(view source code of listprinters.tcl as plain text)
set errors 0
if { $argc == 0 } {
set computer [string toupper [info hostname]]
} elseif { [regexp {[;:/\?\*]} [lindex $argv 0]] } {
set errors 1
} elseif { $argc == 1 } {
set computer [string toupper [lindex $argv 0]]
} else {
set errors 1
if { $errors != 1 } {
package require twapi_wmi
namespace path twapi
# Some basic error handling
if { [catch {[set wbem_services [comobj_object winmgmts://$computer/root/cimv2]]} errmsg] } {
# Work-around: when using catch, the "set wbem_services" command complains about
# wrong arguments; if catch isn't used, however, that same "set wbem_services"
# command continues without complaining (provided a valid computer is specified)
if { $errorCode != "TCL WRONGARGS" } {
puts "\nError: $errmsg"
set errors 1
if { $errors != 1 } {
set colitems [$wbem_services ExecQuery "SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer"]
if { [$colitems Count] == 0 } {
puts "\nNo printers found on $computer"
exit -1
} elseif { [$colitems Count] == 1 } {
puts "\n1 printer found on $computer:\n"
} else {
puts "\n[$colitems Count] printers found on $computer:\n"
set printers {}
if { [$colitems Count] != 0 } {
$colitems -iterate item {
if { [$item Default] } {
puts "\t[$item DeviceID]"
} else {
lappend printers [$item DeviceID]
$item -destroy
foreach item [lsort -dictionary $printers] {
puts "\t$item"
$colitems -destroy
$wbem_services -destroy
exit 0
if { $errors == 1 } {
puts "\nListPrinters.tcl, Version 1.02"
puts "List all printers available on the specified computer\n"
puts "Usage: tclsh.exe ListPrinters.tcl \[ computer \]\n"
puts "Where: \"computer\" is the optional host name or IP address of a"
puts " remote computer (default: local computer)\n"
puts "Notes: The default printer is listed first, followed by a sorted list"
puts " of the other printers."
puts " Return code is -1 in case of (command line) errors, otherwise 0.\n"
puts "Written by Rob van der Woude"
puts "http://www.robvanderwoude.com"
exit -1
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0058 seconds