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Source code for infhdr.cmd

(view source code of infhdr.cmd as plain text)

  1. /* Show INF header */
  3. parse upper arg inffile .
  4. if inffile =   "" then inffile = "*.INF"
  5. if inffile =  "?" then call Syntax
  6. if inffile = "/?" then call Syntax
  7. call SysFileTree inffile, "inf.", "FO"
  8. if inf.0   <   1  then call Syntax
  10. do i = 1 to inf.0
  11.      infstr = translate( left( filespec( "N", inf.i ), 16, " " ) )
  12.      string = charin( inf.i, 108, 100 )
  13.      endstr = pos( "00"X, string )
  14.      string = substr( string, 1, endstr - 1 )
  15.      say infstr||string
  16. end
  17. exit
  20. Syntax:
  21.      say
  22.      say "Usage: INFHDR [ INF_filespec ]"
  23.      exit
  24. return

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