(view source code of listfilesbetween.bat as plain text)
:: Check Windows version
IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Syntax
:: Exactly 3 mandatory command line arguments plus optional /S switch
IF "%~3"=="" GOTO Syntax
IF NOT "%~4"=="" IF /I NOT "%~4"=="/S" GOTO Syntax
:: Check if file or directory exists
IF NOT EXIST "%~3" GOTO Syntax
:: Check if dates are valid for use with XCOPY's /D switch
ECHO.%~1| FINDSTR /R /X /C:"[01]*[0-9][/\-][0-3]*[0-9][/\-][12][0-9][0-9][0-9]" >NUL || GOTO Syntax
ECHO.%~2| FINDSTR /R /X /C:"[01]*[0-9][/\-][0-3]*[0-9][/\-][12][0-9][0-9][0-9]" >NUL || GOTO Syntax
:: Use a local environment
:: Check if file or folder
SET Arg3=%~3
SET Type=File
ECHO.%~3 | FINDSTR /R /C:"[\?\*]" >NUL
IF "%~nx3"=="" (
SET Type=Folder
) ELSE (
DIR /AD /B "%~dp3" | FINDSTR /R /I /X /C:"%~nx3" >NUL && SET Type=Folder
IF "%Arg3:~-1,1%"=="\" (
SET Type=Folder
SET Arg3=%Arg3:~0,-1%
IF EXIST "!Arg3!\" SET Type=Folder
IF /I "%Type%"=="Folder" SET Arg3=%Arg3%\*.*
:: List all files after and including TO date in a temporary file
XCOPY "%Arg3%" C:\*.* /D:%~2 %4 /H /Y /L | FINDSTR /R /B /V /C:"[1-9][0-9]* " > "%Temp%.\~%~n0.tmp"
:: Now list all files older than and including FROM date, and only
:: display its path if the file is NOT listed in the temporary file
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('XCOPY "%Arg3%" C:\*.* /D:%~1 %4 /H /Y /L ^| FINDSTR /R /B /V /C:"[1-9][0-9]* "') DO (
SET Found=0
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B IN ('TYPE "%Temp%.\~%~n0.tmp"') DO (
IF "%%~A"=="%%~B" SET Found=1
IF "!Found!"=="0" ECHO %%A
:: Delete the temporary file
IF EXIST "%Temp%.\~%~n0.tmp" DEL "%Temp%.\~%~n0.tmp"
ECHO ListFilesBetween.bat, Version 1.02 for Windows NT4+
ECHO List matching files last modified between two dates
ECHO Usage: LISTFILESBETWEEN from_date to_date file_spec [ /S ]
ECHO Where: from_date is the earliest timestamp to be included
ECHO. to_date is the day after the last timestamp to be included
ECHO file_spec is the folder or file specification
ECHO /S includes subfolders
ECHO Notes: Both from_date and to_date must be in MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY format;
ECHO the order MM DD YYYY is fixed, the delimiter depends on the locale.
ECHO The file_spec must be a fully qualified path, i.e. drive:\path[\files]
ECHO or \\server\share\path[\files]; wildcards are allowed.
ECHO Files with timestamps equal to from_date are included, files with
ECHO timestamps equal to to_date are excluded; to include today's files
ECHO without having to calculate tomorrow's date, use a date in the far
ECHO future for to_date, e.g. 01/01/2100.
ECHO Matching hidden files are included.
ECHO Do not use /S switch on the root of the C: drive.
ECHO Written by Rob van der Woude
ECHO http://www.robvanderwoude.com
:: Abort with errorlevel 1 without using EXIT
IF "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" COLOR 00
page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0079 seconds