdda:///" & gvsCDROMDrive & "/ --cdda-track=" & intTrack & " :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:std{access=""file"",mux=raw,dst=""" & strMP3 & """} vlc://quit"
strMessage = vbCrLf _
& gvdMessages.Item( "Transcoding" ) & " " & strTrack & vbCrLf _
& gvdMessages.Item( "OutputTo" ) & " """ & strMP3 & """" & vbCrLf _
& gvdMessages.Item( "Exporting" ) & " . . ." '& vbCrLf & strVLCCommand
If Not gvbQuiet Then WScript.Echo strMessage
wshShell.Run strVLCCommand, 7, True
End With
End Sub
' Detect CDROM drives and audio CDs.
' Return true if only 1 audio CD is loaded, and store the drive letter.
Function GetAudioCDDrive( strDrive )
GetAudioCDDrive = True
Dim i, intAnswer, intButtons
Dim colItems, objItem
Dim strAudioCDs, strMessage, strQuery, strTitle
gvbRetry = False
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_CDROMDrive WHERE MediaLoaded=True AND VolumeName LIKE 'Audio%'"
If Not strDrive = "" Then strQuery = strQuery & " AND Drive='" & UCase( strDrive ) & "'"
Set colItems = gvoWMIService.ExecQuery( strQuery )
gviAudioCDsLoaded = colItems.Count
Select Case gviAudioCDsLoaded
Case 0
If strDrive = "" Then
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioCDText1" )
If gviCDROMDrives > 1 Then
strMessage = Replace( strMessage, "%1", Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioCDText2" ), "%1", gvsDrives ) ) ' gvsDrives is set in GetCDROMDrivesList( )
strMessage = Replace( strMessage, "%1", "" )
End If
strMessage = Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioDriveSpecText" ), "%1", UCase( strDrive ) )
End If
strMessage = Replace( strMessage, "\n", vbCrLf )
strTitle = gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioCDTitle" )
intButtons = vbRetryCancel + vbInformation + vbApplicationModal
intAnswer = MsgBox( strMessage, intButtons, strTitle )
If intAnswer = vbRetry Then
gvbRetry = True
GetAudioCDDrive = False
End If
Case 1
For Each objItem In colItems
gvsCDROMDrive = objItem.Drive
Case Else
For Each objItem In colItems
gvoAudioCDsList.Add objItem.Drive
strAudioCDs = gvoAudioCDsList.Item(0)
For i = 1 To gviAudioCDsLoaded - 1
If i = gviAudioCDsLoaded - 1 Then
strAudioCDs = strAudioCDs & " or " & gvoAudioCDsList.Item(i)
strAudioCDs = strAudioCDs & ", " & gvoAudioCDsList.Item(i)
End If
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "MultipleAudioCDsText" )
strTitle = gvdMessages.Item( "MultipleAudioCDsTitle" )
intButtons = vbRetryCancel + vbInformation + vbApplicationModal
intAnswer = MsgBox( strMessage, intButtons, strTitle )
If intAnswer = vbRetry Then
gvbRetry = True
GetAudioCDDrive = False
End If
End Select
Set colItems = Nothing
End Function
' Get CDROM drive letter(s), return False if none found
Function GetCDROMDrivesList( )
GetCDROMDrivesList = True
Dim intButtons, intTracks
Dim colItems, objItem
Dim strDrive, strMessage, strQuery, strTitle
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_CDROMDrive"
Set colItems = gvoWMIService.ExecQuery( strQuery )
gviCDROMDrives = colItems.Count
For Each objItem In colItems
strDrive = objItem.Drive
strMessage = strMessage & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "FoundCDROMDrive" ), "%1", strDrive )
gvoCDROMDrivesList.Add strDrive
If LCase( Left( objItem.VolumeName, 5 ) ) = "audio" Then
strMessage = Replace( strMessage, "%2", gvdMessages.Item( "AudioCDLoadedYes" ) ) & vbCrLf
intTracks = gvoFSO.GetFolder( strDrive & "\" ).Files.Count
If intTracks = 1 Then
strMessage = Replace( strMessage, "%3", ", 1 " & gvdMessages.Item( "Track" ) )
strMessage = Replace( strMessage, "%3", ", " & intTracks & " " & gvdMessages.Item( "Tracks" ) )
End If
strMessage = Replace( Replace( strMessage, "%2", gvdMessages.Item( "AudioCDLoadedNo" ) ), "%3", "" ) & vbCrLf
End If
If Not gvbQuiet Then WScript.Echo strMessage
gvsDrives = ""
Select Case gviCDROMDrives
Case 0
strMessage = gvdMessages.Item( "NoCDROMDriveText" )
strTitle = gvdMessages.Item( "NoCDROMDriveTitle" )
intButtons = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation + vbApplicationModal
MsgBox strMessage, intButtons, strTitle
GetCDROMDrivesList = False
Case 1
gvsDrives = gvoCDROMDrivesList.Item(0)
Case Else
gvsDrives = gvoCDROMDrivesList.Item(0)
For i = 1 To gviCDROMDrives - 1
If i = gviCDROMDrives - 1 Then
gvsDrives = gvsDrives & " " & gvdMessages.Item( "or" ) & " " & gvoCDROMDrivesList.Item(i)
gvsDrives = gvsDrives & ", " & gvoCDROMDrivesList.Item(i)
End If
End Select
Set colItems = Nothing
End Function
' Get a list of default error and status messages, and replace them by translated messages if applicable
Sub GetMessages( )
Dim strConfigFile, strConfigText, strKey, strLine, strVal
gvdMessages.Item( "Aborting" ) = "Aborting"
gvdMessages.Item( "AlternatePrompt" ) = "Do you want to specify an alternative target folder?"
gvdMessages.Item( "AlternateTarget" ) = "Please select/create an alternative target folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "AudioCDLoadedNo" ) = "no"
gvdMessages.Item( "AudioCDLoadedYes" ) = "with"
gvdMessages.Item( "CreatingFolder" ) = "Creating folder: ""%1"""
gvdMessages.Item( "CustomFileNotFound" ) = "Custom messages file not found"
gvdMessages.Item( "Error" ) = "ERROR"
gvdMessages.Item( "Exporting" ) = "Exporting"
gvdMessages.Item( "ExportingToFolder" ) = "Exporting to output folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "FileInTargetFolder" ) = "Found a file in target folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "FilesInTargetFolder" ) = "Found %1 file%2 in target folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "FoundCDROMDrive" ) = "Found CDROM drive %1 (%2 audio CD loaded%3)"
gvdMessages.Item( "InvalidArgs" ) = "Invalid command line arguments."
gvdMessages.Item( "InvalidSwitches" ) = "Invalid or duplicate command line switches."
gvdMessages.Item( "MakeDirError" ) = "Unable to create target folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "MultipleAudioCDsText" ) = "The script found multiple CDROM drives with an audio CD inserted.\n\nEither specify the CDROM drive on the command line, or remove all audio CDs but one and click Retry to try again."
gvdMessages.Item( "MultipleAudioCDsTitle" ) = "Multiple Audio CDs"
gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioCDText1" ) = "The script was unable to locate a CDROM drive with an audio CD inserted.\n\nPlease insert an audio CD%1 and click Retry to try again."
gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioCDText2" ) = " in one of the CDROM drives (%1)"
gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioDriveSpecText" ) = "No audio CD found in the specified CDROM drive (%1)\n\nPlease insert an audio CD in CDROM drive %1 and click Retry to try again."
gvdMessages.Item( "NoAudioCDTitle" ) = "No Audio CD"
gvdMessages.Item( "NoCDROMDriveText" ) = "The script was unable to locate a CDROM drive.\n\nPlease specify a CDROM drive on the command line."
gvdMessages.Item( "NoCDROMDriveTitle" ) = "No CDROM Drive"
gvdMessages.Item( "or" ) = "or"
gvdMessages.Item( "OutputTo" ) = "Output to"
gvdMessages.Item( "OverwritePrompt1" ) = "Do you want to overwrite it?"
gvdMessages.Item( "OverwritePromptMulti" ) = "Do you want to overwrite them?"
gvdMessages.Item( "OverwritePromptTitle" ) = "Overwrite Files?"
gvdMessages.Item( "Overwriting" ) = "Overwriting files"
gvdMessages.Item( "ReadingFromCDROM" ) = "Reading from CDROM drive"
gvdMessages.Item( "SelectTargetFolder" ) = "Select a target folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "SkippedUnknown" ) = "Skipped unknown content"
gvdMessages.Item( "Track" ) = "track"
gvdMessages.Item( "Tracks" ) = "tracks"
gvdMessages.Item( "Transcoding" ) = "Transcoding"
gvdMessages.Item( "VLCNotFoundText" ) = "The script could not find a VLC Media Player installation.\n\nVLC Media Player is required for this script.\n\nDo you want to open the VLC download page in your browser?"
gvdMessages.Item( "VLCNotFoundTitle" ) = "VLC Not Found"
gvdMessages.Item( "ZeroNo" ) = "no"
' Help Text lines
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxTitleLine" ) = "RipCD.vbs, Version %1"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxDescrLine" ) = "Save audio CD tracks as MP3s"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxUsageLine" ) = "Usage: RIPCD.VBS targetfolder [drive:] [/F] [/I [/M]] [/L:lang] [/Q]"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereTarget" ) = "Where: ""targetfolder"" is the fully qualified path to the folder where the\nMP3s are to be stored"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereDrive" ) = "drive: is the CDROM drive letter where the audio CD is located"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwF" ) = "/F Force overwrite of existing files in the target folder"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwI" ) = "/I Interactive mode: prompt for input when necessary"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwL" ) = "/L[:lang] use translated or custom messages (see note 3 below)"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwM" ) = "/M suggest ""My Music"" or subfolders only as targetfolder\nwhen in Interactive mode (requires /I)"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwQ" ) = "/Q Quiet mode: less screen output (errors only)"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxNotes1" ) = "Notes: 1 This script requires VLC Media Player; if it isn't found, you will\nbe prompted to open the VLC download page in your default web browser."
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxNotes2" ) = "2 By default, the script will abort if ""Track*.mp3"" files are detected\nin the target folder. Use /F to overwrite without confirmation."
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxNotes3" ) = "3 The default messages can be replaced by translated or custom messages;\nto do so, run the script with the /L switch (no value) to create a\ntemplate file ""RipCD.en"". Open that file in a text editor, modify\nthe messages you want to change or translate, and save the file with\na different extension (e.g. ""ripcd.NL"" for a Dutch translation).\nTo use the modified messages, run the script with /L:extension\n(e.g. /L:NL for a Dutch translation located in ""ripcd.NL"")."
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxCredits" ) = "Credits: Main functionality by elrobis (http://cartometric.com/blog/2015/03/07)\nAutomatic CDROM drive and VLC path detection by Rob van der Woude"
gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxAuthor" ) = "Written by Rob van der Woude\nhttp://www.robvanderwoude.com"
If gvbLanguageFile Then
With gvoFSO
If gvsLanguage = "" Then
' Write current messages to a "template" file
strConfigFile = .BuildPath( .GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName ), .GetBaseName( WScript.ScriptName ) & ".en" )
Set gvoConfigFile = .OpenTextFile( strConfigFile, ForWriting, True )
gvoConfigFile.WriteLine "// Do not replace or translate %1 .. %3, these are ""placeholders"" for variables in messages"
For Each strKey In gvdMessages.Keys
strVal = gvdMessages.Item( strKey )
strLine = strKey & "=" & strVal
gvoConfigFile.WriteLine strLine
' Read translated or custom messages from text file
strConfigFile = .BuildPath( .GetParentFolderName( WScript.ScriptFullName ), .GetBaseName( WScript.ScriptName ) & "." & gvsLanguage )
If .FileExists( strConfigFile ) Then
Set gvoConfigFile = .OpenTextFile( strConfigFile, ForReading, False )
strConfigText = gvoConfigFile.ReadAll( )
For Each strLine In Split( strConfigText, vbCrLf )
If InStr( strLine, "=" ) Then
strKey = Left( strLine, InStr( strLine, "=" ) - 1 )
strVal = Mid( strLine, InStr( strLine, "=" ) + 1 )
gvdMessages.Item( strKey ) = strVal
End If
Syntax gvdMessages.Item( "CustomFileNotFound" ) & ": """ & strConfigFile & """"
End If
End If
Set gvoConfigFile = Nothing
End With
End If
End Sub
Function MakeDir( strFolder )
MakeDir = False
On Error Resume Next
Dim gvoFSO, strFullPath, strLeft, strNextFolder, strRoot, strTreeSoFar
Set gvoFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
strFullPath = gvoFSO.GetAbsolutePathName( gvsTargetFolder )
strRoot = gvoFSO.GetDriveName( gvsTargetFolder )
If Len( strRoot ) = 2 Then
strLeft = Mid( strFullPath, Len( strRoot ) + 2 )
strTreeSoFar = strRoot
For Each strNextFolder In Split( strLeft, "\" )
strTreeSoFar = gvoFSO.BuildPath( strTreeSoFar & "\", strNextFolder )
If Not gvoFSO.FolderExists( strTreeSoFar ) Then
If Not gvbQuiet Then WScript.Echo Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "CreatingFolder" ), "%1", strTreeSoFar )
gvoFSO.CreateFolder( strTreeSoFar )
End If
MakeDir = gvoFSO.FolderExists( strFullPath )
End If
Set gvoFSO = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
End Function
Function Max( num1, num2 )
If num1 > num2 Then
Max = num1
Max = num2
End If
End Function
Function Min( num1, num2 )
If num1 < num2 Then
Min = num1
Min = num2
End If
End Function
Sub Syntax( errMsg )
Dim strMsg
strMsg = vbCrLf
If Not errMsg = "" Then strMsg = strMsg & gvdMessages.Item( "Error" ) & ": " & errMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strMsg = strMsg _
& Replace( Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxTitleLine" ), "\n", vbCrLf ), "%1", gvsProgVer ) & vbCrLf _
& Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxDescrLine" ), "\n", vbCrLf ) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxUsageLine" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 9 ) ) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereTarget" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 9 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereDrive" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 9 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwF" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 9 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwI" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 9 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwL" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 9 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwM" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 9 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxWhereSwQ" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 25 ) ) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxNotes1" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 9 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 7 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxNotes2" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 9 ) ) & vbCrLf _
& Space( 7 ) & Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxNotes3" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 9 ) ) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxCredits" ), "\n", vbCrLf & Space( 9 ) ) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& Replace( gvdMessages.Item( "SyntaxAuthor" ), "\n", vbCrLf )
WScript.Echo strMsg
AbortScript 1
End Sub
' Abort the script after cleaning up any leftover objects
Sub AbortScript( intRC )
On Error Resume Next
Set gvdMessages = Nothing
Set gvoWMIService = Nothing
Set gvoAudioCDsList = Nothing
Set gvoCDROMDrivesList = Nothing
Set gvoConfigFile = Nothing
Set gvoFSO = Nothing
Set wshShell = Nothing
On Error Goto 0
WScript.Quit intRC
End Sub
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0208 seconds