(view source code of leapyear.ps as plain text)
# LeapYear.ps1, Version 1.00
# Usage: .\LEAPYEAR.PS1 [ year ]
# Where: "year" is the year which you want to test
# (default is current year)
# Written by Rob van der Woude
# http://www.robvanderwoude.com
# Get the specified year
param( [int]$year = ( Get-Date ).Year )
# Get the current year
[int]$thisyear = ( Get-Date ).Year
# Format the output text (past, present or future?)
$is1 = "is"
$is2 = ""
If ( $year -lt $thisyear ) {
$is1 = "was"
If ( $year -gt $thisyear ) {
$is1 = "will"
$is2 = " be"
# Check if the specified year is a leap year
[boolean]$leapyear = ( [boolean]!( $year % 4 ) -and [boolean]( $year % 100 ) ) -or [boolean]!( $year % 400 )
# Display the result
If ( $leapyear ) {
Write-Host "$year $is1$is2 a leap year"
Else {
Write-Host "$year $is1 NOT$is2 a leap year"
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