(view source code of resistor.cmd as plain text)
/* Practice using E12 color codes for resistors */
/* (C) 1997, 1999, Rob van der Woude */
/* Latest revision 1999/02/28 */
/* Use this program at your own risk. */
/* You may copy, distribute or even modify this */
/* program, provided you leave a note explaining */
/* your modifications in this header. */
/* Initialize RexxUtil */
call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "RexxUtil", "SysLoadFuncs"
call SysLoadFuncs
/* Change code page to enable display of Omega character */
address CMD "@CHCP 437"
/* Parse command line parameter, if any */
parse upper arg level and_the_rest
/* Constants */
freq = 220
Esc = "1B"X
/* Colors for first and second ring */
sblack = Esc||"[0;1;37;40m"
sbrown = Esc||"[0;1;37;43m"
sred = Esc||"[0;1;37;41m"
sorange = Esc||"[0;1;33;41m"
syellow = Esc||"[0;5;30;43m"
sgreen = Esc||"[0;1;37;42m"
sblue = Esc||"[0;1;37;44m"
smagenta = Esc||"[0;1;37;45m"
sgrey = Esc||"[0;1;5;37;40m"
swhite = Esc||"[0;5;30;47m"
saqua = Esc||"[0;46m"
/* Colors for third ring (multiplier) */
rsilver = -2
rgold = -1
rblack = 0
rbrown = 1
rred = 2
rorange = 3
ryellow = 4
rgreen = 5
rblue = 6
rmagenta = 7
rgrey = 8
rwhite = 9
/* Color display */
color. = ""
color.0 = 19
color.10 = sblack||" "
color.11 = sbrown||" "
color.12 = sred||" "
color.13 = sorange||"±±"
color.14 = syellow||" "
color.15 = sgreen||" "
color.16 = sblue||" "
color.17 = smagenta||" "
color.18 = sgrey||" "
color.19 = swhite||" "
/* E12 range */
E12. = ""
E12.0 = 12
E12.1 = 10
E12.2 = 12
E12.3 = 15
E12.4 = 18
E12.5 = 22
E12.6 = 27
E12.7 = 33
E12.8 = 39
E12.9 = 47
E12.10 = 56
E12.11 = 68
E12.12 = 82
/* Header text and position coding */
text1 = sblack||" black "||sbrown||" brown "||sred||" red "||sorange||"±orange±"||syellow||" yellow "||sgreen||" green "||sblue||" blue "||smagenta||" magenta"||sgrey||" grey "||swhite||" white "||Esc||"[0m"
text2 = sblack||" 0 "||sbrown||" 1 "||sred||" 2 "||sorange||"±±±±3±±±"||syellow||" 4 "||sgreen||" 5 "||sblue||" 6 "||smagenta||" 7 "||sgrey||" 8 "||swhite||" 9 "||Esc||"[0m"
text3 = sblack||" "||sbrown||" "||sred||" "||sorange||"±±±±±±±±"||syellow||" "||sgreen||" "||sblue||" "||smagenta||" "||sgrey||" "||swhite||" "||Esc||"[0m"
pos1 = Esc||"[2J"
pos2 = Esc||"[2;1H"
pos3 = Esc||"[3;1H"
pos4 = Esc||"[4;1H"
pos5 = Esc||"[5;1H"
pos6 = Esc||"[6;1H"
pos7 = Esc||"[7;1H"
pos8 = Esc||"[8;1H"
pos9 = Esc||"[9;1H"
pos10 = Esc||"[10;1H"
pos11 = Esc||"[11;1H"
pos12 = Esc||"[12;1H"
pos13 = Esc||"[13;1H"
pos14 = Esc||"[14;1H"
pos15 = Esc||"[15;1H"
pos16 = Esc||"[16;1H"
pos17 = Esc||"[17;1H"
pos18 = Esc||"[18;1H"
/* Display help if needed */
if level = "/?" then do
call Syntax
/* Display header */
do forever
when level = "2" then do
line1 = pos1||Esc||"[K"
line2 = pos2||Esc||"[K"
line3 = pos3||Esc||"[K"
when level = "1" then do
line1 = pos1||text3
line2 = pos2||text1
line3 = pos3||text3
when level = "0" then do
line1 = pos1||text1
line2 = pos2||text3
line3 = pos3||text2
otherwise do
call Syntax
say line1
say line2
say line3
/* Run main program */
do forever
call Run
/* Main program */
/* Choose random restor value */
w = random( 1, 12 )
x = random( 0, 6 )
R = E12.w * ( 10 ** x )
/* Convert value to color codes */
ring1 = E12.w % 10
ring2 = E12.w // 10
ring3 = x
color1 = 10 + ring1
color2 = 10 + ring2
color3 = 10 + ring3
color1 = color.color1
color2 = color.color2
color3 = color.color3
/* Display converted color code */
say Esc||"[14;29H"||saqua||" "||color1||saqua||" "||color2||saqua||" "||color3||saqua||" "
say Esc||"[15;29H"||saqua||" "||color1||saqua||" "||color2||saqua||" "||color3||saqua||" "
say Esc||"[16;29H"||saqua||" "||color1||saqua||" "||color2||saqua||" "||color3||saqua||" "||Esc||"[0m"
/* Prefix Omega character with k or M if needed */
when R > 999 & R < 1000000 then do
R = R / 1000
Ohm = "k"||"EA"X
when R > 999999 then do
R = R / 1000000
Ohm = "M"||"EA"X
otherwise Ohm = "EA"X
/* Ask for input */
say Esc||"[20;32HR = .... "||"EA"X
call SysCurPos 19, 35
pull R2
say Esc||"[20;32HR = "||R||" "||Ohm||Esc||"[K"
say Esc||"[22;1HPress any key to continue, Esc to quit"
/* Quit if Esc was pressed */
if SysGetKey( "NOECHO" ) = "1B"X then do
say Esc||"[22;1H"||Esc||"[K"
say Esc||"[22;1H"||Esc||"[K"
/* Show help and start program in interactive mode */
do forever
say pos1||pos2||" Resistor, version 1.10"
say pos3||" (C) 1997, 1999, Rob van der Woude"
say pos5||" Practice using E12 range of resistor color codes"
say pos7||" Usage: RESISTOR <level>"
say pos8||" where <level> can be 0 (easy),"
say pos9||" 1 (medium) or 2 (highest level)"
say pos11||" Do you want to start the program now?"
answer = translate( SysGetKey( ) )
if answer = "N" then exit
if answer = "Y" then do
say pos12||Esc||"[K"||pos13||" What level?"
say pos14||" Choose 0 for easyest level, or"
say pos15||" choose 1 for medium level, or"
say pos16||" choose 2 for the highest level."
do forever
say pos17
level = SysGetKey( )
if level = "0" then leave
if level = "1" then leave
if level = "2" then leave
call beep freq, 250
freq = freq * 2
if freq > 3500 then freq = 220
if answer = "J" then leave
call beep freq, 250
freq = freq * 2
if freq > 3500 then freq = 220
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0085 seconds