(view source code of progressmeter.bat as plain text)
:: ******************************************************************
:: 2007_01_10 by rholt
:: core2quad@rogers.com
:: This subroutine displays a progress meter in the titlebar of
:: the current CMD shell window.
:: Input: %1 must contain the current progress (0-100)
:: Return: None
:: ******************************************************************
:: Calculate the number of vertical bars then spaces based on the percentage value passed
SET ProgressPercent=%1
SET /A NumBars=%ProgressPercent%/2
SET /A NumSpaces=50-%NumBars%
:: Clear the progress meter image
SET Meter=
:: Build the meter image using vertical bars followed by trailing spaces
:: Note there is a trailing space at the end of the second line below
FOR /L %%A IN (%NumBars%,-1,1) DO SET Meter=!Meter!I
FOR /L %%A IN (%NumSpaces%,-1,1) DO SET Meter=!Meter!
:: Display the progress meter in the title bar and return to the main program
TITLE Progress: [%Meter%] %ProgressPercent%%%
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