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Source code for htmltags.rex

(view source code of htmltags.rex as plain text)

  1. /* Convert HTML tags to uppercase */
  3. /* Display blank line */
  4. Say
  6. /* Leave debug information on errors */
  7. Signal On Error   Name Quit
  8. Signal On Failure Name Quit
  9. Signal On Halt    Name Quit
  10. Signal On Syntax  Name Quit
  12. /* Initialize RexxUtil */
  13. If RxFuncQuery( "sysloadfuncs" ) <> 0 Then Do
  14. 	Call RxFuncAdd "sysloadfuncs", "RexxUtil", "sysloadfuncs"
  15. 	Call sysloadfuncs
  16. End
  18. /* Parse command line parameter(s) */
  19. Parse Upper Arg infiles dummy
  20. If dummy  <> "" Then Call Syntax
  21. If infiles = "" Then Call Syntax
  23. /* Check if file(s) exist */
  24. Call SysFileTree infiles, "infile.", "F"
  25. If infile.0 = 0 Then Call Syntax "File not found: "||infiles
  27. /* Covert tags in all specified files to uppercase */
  28. Do i = 1 To infile.0
  29. 	Call CheckTags infile.i
  30. End
  31. Exit
  34. CheckTags: Procedure Expose outfile
  35. 	/* Parse argument(s) */
  36. 	infile = Arg( 1 )
  37. 	Parse Value infile With . . size . file
  38. 	file = Strip( file )
  39. 	Parse Upper Value file With outfile".HTM"
  40. 	outfile = outfile||".UPC"
  42. 	/* Read file */
  43. 	allstring = CharIn( file, 1, size )
  44. 	Call LineOut file
  46. 	/* Find all tags and convert them */
  47. 	newstring = ""
  48. 	convert   = 1
  49. 	Do forever
  50. 		Parse Value allstring With string"<"tag">"allstring
  51. 		If tag = "" Then Do
  52. 			Leave
  53. 		End
  54. 		newtag = ConvertTag( tag )
  55. 		If newtag = "/SCRIPT" Then convert = 1
  56. 		If convert = 1 Then tag = newtag
  57. 		Say "Converted tag: <"||tag||">"||"0D0A"X
  58. 		newstring = newstring||string||"<"||tag||">"
  59. 		If left( newtag, 6 ) = "SCRIPT" Then convert = 0
  60. 	End
  61. 	If allstring <> "" Then newstring = newstring||allstring
  63. 	/* Save results */
  64. 	Call charout outfile, newstring
  65. 	Call LineOut outfile
  66. Return
  69. ColorConvert: procedure expose outfile
  70. 	/* Parse argument(s) */
  71. 	args = Arg( )
  72. 	string = Arg( 1 )
  73. 	If string > 1 Then Do i = 2 To args
  74. 		string = string||","||Arg( i )
  75. 	End
  77. 	/* Check if string is hex color designation */
  78. 	/* and convert to uppercase if true         */
  79. 	If Length( string ) = 7 Then Do
  80. 		If Left( string, 1 ) = "#" Then Do
  81. 			If DataType( Right( string, 6 ), "X" ) = 1 Then Do
  82. 				string = Translate( string )
  83. 			End
  84. 		End
  85. 	End
  86. Return string
  89. ConvertTag: procedure expose outfile
  90. 	/* Parse argument(s) */
  91. 	args = Arg( )
  92. 	tag = Arg( 1 )
  93. 	If args > 1 Then Do i = 2 To args
  94. 		tag = tag||","||Arg( i )
  95. 	End
  96. 	Say "Original tag:  <"||tag||">"
  98. 	/* First, remove line breaks from within tag */
  99. 	Do Until break = 0
  100. 		break = Pos( "0D0A"X, tag )
  101. 		If break > 1 Then Do
  102. 			tag = SubStr( tag, 1, break - 1 )||" "||,
  103. 			      SubStr( tag, break + 2 )
  104. 		End
  105. 	End
  107. 	/* Then, check for literals within tag */
  108. 	If Pos( '"', tag ) = 0 Then Do
  109. 		newtag = Translate( tag )
  110. 	End
  111. 	Else Do
  112. 		newtag   = ""
  113. 		Do Until qposo = 0
  114. 			qposo = pos( '"', tag )
  115. 			If qposo > 1 Then Do
  116. 				newtag = newtag||Translate( SubStr( tag, 1, qposo ) )
  117. 				tag = SubStr( tag, qposo + 1 )
  118. 			End
  119. 			qposc = Pos( '"', tag )
  120. 			If qposc > 1 Then Do
  121. 				qstr = SubStr( tag, 1, qposc - 1 )
  122. 				newtag = newtag||ColorConvert( qstr )||'"'
  123. 				tag = SubStr( tag, qposc + 1 )
  124. 			End
  125. 			Else Do
  126. 				If qposc = 1 Then Do
  127. 					newtag = newtag||'"'
  128. 					tag = SubStr( tag, 2 )
  129. 				End
  130. 				Else Leave
  131. 			End
  132. 		End
  133. 		If tag <> "" Then newtag = newtag||tag
  134. 	End
  135. Return newtag
  138. Quit: Procedure Expose outfile
  139. 	/* Close output file and end program */
  140. 	Call LineOut outfile
  141. 	Exit
  142. Return
  145. Syntax: Procedure Expose outfile
  146. 	Parse arg errmsg
  147. 	If errmsg <> "" Then Say "Error:"||"0D0A"X||errmsg||"0D0A0D0A"X
  148. 	Say "HTMLTags.rex,  Version 2.01"
  149. 	Say "Convert HTML tag commands to uppercase for readability and to conform to"
  150. 	Say "original HTML specifications"
  151. 	Say
  152. 	Say "Usage:   HTMLTAGS.REX  <html_filespec>"
  153. 	Say
  154. 	Say 'Result:  Converted file with name of HTML file and extension ".UPC"'
  155. 	Say
  156. 	Say "Written by Rob van der Woude"
  157. 	Say ""
  158. 	Call Quit
  159. Return

page last modified: 2024-04-16; loaded in 0.0078 seconds