(view source code of memory.ps as plain text)
# Memory.ps1, Version 2.01
# Display total and free amounts of physical memory in Bytes, KB and MB
# Usage: ./Memory.ps1 [ remote_computer ]
# Written by Rob van der Woude
# http://www.robvanderwoude.com
param( [string]$computer = "." )
if ( $HOME[0] -eq "/" ) {
# Linux
# Ignores computer name
# Uses /proc/meminfo
# Tip by silver_moon on Linux.com:
# https://www.linux.com/blog/5-commands-check-memory-usage-linux
[string[]]$freeStr = ( ( Select-String -Path /proc/meminfo -Pattern "MemAvailable" ) -Split ":" )[3].Trim( ) -Split "\s+"
[string[]]$physStr = ( ( Select-String -Path /proc/meminfo -Pattern "MemTotal" ) -Split ":" )[3].Trim( ) -Split "\s+"
[int64]$free = [int64]$freeStr[0] * ( "1" + $freeStr[1] )
[int64]$phys = [int64]$PhysStr[0] * ( "1" + $physStr[1] )
} else {
# Windows
# Uses WMI
# Code generated by WMIGen:
# http://www.robvanderwoude.com/wmigen.php
$free = ( Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computer ).FreePhysicalMemory * 1KB
$phys = ( Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computer ).TotalVisibleMemorySize * 1KB
if ( $computer -ne "." ) {
Write-Host "Computer: $computer"
Write-Host "Physical memory".PadRight( 16, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host "Bytes".PadLeft( 14, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host "KB".PadLeft( 11, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host "MB".PadLeft( 8, " " )
Write-Host ( "=" * 49 )
Write-Host "Available".PadRight( 16, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host ([string]$free).PadLeft( 14, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host ([string][int]($free / 1KB)).PadLeft( 11, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host ([string][int]($free / 1MB)).PadLeft( 8, " " )
Write-Host "Total".PadRight( 16, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host ([string]$phys).PadLeft( 14, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host ([string][int]($phys / 1KB)).PadLeft( 11, " " ) -NoNewline
Write-Host ([string][int]($phys / 1MB)).PadLeft( 8, " " )
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0094 seconds